Beads of Joy 07-30-10
The Families of Charity
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Many years ago, prior to writing about this, my heart was being tugged by the observation of so many struggling families. What follows is an excerpt I wrote about this at the time. It is so important for us to think about these things in today's difficult times:
..I wish to share something that is near and dear to my heart. My heart pours out tears to the challenges, and the sorrows; and the disappointments that the families in the world face every single day. I personally know what it feels like to be without, to suffer the pain of not being able to do for my children the way they need and the way they deserve, and to cry and beg for food (We've been there.). Life is such a joy, and a family is such a reward for that joy, what a pity it is to suffer so much when as a parent all you can do is give of yourself for your children.
I desire greatly in my heart to find a way to have aid come to such families. I pray that the Lord guides all those hearts that can help, we need to start serving such families. I know that it will be through the Holy Spirit that our hearts will be touched and directed in the direction our Blessed Lord so desires this to be. All credit goes to Jesus; it is He who desires us to love one another. Is it not He who says, "Love your neighbor as yourself" Luke 10:27. We have to stop talking about and start acting on it, people are starving and families are struggling.
We must help one another, even if it is at the cost of doing without. For some of us, the "doing without" may simple mean one or two less meals at a restaurant this month. The Lord shall provide everything we need. We must trust in Him and adore and love Him with all our heart. Once we completely surrender to Our Lord, He will indeed guide our hearts with the help of the Holy Spirit. I wanted to share this so much, this has burdened my heart for many years now. My families' poverty and suffering (that we have suffered in the past) are a testimony that our Lord has put this as a burden on my heart. It is something that needs to be addressed.
I ask for your prayers and understanding to the cause, but I also ask that you give Jesus all the credit to wherever if ever this goes anywhere. It is He who burns in my heart and keeps this burden of other families on my thoughts. And it will be only He who that can make for some sort of a solution to begin helping such families. I believe that the first step is to build your day around your prayer life. Once you begin to seriously devote time everyday to be with Jesus; He will put in your heart, the way you can help. Just simply pray, "Jesus, I trust in You."
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
(I originally wrote about this January 4, 2008)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
How Much Do You Trust?
Beads of Joy 07-29-10
How Much Do You Trust?
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Today is an absolutely joyful day to celebrate. You know this title was a result of my continual prayer and trust in our Lord. This title was written here over last weekend. And obviously I have been seeking a healing for Chrissy. Well last night was the icing on the cake, with this title and why it was chosen. It should be titled for each of us, "How Much Do I Trust?" That's what it came down to last night. I always pray when I am on the road, sometimes it's the beginning part of my night; others times it's the Rosary in the beginning, music in the middle and prayers on the end, and sometimes it's all night. You know I spend anywheres from 8-10 hours a night driving, so there is a lot of time that needs to be divided, so I can be productive and so I can stay awake. My main focus is the rosary, plus teaching CD's from Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Fr. Corapi, Fr. Larry Richards, Scott Hahn, etc. Plus I have the entire new testament on theatrical style (my original cassettes from 1983). many nights I have listened to the entire new testament. So I try to utilize my time behind the wheel. Yes I have music also and we can't forget how much I enjoy country music. But last night was one night I have to share. My life has been upside-down with Chrissy's illness, as hers has been. All I do, day in and day out, is worry about her, her pain, her suffering, her discomfort. I know I can't do anything to heal her. I do fix all her meals, make the house comfy for her, rub her back and legs, buy whatever she wants or needs. And I pray endlessly every single day, begging God to heal her. Yes I want a miracle. Please know that I do Trust in my Lord.
Well last night was no different than any other, really it wasn't, so I thought. On my way to New Jersey, Kristi started texting me and we chatted for a while. I am so grateful for such good friends who look out for me when I out there hours at a time on the road in the dark. Well last night after we chatted, I thought it would be nice to pray and meditate on the full 20 decade Rosary with my meditation CD's while offering all of it up for Chrissy's healing. I have done this before. It's peaceful, there are reflections for each mystery and music between every five mysteries. Anyhow, after I was done, I started my usually long chat and praise with my Lord. Every single night I beg Him to heal Chrissy. Last night I think I approached it a little differently. I really told Jesus how much I really do trust Him, even though at times it sounds like I have doubts. I explained, which He already knows; that me being with Chrissy all these 24 years, side by side with us going through thick and thin together, that this entire experience was very difficult for me, on a different level. Then all of a sudden I got this completely resting in the Spirit feeling, knowing in my heart and soul that Chrissy was going to be healed. Then I felt these words in my heart, "You will be shocked in a Joyful trusting way." I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper while driving. So I continued talking with our Lord, now filled with a renewed Joy.
I don't know what this all means. But right after all that,I felt a confirmation saying that there is a ministry right now that is preparing for her. She will experience a miraculous healing and this healing will be for God's glory. I hope I don't sound strange. This is not me talking. This is the overwhelming feeling I had during all these prayers and meditations last night. I also at the end began singing to myself, "Make me a channel of your peace.." I think that's my Franciscan roots helping me deal with this. I feel so much more content now, I can't explain it. I know it's our Lord resting His Spirit in me, I know He knows how much I really do trust Him. Jesus, I trust in You. I pray that prayer every single day, so many times I don't even know the true count. I think our Lord knew I needed to relax more seriously in His love. Rest ashore I am now, pun intended. LOL
Make me a channel
Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there is hatred let me bring your love.
Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord
And where there's doubt, true faith in you.
Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul.
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there's despair in life, let me bring hope
Where there is darkness, only light
And where there's sadness, ever joy.
Make me a channel of your peace
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
In giving to all men that we receive
And in dying that we're born to eternal life.
Please Pray, as often as you possibly can:
Jesus, I trust in You
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
How Much Do You Trust?
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Today is an absolutely joyful day to celebrate. You know this title was a result of my continual prayer and trust in our Lord. This title was written here over last weekend. And obviously I have been seeking a healing for Chrissy. Well last night was the icing on the cake, with this title and why it was chosen. It should be titled for each of us, "How Much Do I Trust?" That's what it came down to last night. I always pray when I am on the road, sometimes it's the beginning part of my night; others times it's the Rosary in the beginning, music in the middle and prayers on the end, and sometimes it's all night. You know I spend anywheres from 8-10 hours a night driving, so there is a lot of time that needs to be divided, so I can be productive and so I can stay awake. My main focus is the rosary, plus teaching CD's from Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Fr. Corapi, Fr. Larry Richards, Scott Hahn, etc. Plus I have the entire new testament on theatrical style (my original cassettes from 1983). many nights I have listened to the entire new testament. So I try to utilize my time behind the wheel. Yes I have music also and we can't forget how much I enjoy country music. But last night was one night I have to share. My life has been upside-down with Chrissy's illness, as hers has been. All I do, day in and day out, is worry about her, her pain, her suffering, her discomfort. I know I can't do anything to heal her. I do fix all her meals, make the house comfy for her, rub her back and legs, buy whatever she wants or needs. And I pray endlessly every single day, begging God to heal her. Yes I want a miracle. Please know that I do Trust in my Lord.
Well last night was no different than any other, really it wasn't, so I thought. On my way to New Jersey, Kristi started texting me and we chatted for a while. I am so grateful for such good friends who look out for me when I out there hours at a time on the road in the dark. Well last night after we chatted, I thought it would be nice to pray and meditate on the full 20 decade Rosary with my meditation CD's while offering all of it up for Chrissy's healing. I have done this before. It's peaceful, there are reflections for each mystery and music between every five mysteries. Anyhow, after I was done, I started my usually long chat and praise with my Lord. Every single night I beg Him to heal Chrissy. Last night I think I approached it a little differently. I really told Jesus how much I really do trust Him, even though at times it sounds like I have doubts. I explained, which He already knows; that me being with Chrissy all these 24 years, side by side with us going through thick and thin together, that this entire experience was very difficult for me, on a different level. Then all of a sudden I got this completely resting in the Spirit feeling, knowing in my heart and soul that Chrissy was going to be healed. Then I felt these words in my heart, "You will be shocked in a Joyful trusting way." I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper while driving. So I continued talking with our Lord, now filled with a renewed Joy.
I don't know what this all means. But right after all that,I felt a confirmation saying that there is a ministry right now that is preparing for her. She will experience a miraculous healing and this healing will be for God's glory. I hope I don't sound strange. This is not me talking. This is the overwhelming feeling I had during all these prayers and meditations last night. I also at the end began singing to myself, "Make me a channel of your peace.." I think that's my Franciscan roots helping me deal with this. I feel so much more content now, I can't explain it. I know it's our Lord resting His Spirit in me, I know He knows how much I really do trust Him. Jesus, I trust in You. I pray that prayer every single day, so many times I don't even know the true count. I think our Lord knew I needed to relax more seriously in His love. Rest ashore I am now, pun intended. LOL
Make me a channel
Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there is hatred let me bring your love.
Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord
And where there's doubt, true faith in you.
Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul.
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there's despair in life, let me bring hope
Where there is darkness, only light
And where there's sadness, ever joy.
Make me a channel of your peace
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
In giving to all men that we receive
And in dying that we're born to eternal life.
Please Pray, as often as you possibly can:
Jesus, I trust in You
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
It'll Cost Everything You Have
Beads of Joy 07-28-10
It'll Cost Everything You Have
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
What a truly precious week of parables this has been. This yet another day where we have a very short reading, but these simple three verses scripture today has two very incredible parables embedded in it. Today let us take a moment and look at Matthew 13:44-46 (The Parable of the Treasure and the Field / The Parable of the Merchantman and the Pearl). Both of these parables run on the same theme: giving up ALL we have, to attain the treasure, the pearl. I can't resist, I'll just share today's reading in full, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it." I just love scripture, seeing it, reading it, typing it. It's scripture, that's just another Joy that is in my life, just at a mere glance to see it, my heart fills with so much Joy and I admit excitement. You can see how in this parable we are given some tremendous insight into the heart of God and how we might obtain the treasure and pearl in Him.
The greatest thing these two parables teach is the magnificent value on the Kingdom of God. The treasure to me is showing us a box full of eternally valuable items (like the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit, the Cross, the holy scriptures, the lives of the saints, our churches, our community, the fellowship we share, and so much more). This box, a treasure of sorts, holds a variety of magnificent gifts, a price can not be put on it, its value individually exceed all the riches in the universe. In the parable the man can't afford to purchase the treasure so instead he buys the land, and what does he buy it with? All that he has. And what it is that is all that we have? How about our lives. We surrender our lives to Jesus to be of service to Him, not only to worship Him, but to also draw others to Him. Now do you see why I get so excited about the parables. And what about the second parable speaking about the pearl? This merchant found just one pearl, one measly round pearl, and in his desire to own this one pearl, (at the time this was written, pearls meant great wealth) Obviously for great wealth, there would indeed be a great price to pay to attain it. I see the pearl as (our relationship with Jesus - knowing that Jesus is real, or the blood He shed for us). And the great price again is our lives to be spent loving and worshiping Him.
Let's us reflect on a scripture that shadows these thoughts. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21. Our treasures are close to our hearts. "They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" Luke 24:32. Jesus' identity was not recognized by the men walking with Him, but after they had heard scripture from Him, there hearts were burning with joy. What do we seek in Jesus? What do we expect to get when we have Him in our lives? What do we really think the cost of having our faith is? So many questions can come from today's scripture. So what do you seek in Jesus? Compassion, forgiveness, Heaven, a love that never judges, His words, scripture. That's a great start, but we know there is so much more. Our relationship with Him, to me is what I was seeking. I wanted Him to be sincerely a very real part of my life. And that is exactly what He is. Now that we have that relationship, what do we expect from Him in it? Hopefully nothing from Him, He loved us before we were even born, He knew us in the womb, He died for us. Jesus already paid the price for us. So then what about the "cost" on our end, that I was talking about?
Jesus is the treasure we seek. He is the pearl we want. And in of surrendering of our lives and living our lives through Him that will draw us closer to Him. Jesus died for us, so that we might live; we in turn must die to our own selfish ways and sinfulness so that we can live the way He died for us to live. Did that make sense? Somehow in my jam packed brain of scripture and Catechism, all those thoughts looped together. LOL. I want you to think about these few questions: How many people put everything on the line, extend themselves and almost sell their souls to get their first home? How many do that to buy a new car? We are willing to work extra jobs, give the Realtor or dealership literally every single cent we have; so we can have that which we desire so deeply. I know I am not exaggerating. Been there, done that. And what do we do it for? The cost and maintenance and upkeep of a house. Or the cost maintenance and upkeep of a car. Inevitable we ADD burdens to our lives, yes a new car is reliable, as long as we keep it maintained. And yes a new or used home is splendid, but I need not tell most of you, ALL that is entailed in owning a home. That is why JESUS is the greatest treasure, the most precious pearl. Nothing can be compared to Him, and truly nothing we have can purchase Him; except for our lives, our thoughts, our goals and our love. Are you unsure of taking a HUGE leap of faith and put Him first and foremost and give everything you have, to have Him? If you are not sure, but you do love Him. Pray this simple prayer, "Jesus, I trust in You. Please guide my heart to seek you out and surrender all that I have so that I may have You."
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
It'll Cost Everything You Have
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
What a truly precious week of parables this has been. This yet another day where we have a very short reading, but these simple three verses scripture today has two very incredible parables embedded in it. Today let us take a moment and look at Matthew 13:44-46 (The Parable of the Treasure and the Field / The Parable of the Merchantman and the Pearl). Both of these parables run on the same theme: giving up ALL we have, to attain the treasure, the pearl. I can't resist, I'll just share today's reading in full, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it." I just love scripture, seeing it, reading it, typing it. It's scripture, that's just another Joy that is in my life, just at a mere glance to see it, my heart fills with so much Joy and I admit excitement. You can see how in this parable we are given some tremendous insight into the heart of God and how we might obtain the treasure and pearl in Him.
The greatest thing these two parables teach is the magnificent value on the Kingdom of God. The treasure to me is showing us a box full of eternally valuable items (like the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit, the Cross, the holy scriptures, the lives of the saints, our churches, our community, the fellowship we share, and so much more). This box, a treasure of sorts, holds a variety of magnificent gifts, a price can not be put on it, its value individually exceed all the riches in the universe. In the parable the man can't afford to purchase the treasure so instead he buys the land, and what does he buy it with? All that he has. And what it is that is all that we have? How about our lives. We surrender our lives to Jesus to be of service to Him, not only to worship Him, but to also draw others to Him. Now do you see why I get so excited about the parables. And what about the second parable speaking about the pearl? This merchant found just one pearl, one measly round pearl, and in his desire to own this one pearl, (at the time this was written, pearls meant great wealth) Obviously for great wealth, there would indeed be a great price to pay to attain it. I see the pearl as (our relationship with Jesus - knowing that Jesus is real, or the blood He shed for us). And the great price again is our lives to be spent loving and worshiping Him.
Let's us reflect on a scripture that shadows these thoughts. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21. Our treasures are close to our hearts. "They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" Luke 24:32. Jesus' identity was not recognized by the men walking with Him, but after they had heard scripture from Him, there hearts were burning with joy. What do we seek in Jesus? What do we expect to get when we have Him in our lives? What do we really think the cost of having our faith is? So many questions can come from today's scripture. So what do you seek in Jesus? Compassion, forgiveness, Heaven, a love that never judges, His words, scripture. That's a great start, but we know there is so much more. Our relationship with Him, to me is what I was seeking. I wanted Him to be sincerely a very real part of my life. And that is exactly what He is. Now that we have that relationship, what do we expect from Him in it? Hopefully nothing from Him, He loved us before we were even born, He knew us in the womb, He died for us. Jesus already paid the price for us. So then what about the "cost" on our end, that I was talking about?
Jesus is the treasure we seek. He is the pearl we want. And in of surrendering of our lives and living our lives through Him that will draw us closer to Him. Jesus died for us, so that we might live; we in turn must die to our own selfish ways and sinfulness so that we can live the way He died for us to live. Did that make sense? Somehow in my jam packed brain of scripture and Catechism, all those thoughts looped together. LOL. I want you to think about these few questions: How many people put everything on the line, extend themselves and almost sell their souls to get their first home? How many do that to buy a new car? We are willing to work extra jobs, give the Realtor or dealership literally every single cent we have; so we can have that which we desire so deeply. I know I am not exaggerating. Been there, done that. And what do we do it for? The cost and maintenance and upkeep of a house. Or the cost maintenance and upkeep of a car. Inevitable we ADD burdens to our lives, yes a new car is reliable, as long as we keep it maintained. And yes a new or used home is splendid, but I need not tell most of you, ALL that is entailed in owning a home. That is why JESUS is the greatest treasure, the most precious pearl. Nothing can be compared to Him, and truly nothing we have can purchase Him; except for our lives, our thoughts, our goals and our love. Are you unsure of taking a HUGE leap of faith and put Him first and foremost and give everything you have, to have Him? If you are not sure, but you do love Him. Pray this simple prayer, "Jesus, I trust in You. Please guide my heart to seek you out and surrender all that I have so that I may have You."
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Righteous Will Shine
Beads of Joy 07-27-10
The Righteous Will Shine
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
I absolute love it when Jesus takes the time to explain a parable to us. His words of wisdom are entrenched in the parable. But when He takes the time to explain exactly what He meant, the way He intended us to understand it, now that is magnificent. Today we continue reading in Matthew's gospel. Our scripture is Matthew 13:36-43 (Jesus Explains the Parable of the Weeds). This parable gives us the foresight we need to have so much more patience with the evil around us. Many often wonder, "Why are Catholics such wimps when they are attacked and criticized?" The funny part is, they say that with obviously no scriptural knowledge of God's wrath. See we are not wimps, we are like the kid in the playground who are being beat up and threatened. As we take the hits and hear the slander, our father (GOD) and all of His buddies (The Angels), and the police (God's Word) are coming shortly, to pronounce judgment on the guilty. We know if we act like our father asked to, with kindness and love and forgiveness, that we would receive our eternal reward with Him in Heaven. We must be like Jesus in the Passion. The guilty, sinful, evil doers will be thrown into prison for all eternity, or like Jesus says, "into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth." Guess those evil-doers didn't get the memo. God's wrath is sufficient when we wish the enemy to be defeated. Of cause and by all means it would be so much better if the evil, no good, thugs would repent and ask God for forgiveness and mercy. We shall pray for that outcome. We must love our enemies above all things when we are being assaulted. Even if a gun or a knife is at our throat, we must be like Jesus and love and forgive them.
Honestly now, lets really look at this and understand what Jesus is warning us and the enemy of. The enemy has planted seeds of hatred, angry, violence, lust, pride, selfishness, everything sinful you can possibly imagine. All those seeds have been hurled into our world and they desire to use that evil harvest to entwine us; into their messed up world of sin against life and love, and against God. And in the end the evil doers of the world want us to be just be like them, so we to separate ourselves from God, by hating them. Not only are the evil doers, the soldiers of satan; but they are deceitful, lying backstabbing people who despise the peace and love that we have with God. Our contentment gives them even more rage. I have seen it with my own eyes and heard with my ears in many a conversations. The funnest part of hearing someones anger towards God or Christians is by not fighting back.. oh no don't fight or argue. Just let them know that you already know how all this is going to end and you already know who wins. And then further that, if they give the chance to continue speaking and tell them that you forgive them. I will be honest with you, you must have the kahunas to do this. LOL. I mean it, if there is one thing angry mean evil doer hates, is our sincere heartfelt smiles and forgiveness and not even a flinch of offense from them. We act like we don't even hear them or care. We do care, but we can't allow ourselves to respond mean or hatefully. We must not. I know we want to, but we must trust in Jesus as we are abused and slandered. Pray, "Jesus, I trust in You"
You see the battle that has been in place for the last two thousand plus years is Jesus planting His seeds of hope, love and charity all over the world; while satan is doing the exact opposite. There's a saying that most everyone knows, "What goes around comes around." My parents use to say that a lot when I was kid. They'd say to me whenever I'd get angry, "Don't get angry Jim, let's pray that that person finds kindness in their hearts. And if they don't, what goes around comes around." That never needed to be explained to me as kid. It just meant that the evil someone gives you, will one day be the very same evil that they will receive. It's sort of biblical in many ways. We are all sinful in this world, maybe we are not evil doers killing the innocent or deceiving the masses. But regardless we are still guilty of sin. So we must consider the words Jesus has told us, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:1-2. Jesus was very serious about this. You see our enemies judge us by our faith and devotion and how we respond, or don't respond to them. We must not be like them, God's wrath is waiting for those who do.
We must only allow the love we have for Jesus to dominate our lives and our hearts. Do not allow anger or hatred to enter your heart or the way you react to evil. We must ingrain in our thoughts and understanding that the last will indeed be first and those who rudely believe they are first and that the world revolves around them, they shall be last. Scripture is clear on this, "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first." Matthew 19:29-30. We must always put Jesus first in our lives over every single person we know, and every single thing we possess. When in doubt, pray out loud, "Jesus, I trust in You"
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
The Righteous Will Shine
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
I absolute love it when Jesus takes the time to explain a parable to us. His words of wisdom are entrenched in the parable. But when He takes the time to explain exactly what He meant, the way He intended us to understand it, now that is magnificent. Today we continue reading in Matthew's gospel. Our scripture is Matthew 13:36-43 (Jesus Explains the Parable of the Weeds). This parable gives us the foresight we need to have so much more patience with the evil around us. Many often wonder, "Why are Catholics such wimps when they are attacked and criticized?" The funny part is, they say that with obviously no scriptural knowledge of God's wrath. See we are not wimps, we are like the kid in the playground who are being beat up and threatened. As we take the hits and hear the slander, our father (GOD) and all of His buddies (The Angels), and the police (God's Word) are coming shortly, to pronounce judgment on the guilty. We know if we act like our father asked to, with kindness and love and forgiveness, that we would receive our eternal reward with Him in Heaven. We must be like Jesus in the Passion. The guilty, sinful, evil doers will be thrown into prison for all eternity, or like Jesus says, "into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth." Guess those evil-doers didn't get the memo. God's wrath is sufficient when we wish the enemy to be defeated. Of cause and by all means it would be so much better if the evil, no good, thugs would repent and ask God for forgiveness and mercy. We shall pray for that outcome. We must love our enemies above all things when we are being assaulted. Even if a gun or a knife is at our throat, we must be like Jesus and love and forgive them.
Honestly now, lets really look at this and understand what Jesus is warning us and the enemy of. The enemy has planted seeds of hatred, angry, violence, lust, pride, selfishness, everything sinful you can possibly imagine. All those seeds have been hurled into our world and they desire to use that evil harvest to entwine us; into their messed up world of sin against life and love, and against God. And in the end the evil doers of the world want us to be just be like them, so we to separate ourselves from God, by hating them. Not only are the evil doers, the soldiers of satan; but they are deceitful, lying backstabbing people who despise the peace and love that we have with God. Our contentment gives them even more rage. I have seen it with my own eyes and heard with my ears in many a conversations. The funnest part of hearing someones anger towards God or Christians is by not fighting back.. oh no don't fight or argue. Just let them know that you already know how all this is going to end and you already know who wins. And then further that, if they give the chance to continue speaking and tell them that you forgive them. I will be honest with you, you must have the kahunas to do this. LOL. I mean it, if there is one thing angry mean evil doer hates, is our sincere heartfelt smiles and forgiveness and not even a flinch of offense from them. We act like we don't even hear them or care. We do care, but we can't allow ourselves to respond mean or hatefully. We must not. I know we want to, but we must trust in Jesus as we are abused and slandered. Pray, "Jesus, I trust in You"
You see the battle that has been in place for the last two thousand plus years is Jesus planting His seeds of hope, love and charity all over the world; while satan is doing the exact opposite. There's a saying that most everyone knows, "What goes around comes around." My parents use to say that a lot when I was kid. They'd say to me whenever I'd get angry, "Don't get angry Jim, let's pray that that person finds kindness in their hearts. And if they don't, what goes around comes around." That never needed to be explained to me as kid. It just meant that the evil someone gives you, will one day be the very same evil that they will receive. It's sort of biblical in many ways. We are all sinful in this world, maybe we are not evil doers killing the innocent or deceiving the masses. But regardless we are still guilty of sin. So we must consider the words Jesus has told us, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:1-2. Jesus was very serious about this. You see our enemies judge us by our faith and devotion and how we respond, or don't respond to them. We must not be like them, God's wrath is waiting for those who do.
We must only allow the love we have for Jesus to dominate our lives and our hearts. Do not allow anger or hatred to enter your heart or the way you react to evil. We must ingrain in our thoughts and understanding that the last will indeed be first and those who rudely believe they are first and that the world revolves around them, they shall be last. Scripture is clear on this, "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first." Matthew 19:29-30. We must always put Jesus first in our lives over every single person we know, and every single thing we possess. When in doubt, pray out loud, "Jesus, I trust in You"
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Monday, July 26, 2010
Parables Are Spoken Often
Beads of Joy 07-26-10
Parables Are Spoken Often
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
These parables we read about are such a wonderful treasure for each of us to ponder and mediate and learn from. The part I enjoy so much about a "parable", is the fact that they can be interpreted in a variety of ways when approached from different angles and for different reasons. Today's simple short five verses have two parables jam packed in it. Some parables take only one to two verses and Jesus' message is spread. Jesus and the Father are one, God does not need many words to make His point. Let us look at this wonderful scripture and rejoice as we learn and grow ever so much closer to our Lord. Today we are reflecting upon Matthew 13:31-35 (The Parable of the Mustard Tree and Birds / The Parable of the Leaven and Meal). The Parable of the Mustard Tree and Birds are a mere two verses, while The Parable of the Leaven and Meal are three verses. I realize many people maybe looking at these parables and they may even be thinking, "What does a mustard tree and leaven have to do with the Kingdom of God?" All of Jesus' parables never divert from the truth, there is only one purpose; and only one reason why there is such a perfect harmony in all of what Jesus had to say and teach. And that was to further the Kingdom of God to all the ends of the earth. "For this is what the Lord has commanded us: "I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth." Acts 13:47.
See how harmonious everything Jesus always said was. I think maybe that is why I am so drawn to our Lord. His message was always bold, always straight to the point, always loving. He never followed the popular route, and he never caved into any criticism. He was what He was and is: God. Let us take a look at the first parable and what do we see? We see a tiny mustard seed, one of the smallest seeds; it's also been noted for its minuteness. Let us consider these reflections. "He told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed (Jesus), which a man (God) took and planted (The Holy Spirit) in his field (The World). Though it is the smallest (By beginning in the hearts of man) of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants (Catholic Church) and becomes a tree (A world-wide ministry), so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches." Now let us further all these thoughts. We can't see a tree grow per-say, but we know it is growing. And in time like with the mustard seed, this particular tree grows large enough from the transformation that takes place within its roots. The Catholic Church began in the hearts of man and it has grown, and is still growing and continues to be thee largest world wide ministry ever. My research has led me to understand that the "birds of the air" are referring to fowls of the air; satan and his followers, who desire to land and house themselves within the tree of life. Remember satan was cast out of God's presences, he is trying both return and to destroy Gods mission to grow. You can read about satans ambitions and desire to overthrow God in Isaiah 14:12-15.
Do you see how exciting taking the time to reflect upon a parable can be. I just get so into these studies, I almost literally block out the everything. I don't mean to, I just want so much to further my excitement and understanding of what it is God expects of us as His children. The second part of today's reading is all about the leaven and the meal. This parable in the remaining three verses, yet the parable is actually only spoken of in one verse. 33. "He told them another parable. "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened." This woman seems to have added a lot of leaven to the flour, she turned it leaven. It says, "she took and hid....till it was" That seems to imply that the quantity must have been a large amount. The influence that Jesus upon the earth is enormous and sometimes His influence is hidden in a persons character or a persons words. We don't always see it, it may not be announced, but we as Christians know it's there and sense it's there. Slowly but surely Jesus was born into this world to save this world. Initially His presence was "hid" and He was added continuously "till it was all". Can you see how exciting and how powerful a parable can be. We are so fortunate to have such a loving, caring, merciful God.
Let us increase our lives of faith as the leaven (Jesus) increases in our heart. It maybe hidden in our hearts, but when our lives are ALL leaven, all will be seen and all will know. The transformation that takes place in our hearts is so exciting and the joy we experience sometimes can't be explained. I get so jumbled up in my words at times and I talk so fast when I really get to talking about my Lord. My love for Him and the love He has given to me is so beautiful and it is so thrilling I don't know how anyone who is filled with the Holy Spirit of God can contain themselves. I think that is why in my life, I have devoted my life to sharing God's love for us; and sharing the Joy He has given me, with as many who will listen (or read) to what I have to say. So many of you really know me personally, you know why I do this, you know my objectives, you may even know my heart. Here is my objective: To draw as many as humanly possible to the foot of the cross and in the presence of Jesus. And when possible share how our Blessed Mother has done that with me. I also most importantly want all of you to experience the overflowing abundant JOY; that has filled me with so much happiness and excitement that it will last for all eternity, even after an entire lifetime of giving away as much Joy as I possibly can. And one very obvious core prayer that guides me so devoutly to my Lord is, "Jesus, I trust in You"
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Parables Are Spoken Often
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
These parables we read about are such a wonderful treasure for each of us to ponder and mediate and learn from. The part I enjoy so much about a "parable", is the fact that they can be interpreted in a variety of ways when approached from different angles and for different reasons. Today's simple short five verses have two parables jam packed in it. Some parables take only one to two verses and Jesus' message is spread. Jesus and the Father are one, God does not need many words to make His point. Let us look at this wonderful scripture and rejoice as we learn and grow ever so much closer to our Lord. Today we are reflecting upon Matthew 13:31-35 (The Parable of the Mustard Tree and Birds / The Parable of the Leaven and Meal). The Parable of the Mustard Tree and Birds are a mere two verses, while The Parable of the Leaven and Meal are three verses. I realize many people maybe looking at these parables and they may even be thinking, "What does a mustard tree and leaven have to do with the Kingdom of God?" All of Jesus' parables never divert from the truth, there is only one purpose; and only one reason why there is such a perfect harmony in all of what Jesus had to say and teach. And that was to further the Kingdom of God to all the ends of the earth. "For this is what the Lord has commanded us: "I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth." Acts 13:47.
See how harmonious everything Jesus always said was. I think maybe that is why I am so drawn to our Lord. His message was always bold, always straight to the point, always loving. He never followed the popular route, and he never caved into any criticism. He was what He was and is: God. Let us take a look at the first parable and what do we see? We see a tiny mustard seed, one of the smallest seeds; it's also been noted for its minuteness. Let us consider these reflections. "He told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed (Jesus), which a man (God) took and planted (The Holy Spirit) in his field (The World). Though it is the smallest (By beginning in the hearts of man) of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants (Catholic Church) and becomes a tree (A world-wide ministry), so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches." Now let us further all these thoughts. We can't see a tree grow per-say, but we know it is growing. And in time like with the mustard seed, this particular tree grows large enough from the transformation that takes place within its roots. The Catholic Church began in the hearts of man and it has grown, and is still growing and continues to be thee largest world wide ministry ever. My research has led me to understand that the "birds of the air" are referring to fowls of the air; satan and his followers, who desire to land and house themselves within the tree of life. Remember satan was cast out of God's presences, he is trying both return and to destroy Gods mission to grow. You can read about satans ambitions and desire to overthrow God in Isaiah 14:12-15.
Do you see how exciting taking the time to reflect upon a parable can be. I just get so into these studies, I almost literally block out the everything. I don't mean to, I just want so much to further my excitement and understanding of what it is God expects of us as His children. The second part of today's reading is all about the leaven and the meal. This parable in the remaining three verses, yet the parable is actually only spoken of in one verse. 33. "He told them another parable. "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened." This woman seems to have added a lot of leaven to the flour, she turned it leaven. It says, "she took and hid....till it was" That seems to imply that the quantity must have been a large amount. The influence that Jesus upon the earth is enormous and sometimes His influence is hidden in a persons character or a persons words. We don't always see it, it may not be announced, but we as Christians know it's there and sense it's there. Slowly but surely Jesus was born into this world to save this world. Initially His presence was "hid" and He was added continuously "till it was all". Can you see how exciting and how powerful a parable can be. We are so fortunate to have such a loving, caring, merciful God.
Let us increase our lives of faith as the leaven (Jesus) increases in our heart. It maybe hidden in our hearts, but when our lives are ALL leaven, all will be seen and all will know. The transformation that takes place in our hearts is so exciting and the joy we experience sometimes can't be explained. I get so jumbled up in my words at times and I talk so fast when I really get to talking about my Lord. My love for Him and the love He has given to me is so beautiful and it is so thrilling I don't know how anyone who is filled with the Holy Spirit of God can contain themselves. I think that is why in my life, I have devoted my life to sharing God's love for us; and sharing the Joy He has given me, with as many who will listen (or read) to what I have to say. So many of you really know me personally, you know why I do this, you know my objectives, you may even know my heart. Here is my objective: To draw as many as humanly possible to the foot of the cross and in the presence of Jesus. And when possible share how our Blessed Mother has done that with me. I also most importantly want all of you to experience the overflowing abundant JOY; that has filled me with so much happiness and excitement that it will last for all eternity, even after an entire lifetime of giving away as much Joy as I possibly can. And one very obvious core prayer that guides me so devoutly to my Lord is, "Jesus, I trust in You"
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Lord, Teach Us To Pray
Beads of Joy 07-25-10
Lord, Teach Us To Pray
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
This is the absolutely thee best day of the week, I sure wish everyday could be Sunday. Remember that Elvis song, "I Wish Everyday Could Be Like Christmas", I have the same sentiment for Sundays. Well I guess to anyone retired or free at the right time every single day, that person could be at Mass all the time and celebrate it everyday. There were two separate times and places in my life that I was able to have the joy of daily Mass, and I literally went to Mass seven days a week. It was back in early days on Staten Island when I was in business with my dad and up in Western New York when I was unemployed for nine months. Now I must do whatever I can to return that joy to my life again. Today is such an exciting gospel, a truly wonderful read, and so much is covered. Today we are reflecting upon Luke 11:1-13 (The Lord's Prayer / Teachings on Prayer / Answers to Prayer) Obviously we can see that the main focus here is prayer. We are taught what to pray, how to pray, and what to expect in our prayers. Like Fr. Gerald Mullally said at our Mass last night, "Our Lord answers our prayers in three ways: Yes, No, and Maybe. The maybe just means possibly at a future date." I just paraphrased him, but I think it was verbatim. Well said Father, I am so glad you are our shepherd. Jesus teaches us to be bold and confident speaking to His Father, through the Our Father (The Lord's Prayer).
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
This is such a wonderful, precious exciting prayer that I really enjoy praying. Do we pray the Lord's Prayer with confidence, and joy and with such a feeling of closeness to our Lord? That prayer is so powerful so beautiful. We tend to follow Matthews version more closely, which can be found in chapter 6:9-13. The best way to help me convey the power and magnificence in the Lord's prayer is by me sharing a few tid-bits out of The Catechism of The Catholic Church. A truly wonderful resource I highly recommend to everyone serious in their study in the word.
2763 All the Scriptures—the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms—are fulfilled in Christ. The Gospel is this "Good News." Its first proclamation is summarized by St. Matthew in the Sermon on the Mount; the prayer to our Father is at the center of this proclamation. It is in this context that each petition bequeathed to us by the Lord is illuminated:
The Lord's Prayer is the most perfect of prayers. . . . In it we ask, not only for all the things we can rightly desire, but also in the sequence that they should be desired. This prayer not only teaches us to ask for things, but also in what order we should desire them.
2857 In the Our Father, the object of the first three petitions is the glory of the Father: the sanctification of his name, the coming of the kingdom, and the fulfillment of his will. The four others present our wants to him: they ask that our lives be nourished, healed of sin, and made victorious in the struggle of good over evil.
After Jesus teaches us to pray, He goes right into a story about friend who refuses to help another friend when they are in need. A need that nourishes the body. I think it is rather interesting how in today's gospel verses 5-8 our Lord shares with us, what some writers have called, "The Parable of the Friends at Midnight" See to every Jew, hospitality was something they honored and no matter what hour it was, they opened their doors. But Jesus shares about an unwilling friend who refuses to help his fellow Jew. But between the racket of the knocking and talking out loud while his family slept and this traveler being very persistent, the friend behind the door eventually gives in and fulfills the request; and I think it was pretty much in shame, that he met his friends request. This parable teaches us how God is not like this person who refused a friend making a request. On the contrary, God never sleeps and when we ask, He listens, answering us in three different ways as I have shared earlier. We also note that God is not like this person who answered the request to merely get rid of their friend; instead God answers our requests because He loves us, our God never grows weary of our requests. And His love for us isn't earned or ever reciprocated, He freely and openly gives us all of Himself because He loves us first. God fulfills our need for nourishment in His word and in our relationship with Him. The Our Father allows us to be such a dynamic part of Almighty God's inner circle; we are God's children now.
Ok, now that we have taken all these thoughts to this level. How can we be the good friend towards others in the same way God is towards us? It seems as though this parable is telling us not to be like the selfish, possession protecting friend shared in the gospel; but rather be ready at all times to help those around us in need. Yes at times it may not fit into our prefect schedule or our perfect world of the way maybe we want it to. But even in the inconvenience of having a Godly love and hospitality towards others; we must be cheerfully open when someone else is making a request that on the onset seems to inconveniences us. Patience and trusting in God play a significant role on how we may handle such opportunities throughout our lives. Never refuse a friends request, especially when we know for a fact that we can help them. Obviously a request that is impossible or unattainable goes without question to be understandable no. It's like a friend asking for a cup of milk, but when you look into our refrigerator, and we have none. How then can we give what we don't have? Here's a thought, maybe even a challenge.
Let's say you are asked by a neighbor for something you just don't have; do you merely turn them away and say, "Sorry friend, I do not have that to give, go seek your request elsewhere." Oh my, that is even more rude that plainly refusing to help. How about trying this: when asked for something you don't have, offer to take that person a ride to the deli or offer to go get it for them on your own, using your own money. I'm not talking about doing this so that the person you are helping starts taking advantage of your generosity. You will know and you will sense when this would be appropriate. Trust that God has sent this person to you, knowing well that your love for God is within you; and that love will flow over in your efforts to help your friend. When in doubt every chance you get, always pray these wonderful words to our Lord, "Jesus, I trust in You"
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Lord, Teach Us To Pray
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
This is the absolutely thee best day of the week, I sure wish everyday could be Sunday. Remember that Elvis song, "I Wish Everyday Could Be Like Christmas", I have the same sentiment for Sundays. Well I guess to anyone retired or free at the right time every single day, that person could be at Mass all the time and celebrate it everyday. There were two separate times and places in my life that I was able to have the joy of daily Mass, and I literally went to Mass seven days a week. It was back in early days on Staten Island when I was in business with my dad and up in Western New York when I was unemployed for nine months. Now I must do whatever I can to return that joy to my life again. Today is such an exciting gospel, a truly wonderful read, and so much is covered. Today we are reflecting upon Luke 11:1-13 (The Lord's Prayer / Teachings on Prayer / Answers to Prayer) Obviously we can see that the main focus here is prayer. We are taught what to pray, how to pray, and what to expect in our prayers. Like Fr. Gerald Mullally said at our Mass last night, "Our Lord answers our prayers in three ways: Yes, No, and Maybe. The maybe just means possibly at a future date." I just paraphrased him, but I think it was verbatim. Well said Father, I am so glad you are our shepherd. Jesus teaches us to be bold and confident speaking to His Father, through the Our Father (The Lord's Prayer).
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
This is such a wonderful, precious exciting prayer that I really enjoy praying. Do we pray the Lord's Prayer with confidence, and joy and with such a feeling of closeness to our Lord? That prayer is so powerful so beautiful. We tend to follow Matthews version more closely, which can be found in chapter 6:9-13. The best way to help me convey the power and magnificence in the Lord's prayer is by me sharing a few tid-bits out of The Catechism of The Catholic Church. A truly wonderful resource I highly recommend to everyone serious in their study in the word.
2763 All the Scriptures—the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms—are fulfilled in Christ. The Gospel is this "Good News." Its first proclamation is summarized by St. Matthew in the Sermon on the Mount; the prayer to our Father is at the center of this proclamation. It is in this context that each petition bequeathed to us by the Lord is illuminated:
The Lord's Prayer is the most perfect of prayers. . . . In it we ask, not only for all the things we can rightly desire, but also in the sequence that they should be desired. This prayer not only teaches us to ask for things, but also in what order we should desire them.
2857 In the Our Father, the object of the first three petitions is the glory of the Father: the sanctification of his name, the coming of the kingdom, and the fulfillment of his will. The four others present our wants to him: they ask that our lives be nourished, healed of sin, and made victorious in the struggle of good over evil.
After Jesus teaches us to pray, He goes right into a story about friend who refuses to help another friend when they are in need. A need that nourishes the body. I think it is rather interesting how in today's gospel verses 5-8 our Lord shares with us, what some writers have called, "The Parable of the Friends at Midnight" See to every Jew, hospitality was something they honored and no matter what hour it was, they opened their doors. But Jesus shares about an unwilling friend who refuses to help his fellow Jew. But between the racket of the knocking and talking out loud while his family slept and this traveler being very persistent, the friend behind the door eventually gives in and fulfills the request; and I think it was pretty much in shame, that he met his friends request. This parable teaches us how God is not like this person who refused a friend making a request. On the contrary, God never sleeps and when we ask, He listens, answering us in three different ways as I have shared earlier. We also note that God is not like this person who answered the request to merely get rid of their friend; instead God answers our requests because He loves us, our God never grows weary of our requests. And His love for us isn't earned or ever reciprocated, He freely and openly gives us all of Himself because He loves us first. God fulfills our need for nourishment in His word and in our relationship with Him. The Our Father allows us to be such a dynamic part of Almighty God's inner circle; we are God's children now.
Ok, now that we have taken all these thoughts to this level. How can we be the good friend towards others in the same way God is towards us? It seems as though this parable is telling us not to be like the selfish, possession protecting friend shared in the gospel; but rather be ready at all times to help those around us in need. Yes at times it may not fit into our prefect schedule or our perfect world of the way maybe we want it to. But even in the inconvenience of having a Godly love and hospitality towards others; we must be cheerfully open when someone else is making a request that on the onset seems to inconveniences us. Patience and trusting in God play a significant role on how we may handle such opportunities throughout our lives. Never refuse a friends request, especially when we know for a fact that we can help them. Obviously a request that is impossible or unattainable goes without question to be understandable no. It's like a friend asking for a cup of milk, but when you look into our refrigerator, and we have none. How then can we give what we don't have? Here's a thought, maybe even a challenge.
Let's say you are asked by a neighbor for something you just don't have; do you merely turn them away and say, "Sorry friend, I do not have that to give, go seek your request elsewhere." Oh my, that is even more rude that plainly refusing to help. How about trying this: when asked for something you don't have, offer to take that person a ride to the deli or offer to go get it for them on your own, using your own money. I'm not talking about doing this so that the person you are helping starts taking advantage of your generosity. You will know and you will sense when this would be appropriate. Trust that God has sent this person to you, knowing well that your love for God is within you; and that love will flow over in your efforts to help your friend. When in doubt every chance you get, always pray these wonderful words to our Lord, "Jesus, I trust in You"
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Saturday, July 24, 2010
An Enemy Has Sowed Seed
Beads of Joy 07-24-10
An Enemy Has Sowed Seed
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
A rather interesting title don't you think? This is not only relevant in the gospel but even more so in the world we live in; especially the world we are living in now, in today's times. The common question is, "Who is the enemy?" that is an important question, for once we know that, then no matter how they try to hide we can see them in plain sight. Today's gospel is Matthew 13:24-30 (Parable of the Weeds Among The Wheat). Later on in this very chapter the question is answered, "and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels." Matthew 13:39 It's obvious that the enemies objective in today's gospel was to entwine evil amongst good, so that when the evil would be destroyed and burned, so would the good. But Praise God for His infinite wisdom, He saw right through that deceit and corruption and knew the proper time to separate the two.
We all know that God's word is the very word that brought Jesus to life; that created the universe; that made the earth; that created all living animals and plants. It was also God's word that casted satan out of Heaven, along with all his cronies (couldn't resist that one. lol). When God speaks or makes a decision, no congress, no authority on earth has any relevance to the decision. God and only God alone who created all things shall only be the one to decide the fate of all things, and the fate of every soul. We have a merciful loving God, who will and does forgive us for our weaknesses and wrong doings over and over and over again. Many of us know that personally. So we know His love will give everyone amble time to get their souls and lives right with Him.
Now look at the world we live in; the people around us; including those in charge. No, this is not going to be political, I refuse to allow the devil to entwine itself in God's word. But we must be awake and aware of the evil that is so obvious around us. America has changed, and not for the better. You see sin and evil have a way to get into a society, one step at a time, even if it takes one year at a time, little by little. See I understand this very clearly. I was in business for twenty years with my dad. I ran our company, "Mackauer's Auto Body, Ltd." It was my job to do all the paperwork and collect the money from the insurance companies and customers. I also wrote most of the billing and maintained charts monitoring our progress and success in what we were doing as we grew through the years. One issue that frequently came up was disposing Hazardous Waste (paints, thinner, enamels, etc). Well the insurance company and customers refused to pay a penny toward a process that cost us thousands a year. So what was the first step. Get the words on the bill, why you ask? Well it was part of the repair process, obviously no charge was incurred, but it had to be noted. Let me tell you, within two years we got $1.50, then $3.00, then before I left the industry it was $15.00. I have no idea what it is today. So just like this, evil works its way in almost unnoticed. Resistance stops when we (society) thinks it's harmless.
The greatest most Godly way to handle the poison of evil; is with love, prayer and confidence and knowledge that one day, ONE DAY, we all will be judged. Wouldn't it be so cool, I don't mean this in a negative way, ok, maybe more in a fun way, but I know you will agree, just maybe you to have thought of this. When the most evil, or those who promote evil and death, I need not speak their names, we see and hear them in the news everyday. But one day, all of us will stand before God and God will make a judgment on what we did to further His kingdom and honor His law, love one another and love Him and respect the morals He has set. I don't really know the check list. LOL. But wouldn't it be so cool to be the fly on the wall, the day God looks into the eyes of the most evil people we know. (now we know God prefers seeing them repent and be in heaven also with Him, I think we can all agree with that) Can you just image the look on the faces of these people when they are cast into the lake of fire for ALL ETERNITY, to never ever be allowed to ever be in God's presence, which is worse than the lake of fire. I just had to share that. Our hearts will be sad, but our brains will say, "We have been trying to warn you about this for years." We must forge forward doing God's bidding and sharing His love with everyone. Be Bold. And pray when in doubt, "Jesus, I trust in You."
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
An Enemy Has Sowed Seed
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
A rather interesting title don't you think? This is not only relevant in the gospel but even more so in the world we live in; especially the world we are living in now, in today's times. The common question is, "Who is the enemy?" that is an important question, for once we know that, then no matter how they try to hide we can see them in plain sight. Today's gospel is Matthew 13:24-30 (Parable of the Weeds Among The Wheat). Later on in this very chapter the question is answered, "and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels." Matthew 13:39 It's obvious that the enemies objective in today's gospel was to entwine evil amongst good, so that when the evil would be destroyed and burned, so would the good. But Praise God for His infinite wisdom, He saw right through that deceit and corruption and knew the proper time to separate the two.
We all know that God's word is the very word that brought Jesus to life; that created the universe; that made the earth; that created all living animals and plants. It was also God's word that casted satan out of Heaven, along with all his cronies (couldn't resist that one. lol). When God speaks or makes a decision, no congress, no authority on earth has any relevance to the decision. God and only God alone who created all things shall only be the one to decide the fate of all things, and the fate of every soul. We have a merciful loving God, who will and does forgive us for our weaknesses and wrong doings over and over and over again. Many of us know that personally. So we know His love will give everyone amble time to get their souls and lives right with Him.
Now look at the world we live in; the people around us; including those in charge. No, this is not going to be political, I refuse to allow the devil to entwine itself in God's word. But we must be awake and aware of the evil that is so obvious around us. America has changed, and not for the better. You see sin and evil have a way to get into a society, one step at a time, even if it takes one year at a time, little by little. See I understand this very clearly. I was in business for twenty years with my dad. I ran our company, "Mackauer's Auto Body, Ltd." It was my job to do all the paperwork and collect the money from the insurance companies and customers. I also wrote most of the billing and maintained charts monitoring our progress and success in what we were doing as we grew through the years. One issue that frequently came up was disposing Hazardous Waste (paints, thinner, enamels, etc). Well the insurance company and customers refused to pay a penny toward a process that cost us thousands a year. So what was the first step. Get the words on the bill, why you ask? Well it was part of the repair process, obviously no charge was incurred, but it had to be noted. Let me tell you, within two years we got $1.50, then $3.00, then before I left the industry it was $15.00. I have no idea what it is today. So just like this, evil works its way in almost unnoticed. Resistance stops when we (society) thinks it's harmless.
The greatest most Godly way to handle the poison of evil; is with love, prayer and confidence and knowledge that one day, ONE DAY, we all will be judged. Wouldn't it be so cool, I don't mean this in a negative way, ok, maybe more in a fun way, but I know you will agree, just maybe you to have thought of this. When the most evil, or those who promote evil and death, I need not speak their names, we see and hear them in the news everyday. But one day, all of us will stand before God and God will make a judgment on what we did to further His kingdom and honor His law, love one another and love Him and respect the morals He has set. I don't really know the check list. LOL. But wouldn't it be so cool to be the fly on the wall, the day God looks into the eyes of the most evil people we know. (now we know God prefers seeing them repent and be in heaven also with Him, I think we can all agree with that) Can you just image the look on the faces of these people when they are cast into the lake of fire for ALL ETERNITY, to never ever be allowed to ever be in God's presence, which is worse than the lake of fire. I just had to share that. Our hearts will be sad, but our brains will say, "We have been trying to warn you about this for years." We must forge forward doing God's bidding and sharing His love with everyone. Be Bold. And pray when in doubt, "Jesus, I trust in You."
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Friday, July 23, 2010
Honored To Serve Her Lord
Beads of Joy 07-27-10
Honored To Serve Her Lord
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Our Lord has given me a responsibility. A very special, very important task. Our Lord told me, "There is something only you can do. It will require TONS OF LOVE, OCEANS OF PATIENCE, cutting edge COMMON SENSE, the ability to cook some really good meals, you need to do all the laundry, take care of all the kids needs, food shop, general shop, balance a household budget, maintain the landscaping, do back and feet and leg rubs, and pretty much whatever else that will be asked of you..."
Immediately I responded, "Lord whatever it is you wish of me, I will do, it will be my honor to serve You Lord." Jesus then said, "I need you to take special care of Christine. By serving her, you will be serving me, but it further shows your love for Me. I have appointed you to be there for her throughout this most difficult time in her life." Without hesitation I jumped at the chance saying, "It would be my honor Lord. I trust in You to give me the strength and wisdom, to be the best husband, friend, and caretaker Chrissy has ever known."
Thank you Lord.
Jesus, I trust in You
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Honored To Serve Her Lord
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
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Sarah (Pickles).. Chrissy's Mom.. Chrissy |
Our Lord has given me a responsibility. A very special, very important task. Our Lord told me, "There is something only you can do. It will require TONS OF LOVE, OCEANS OF PATIENCE, cutting edge COMMON SENSE, the ability to cook some really good meals, you need to do all the laundry, take care of all the kids needs, food shop, general shop, balance a household budget, maintain the landscaping, do back and feet and leg rubs, and pretty much whatever else that will be asked of you..."
Immediately I responded, "Lord whatever it is you wish of me, I will do, it will be my honor to serve You Lord." Jesus then said, "I need you to take special care of Christine. By serving her, you will be serving me, but it further shows your love for Me. I have appointed you to be there for her throughout this most difficult time in her life." Without hesitation I jumped at the chance saying, "It would be my honor Lord. I trust in You to give me the strength and wisdom, to be the best husband, friend, and caretaker Chrissy has ever known."
Thank you Lord.
Jesus, I trust in You
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I Have Seen The Lord
Beads of Joy 07-22-10
I Have Seen The Lord
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
What magnificent joy today's reading is jam packed with. Let's take a look at a really quick review of today's reading: Mary Magdalene came to the tomb to be with Jesus; the tomb was empty; so Mary began seeking out Jesus; see found someone and asked them where they moved Jesus to; Mary didn't recognize Jesus; then Mary's eyes are open and she really sees Jesus now. That is such an exciting day to experience for anyone, especially as dedicated a believer as Mary Magdalene was. By the way today's scripture is John 20:1-2, 11-18 (Eternal Word Became Flesh). One thing we can see in today's reading in so many ways, we live in our own life at times, just like Mary Magdalene did that very day she seen Jesus before He ascended to His Father. Think about this, she was in the presence of Jesus probably only a few feet away, and yet initially she didn't even recognize His presence. I wonder why? Was Mary distracted by her own sorrow? Maybe she had other things on her mind, maybe her own safety without Jesus there to protect her. I don't know, just grabbing at anything here. Why was Mary so distracted from recognizing Jesus, even though she was literally in His presence?
But think about it, what was it that opened Mary's eyes? Verse 16 says it all, "Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned and said to him in Hebrew, "Rab-bo'ni!" It was His personal recognition of her that opened her eyes. He spoke her name and she knew in her heart who this man was. Jesus speaks to all of us personally in His own way. Did you ever experience a situation where you said to yourself, "Thank you Lord, I know you had something to do with that." You know that feeling inside that awakes not only by maybe the magnificence of whatever it was but maybe because the faith you always that it would was awakened. Do you know what I mean? This happens to me all the time. Many, if not most, of you know Chrissy's situation. Well through it all, there have been so many little "mini" miracles I have lost count. Think of Jesus as a relationship, not only as a Lord and Son of Almighty God. When we have a relationship with someone there is a certain connection that we feel and sense at all times. It's the same with Jesus.
His Resurrection is such an incredible base to our faith. He has risen. He defeated death. Death no longer has its grip on us. Mary Magdalene was the first one to see Jesus before he ascended to God. She did not recognize Him at first, maybe it was because she was looking for His body. She did say that, thinking He was the gardener. She wasn't looking for Jesus in the risen "death defeating" state she inevitably found Him in. All it took was Jesus saying her name and she opened her eyes. I am sure she dropped to her knees after Jesus told her not to touch Him. She must have been so overwhelmed with so much joy. Oh what a true definition of Joy if I ever read one. Keep your eyes open, sometimes Jesus will work His message and miracles through another to get it to you. Maybe it'll take someones illness, or injury to open your eyes. Remember Lazarus. "Jesus said, "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it." Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days." John 11:4-6. If you really look you will find Jesus in many places.
Do we live our lives in such a way that we recognize His presence in our lives? Do we hear Him in His words and when He speaks to our heart and we know it's Him, what do we do? We need to keep our radar, on Jesus' channel at all times. It might be EWTN on cable. LOL, but in our hearts it's through the power of the Holy Spirit that we will recognize Him. In fact I challenge you to look at ever single situation you are dealing with and don't be depressed by it, until you first find Jesus. You will find Him, trust in Him, you will. We are going through a most horrible scary time in our family right now. Most of you are close to the details daily as I post them. I see Jesus everyday in this horrible frightening disease. His hand is in our lives and the lives of those around us. Trust in Him, please don't take my word for it, pray about it and trust that He cares about you every single day. Pray the words you know I will suggest that you pray, and don't just pray them once, pray them hundreds of times a day. "Jesus, I trust in You."
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
I Have Seen The Lord
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
What magnificent joy today's reading is jam packed with. Let's take a look at a really quick review of today's reading: Mary Magdalene came to the tomb to be with Jesus; the tomb was empty; so Mary began seeking out Jesus; see found someone and asked them where they moved Jesus to; Mary didn't recognize Jesus; then Mary's eyes are open and she really sees Jesus now. That is such an exciting day to experience for anyone, especially as dedicated a believer as Mary Magdalene was. By the way today's scripture is John 20:1-2, 11-18 (Eternal Word Became Flesh). One thing we can see in today's reading in so many ways, we live in our own life at times, just like Mary Magdalene did that very day she seen Jesus before He ascended to His Father. Think about this, she was in the presence of Jesus probably only a few feet away, and yet initially she didn't even recognize His presence. I wonder why? Was Mary distracted by her own sorrow? Maybe she had other things on her mind, maybe her own safety without Jesus there to protect her. I don't know, just grabbing at anything here. Why was Mary so distracted from recognizing Jesus, even though she was literally in His presence?
But think about it, what was it that opened Mary's eyes? Verse 16 says it all, "Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned and said to him in Hebrew, "Rab-bo'ni!" It was His personal recognition of her that opened her eyes. He spoke her name and she knew in her heart who this man was. Jesus speaks to all of us personally in His own way. Did you ever experience a situation where you said to yourself, "Thank you Lord, I know you had something to do with that." You know that feeling inside that awakes not only by maybe the magnificence of whatever it was but maybe because the faith you always that it would was awakened. Do you know what I mean? This happens to me all the time. Many, if not most, of you know Chrissy's situation. Well through it all, there have been so many little "mini" miracles I have lost count. Think of Jesus as a relationship, not only as a Lord and Son of Almighty God. When we have a relationship with someone there is a certain connection that we feel and sense at all times. It's the same with Jesus.
His Resurrection is such an incredible base to our faith. He has risen. He defeated death. Death no longer has its grip on us. Mary Magdalene was the first one to see Jesus before he ascended to God. She did not recognize Him at first, maybe it was because she was looking for His body. She did say that, thinking He was the gardener. She wasn't looking for Jesus in the risen "death defeating" state she inevitably found Him in. All it took was Jesus saying her name and she opened her eyes. I am sure she dropped to her knees after Jesus told her not to touch Him. She must have been so overwhelmed with so much joy. Oh what a true definition of Joy if I ever read one. Keep your eyes open, sometimes Jesus will work His message and miracles through another to get it to you. Maybe it'll take someones illness, or injury to open your eyes. Remember Lazarus. "Jesus said, "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it." Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days." John 11:4-6. If you really look you will find Jesus in many places.
Do we live our lives in such a way that we recognize His presence in our lives? Do we hear Him in His words and when He speaks to our heart and we know it's Him, what do we do? We need to keep our radar, on Jesus' channel at all times. It might be EWTN on cable. LOL, but in our hearts it's through the power of the Holy Spirit that we will recognize Him. In fact I challenge you to look at ever single situation you are dealing with and don't be depressed by it, until you first find Jesus. You will find Him, trust in Him, you will. We are going through a most horrible scary time in our family right now. Most of you are close to the details daily as I post them. I see Jesus everyday in this horrible frightening disease. His hand is in our lives and the lives of those around us. Trust in Him, please don't take my word for it, pray about it and trust that He cares about you every single day. Pray the words you know I will suggest that you pray, and don't just pray them once, pray them hundreds of times a day. "Jesus, I trust in You."
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Monday, July 19, 2010
Lighten Up - Laugh & Sing
Beads of Joy 07-19-10
Lighten Up - Laugh & Sing
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Yes you did read the title correctly, I think that advise can be useful for all people in all places. Oh my Gosh some of the people in some of our government and state offices should take that advice. Now I am not singling them out, but I think enough is said, just by saying that. LOL. Come on lighten up already. One thing I think we can all agree upon is; you can not go through this life all stuck up with rules, regulations, perfections and total seriousness. If you are then sadly enough when you die, you do not need to be embombed; your bodies insides will already be rock solid, cold and boring. One thing I have learned, is that in order for us to enjoy this life; we don't always need to jump up on the desk and play our air guitar. But I gotta tell you sometimes we have to, and wow does it make you feel incredible. Some people are shaking their heads already saying this guy needs to grow up and be a whole lot more mature, why is he acting so childish. LOL, see even I make fun of me. I couldn't care less what anyone thought about me or question why I am the way I am. I realized a long time ago, that I love life, and that through Jesus I have found that life loves me. If those words sound familiar, you may have heard them sung in the old Scourge movie, a favorite of mine.
Well now that I have so perfectly done that segway into talking about Ebenezer Scourge, I will. He is the perfect example of what we should not be, a stuck up person, knee deep in rules, maturity, hoarding and never sharing, and God forbid you ever see a smile on his face. Please don't ever be like he was, the greatest part of that movie was that he did what he could; to redeem his life and brought as much joy as he possibly could, to all that he could, with the remainder of his life. That should be our lives goal everyday, "To bring as much JOY and LAUGHTER and FUN into as many peoples lives as we possibly can !!" I say that with great conviction myself. Most of you, when I say "most" I really mean the larger percentage of you that really know me, know the kind of crazy, goofy, immature guy I can be. I'm not an idiot, I have intelligence and common sense, and I think I have a pretty good sense of timing so that Joy, Laughter and Fun aren't inserted at the wrong times. I have never taken life so seriously that I get bored. And in fact I always say to my kids when they say they are bored, "I don't want to hear it, your lives are full of fun things and technology that my generation never had to enjoy, there is no excuse for boredom, none."
This little ditty of a blog further expressed WHY I am so happy all the time; WHY I am smiling all the time, and WHY I truly seriously love life. It is the JOY that Jesus has instilled in my heart and soul for Him, for what He has done and for the plans, THE PLANS, yes THE PLANS, He has made for all of us when we pass from this crazy life. COME ON, ENJOY this life, laugh, sing, joke, play goofy songs and crazy videos. Just enjoy the JOYS we have been given. I believe that laughter, is one of God's most special gifts to all of us. Yes there are so many other wonderful splendid gifts, but remember what I said earlier, lighten up. Laughter, makes your belly shake; Laughter makes you cry; Laughter makes it at times where you can't even breathe; Laughter makes it impossible to swallow that last bite because of something so funny just happened before your eyes. I have been at all those places in my own laughter. When I use to work at the Seneca Niagara Casino in Niagara Falls, NY with my dear friend Debbie whom I still miss dearly to this day; our main objective every single day was, to have FUN, LAUGHABLE, ridiculously hysterical moments to create and remember. And I will say that some of my happiest, hard belly laughing moments where I couldn't breathe at all, happened there. Wonderful, wonderful memories.
So let's do that in our own way, make life more fun, more memorable, more hysterical. It's easy to do, really it is. I can't see going through any day without either laughing, or making someone else laugh, or really from the bottom of heart bring immeasurable Joy into someone elses life. I have given away many many valuable collects of "things" in my life. I had a HUGE collection of Superman comic books perfectly preserves and each one wrapped, I have no clue what it was even worth, I just gave it away. To me the value was in the happiness and Joy I seen in Nate's face. I also did that with my banjo and all the extras that came with it, John was so thrilled. I gave away countless baseball cards, I use to have so so many of them, I gave them to many kids in our neighborhood in Niagara Falls. The kids were so happy, I had literally hundreds of thousands of brand new Topps baseball cards, I had to share that joy with someone else. I don't say all this for a pat on the back, and I certainly don't say that for any one's approval. The only reward I seek is that which our Lord has for ME and for YOU when we leave this place. I say all this so that YOU are encouraged to do the same for OTHERS in whatever capacity you can, by bringing joy and laughter into another's life; when you give something you treasure to someone else, you to will receive the same precious reward of Joy and Happiness.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Lighten Up - Laugh & Sing
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Yes you did read the title correctly, I think that advise can be useful for all people in all places. Oh my Gosh some of the people in some of our government and state offices should take that advice. Now I am not singling them out, but I think enough is said, just by saying that. LOL. Come on lighten up already. One thing I think we can all agree upon is; you can not go through this life all stuck up with rules, regulations, perfections and total seriousness. If you are then sadly enough when you die, you do not need to be embombed; your bodies insides will already be rock solid, cold and boring. One thing I have learned, is that in order for us to enjoy this life; we don't always need to jump up on the desk and play our air guitar. But I gotta tell you sometimes we have to, and wow does it make you feel incredible. Some people are shaking their heads already saying this guy needs to grow up and be a whole lot more mature, why is he acting so childish. LOL, see even I make fun of me. I couldn't care less what anyone thought about me or question why I am the way I am. I realized a long time ago, that I love life, and that through Jesus I have found that life loves me. If those words sound familiar, you may have heard them sung in the old Scourge movie, a favorite of mine.
Well now that I have so perfectly done that segway into talking about Ebenezer Scourge, I will. He is the perfect example of what we should not be, a stuck up person, knee deep in rules, maturity, hoarding and never sharing, and God forbid you ever see a smile on his face. Please don't ever be like he was, the greatest part of that movie was that he did what he could; to redeem his life and brought as much joy as he possibly could, to all that he could, with the remainder of his life. That should be our lives goal everyday, "To bring as much JOY and LAUGHTER and FUN into as many peoples lives as we possibly can !!" I say that with great conviction myself. Most of you, when I say "most" I really mean the larger percentage of you that really know me, know the kind of crazy, goofy, immature guy I can be. I'm not an idiot, I have intelligence and common sense, and I think I have a pretty good sense of timing so that Joy, Laughter and Fun aren't inserted at the wrong times. I have never taken life so seriously that I get bored. And in fact I always say to my kids when they say they are bored, "I don't want to hear it, your lives are full of fun things and technology that my generation never had to enjoy, there is no excuse for boredom, none."
This little ditty of a blog further expressed WHY I am so happy all the time; WHY I am smiling all the time, and WHY I truly seriously love life. It is the JOY that Jesus has instilled in my heart and soul for Him, for what He has done and for the plans, THE PLANS, yes THE PLANS, He has made for all of us when we pass from this crazy life. COME ON, ENJOY this life, laugh, sing, joke, play goofy songs and crazy videos. Just enjoy the JOYS we have been given. I believe that laughter, is one of God's most special gifts to all of us. Yes there are so many other wonderful splendid gifts, but remember what I said earlier, lighten up. Laughter, makes your belly shake; Laughter makes you cry; Laughter makes it at times where you can't even breathe; Laughter makes it impossible to swallow that last bite because of something so funny just happened before your eyes. I have been at all those places in my own laughter. When I use to work at the Seneca Niagara Casino in Niagara Falls, NY with my dear friend Debbie whom I still miss dearly to this day; our main objective every single day was, to have FUN, LAUGHABLE, ridiculously hysterical moments to create and remember. And I will say that some of my happiest, hard belly laughing moments where I couldn't breathe at all, happened there. Wonderful, wonderful memories.
So let's do that in our own way, make life more fun, more memorable, more hysterical. It's easy to do, really it is. I can't see going through any day without either laughing, or making someone else laugh, or really from the bottom of heart bring immeasurable Joy into someone elses life. I have given away many many valuable collects of "things" in my life. I had a HUGE collection of Superman comic books perfectly preserves and each one wrapped, I have no clue what it was even worth, I just gave it away. To me the value was in the happiness and Joy I seen in Nate's face. I also did that with my banjo and all the extras that came with it, John was so thrilled. I gave away countless baseball cards, I use to have so so many of them, I gave them to many kids in our neighborhood in Niagara Falls. The kids were so happy, I had literally hundreds of thousands of brand new Topps baseball cards, I had to share that joy with someone else. I don't say all this for a pat on the back, and I certainly don't say that for any one's approval. The only reward I seek is that which our Lord has for ME and for YOU when we leave this place. I say all this so that YOU are encouraged to do the same for OTHERS in whatever capacity you can, by bringing joy and laughter into another's life; when you give something you treasure to someone else, you to will receive the same precious reward of Joy and Happiness.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Thursday, July 15, 2010
No Burden Is That Heavy
Beads of Joy 07-15-10
No Burden Is That Heavy
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Rejoice I tell you, Rejoice. What a really special gospel we have to reflect upon today. Oh how so many of us need to hear these wonderful assuring words from our Lord. We all go through trials in our lives, so many of us are greatly affected; and the support of family, friends and Jesus are so important to helping us making it through them. Today we learn more about Jesus from Jesus. Today's gospel is Matthew 11:28-30 (The Gentle Mastery of Christ). Jesus teaches us how there is so much joy in bearing the burdens of others. I can't resist, I have to fully share today's scripture so we can look at it again. I get so much joy even just in seeing the words Jesus spoke. "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Joy almost isn't enough of a joyful word to express the kind of joy I experience when I get to read over scripture. Did I make sense or am I fumbling over my words again? LOL
So many us understand that it is during the most difficult of times Jesus unites (yoked) with us. To maybe better understand that, we may need to understand what "yoked" means. Yoked in Jesus' times meant that two oxen where united by a yoke, so that the power and strength of two oxen can get through the toughest plowing. I find the poem "Footprints in the Sand" to be the best relateable comparison to today's reading. We know Jesus always walks with us, but when we are struggling the most and when we need Him the most; it is then that He carries us through those difficult times. Sometimes we don't see it that way, sometimes we don't feel it that way either. We just need to trust in Him, and know that there is no way He would allow us to struggle or suffer alone. You may have to work hard at watching for it initially; but spotting God's hand in all things becomes very noticeably easier the more you watch for it.
How is this possible? Some people that I know and talk to everyday have responded to me like this. "How, and where and when was God there? I have no clue what to look for, but I don't see God at work in your life. What are you talking about? You have been suffering and so has your wife, and your kids, so where's God in all that?" And I must say the argument is worth the thought that maybe they are right. How can God's hand be in something that involves suffering? You know where I am going with this. God has a way of turning any and all situations into something that will bring praise to Him. Check out this scripture, it's very inspiring and enlightening, "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." Romans 5:3-4.
I Dare You To Be Like Jesus. Here's the dare, can we be like Jesus when it comes to helping others? I know the answer is, yes. It's all a matter of us being willing and able to help, hold, assist, cover, whatever we can for someone else. We all know someone who suffers in some way. So let's say you know a neighbor or a family member who because of health reasons can't food shop or shop in general. You have a few options here on how you might want to help them. For starters you can say, "Hey ____ I'm going food shopping, would you like to take the ride with me?" That might open the door if they say, they'd love to but can't, maybe because of standing or walking issues. In turn you can say, "Hey, since I'm going do you have anything you'd like me to pick up for you?" And then let the conversation go wherever the Holy Spirit leads you two. If you can help out with finances at the time would be great. Or be the quiet helper, I prefer that. In other words, they ask you to pickup whatever, and they give you $10, at the cashier it rang up $13.25. Just pay the $3.25 extra and say nothing. Just tuck the receipt in their bag, that way they don't question whether you kept the change. Beg Jesus to guide you through all this, this is a wonderful ministry to be able to help someone else. And whenever you are uncertain, tell Jesus how you feel in this simple prayer, "Jesus, I trust in You".
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
No Burden Is That Heavy
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Rejoice I tell you, Rejoice. What a really special gospel we have to reflect upon today. Oh how so many of us need to hear these wonderful assuring words from our Lord. We all go through trials in our lives, so many of us are greatly affected; and the support of family, friends and Jesus are so important to helping us making it through them. Today we learn more about Jesus from Jesus. Today's gospel is Matthew 11:28-30 (The Gentle Mastery of Christ). Jesus teaches us how there is so much joy in bearing the burdens of others. I can't resist, I have to fully share today's scripture so we can look at it again. I get so much joy even just in seeing the words Jesus spoke. "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Joy almost isn't enough of a joyful word to express the kind of joy I experience when I get to read over scripture. Did I make sense or am I fumbling over my words again? LOL
So many us understand that it is during the most difficult of times Jesus unites (yoked) with us. To maybe better understand that, we may need to understand what "yoked" means. Yoked in Jesus' times meant that two oxen where united by a yoke, so that the power and strength of two oxen can get through the toughest plowing. I find the poem "Footprints in the Sand" to be the best relateable comparison to today's reading. We know Jesus always walks with us, but when we are struggling the most and when we need Him the most; it is then that He carries us through those difficult times. Sometimes we don't see it that way, sometimes we don't feel it that way either. We just need to trust in Him, and know that there is no way He would allow us to struggle or suffer alone. You may have to work hard at watching for it initially; but spotting God's hand in all things becomes very noticeably easier the more you watch for it.
How is this possible? Some people that I know and talk to everyday have responded to me like this. "How, and where and when was God there? I have no clue what to look for, but I don't see God at work in your life. What are you talking about? You have been suffering and so has your wife, and your kids, so where's God in all that?" And I must say the argument is worth the thought that maybe they are right. How can God's hand be in something that involves suffering? You know where I am going with this. God has a way of turning any and all situations into something that will bring praise to Him. Check out this scripture, it's very inspiring and enlightening, "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." Romans 5:3-4.
I Dare You To Be Like Jesus. Here's the dare, can we be like Jesus when it comes to helping others? I know the answer is, yes. It's all a matter of us being willing and able to help, hold, assist, cover, whatever we can for someone else. We all know someone who suffers in some way. So let's say you know a neighbor or a family member who because of health reasons can't food shop or shop in general. You have a few options here on how you might want to help them. For starters you can say, "Hey ____ I'm going food shopping, would you like to take the ride with me?" That might open the door if they say, they'd love to but can't, maybe because of standing or walking issues. In turn you can say, "Hey, since I'm going do you have anything you'd like me to pick up for you?" And then let the conversation go wherever the Holy Spirit leads you two. If you can help out with finances at the time would be great. Or be the quiet helper, I prefer that. In other words, they ask you to pickup whatever, and they give you $10, at the cashier it rang up $13.25. Just pay the $3.25 extra and say nothing. Just tuck the receipt in their bag, that way they don't question whether you kept the change. Beg Jesus to guide you through all this, this is a wonderful ministry to be able to help someone else. And whenever you are uncertain, tell Jesus how you feel in this simple prayer, "Jesus, I trust in You".
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Personally Know God
Beads of Joy 07-14-10
Personally Know God
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
This is truly an exciting day in reflection history. Opps, goofy bone got triggered, hang on a sec while I fix that... OK, I can't fix it. See whenever I really get thrilled and filled with so much joy from a particular bible study, or a gospel reflection or a truth I have been researching, I get a bit giddy inside. Not like pre-teen girl giddy, come on guys cut me some slack. LOL. The excitement I feel inside my heart is so overflowing, so over filled with so much joy, that it's like a firetruck using it's water hose to fill my 12 inch deep 3 foot round pool at full blast. Now do you see what I mean. I know I just lost a whole bunch of you with that crazy example. LOL. What I am trying to say in as many words as possible, LOL, is that this scripture, Matthew 11:25-27 (The Praise of The Father), in three simple verses expresses so much insight to the mind of God, the simplicity of God, the humanity of God, the direct connection we have to God, the absolute essence of our faith and so much more. And that is jam packed in three verses.
So today let us reflect on that super special, very personal, deeply adored relationship that we each have individually with our Lord. Now that was a very empowering sentence indeed. Jesus Christ needs to be so real for us that we recognize that we do have a personal connection with Him. No other person on the face of the earth will ever love us like He does. No other person on the face of the earth will ever pay the price for our sins like He did. Jesus knew us even before we were ever born, He knew well indeed who He was dying for. He knew well indeed that He'd conquer death, so that we can unite with Him in Heaven. He is an all-knowing, all-loving, all-present God who absolutely adores us. We all must give Him that same exact love back, expressing from the depths of our heart, that He means everything to us. Daily prayers, daily praise, always giving Him all the credit for everything we accomplish and everything we fail. We are all in a different stage in life for a reason, there is purpose when you have less. Who do you think runs the fastest, yells the loudest, shows the most excitement? The person carrying a bible and rosary in their hands with a photo of their family, or the person carrying a fifty-three foot trailer of stuff on their back? Rather simple rhetorical question.
Obviously it's the person carrying the lighter load, not focused on virtually any "thing", that person has the time and the ability, without interruption to stay focused on what really matters in this life, Jesus. I don't recall the saint, but it has been said, "If we really knew how real God is, we'd all be saints." The point being that God/Jesus are very real. Embrace that, hold it, cherish it, don't forget it. And now live it everyday of your life. What is the problem with why so many people just don't see it that way? Pride, it's unfortunately as simple as that five letter word. That word involves someone being so entrenched in their own successes and accomplishments and wisdom; that they really don't see God as superior to them, He is a sorta (when "I" you type God). Those people full of personal pride that they are so in love with themselves, and they don't have the time or the room in their lives to love or be loved by some imaginary person we know we can never see. We need to pray for these type of people; there whole world is this life, it's entangled in investments, and real estate, and charity, real charity that reflects God's goodness, dare not exist, because that kind of giving would hurt.
What we all need to do is start spending a lot more time with Jesus, in adoration, at Mass, and in private bible study, and even in silence. We can talk out loud to Him whenever and wherever we feel comfy to do so. I find that when I drive, I can talk with my Lord for hours, and I do. I also find that talking out loud with Him though much of my struggles, all get figured out as I keep offering my burdens to Him. He does lighten the load. Here's a thought I'd like to leave you with:
My Lord - My God
Don't waste the life you have
For time we have no control,
We each are given a special place
But no one knows how old.
Without a bond with our Lord
Something no one can ever undo,
Each day should be embraced
Each prayer should say, "Jesus, I trust in You."
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Personally Know God
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
This is truly an exciting day in reflection history. Opps, goofy bone got triggered, hang on a sec while I fix that... OK, I can't fix it. See whenever I really get thrilled and filled with so much joy from a particular bible study, or a gospel reflection or a truth I have been researching, I get a bit giddy inside. Not like pre-teen girl giddy, come on guys cut me some slack. LOL. The excitement I feel inside my heart is so overflowing, so over filled with so much joy, that it's like a firetruck using it's water hose to fill my 12 inch deep 3 foot round pool at full blast. Now do you see what I mean. I know I just lost a whole bunch of you with that crazy example. LOL. What I am trying to say in as many words as possible, LOL, is that this scripture, Matthew 11:25-27 (The Praise of The Father), in three simple verses expresses so much insight to the mind of God, the simplicity of God, the humanity of God, the direct connection we have to God, the absolute essence of our faith and so much more. And that is jam packed in three verses.
So today let us reflect on that super special, very personal, deeply adored relationship that we each have individually with our Lord. Now that was a very empowering sentence indeed. Jesus Christ needs to be so real for us that we recognize that we do have a personal connection with Him. No other person on the face of the earth will ever love us like He does. No other person on the face of the earth will ever pay the price for our sins like He did. Jesus knew us even before we were ever born, He knew well indeed who He was dying for. He knew well indeed that He'd conquer death, so that we can unite with Him in Heaven. He is an all-knowing, all-loving, all-present God who absolutely adores us. We all must give Him that same exact love back, expressing from the depths of our heart, that He means everything to us. Daily prayers, daily praise, always giving Him all the credit for everything we accomplish and everything we fail. We are all in a different stage in life for a reason, there is purpose when you have less. Who do you think runs the fastest, yells the loudest, shows the most excitement? The person carrying a bible and rosary in their hands with a photo of their family, or the person carrying a fifty-three foot trailer of stuff on their back? Rather simple rhetorical question.
Obviously it's the person carrying the lighter load, not focused on virtually any "thing", that person has the time and the ability, without interruption to stay focused on what really matters in this life, Jesus. I don't recall the saint, but it has been said, "If we really knew how real God is, we'd all be saints." The point being that God/Jesus are very real. Embrace that, hold it, cherish it, don't forget it. And now live it everyday of your life. What is the problem with why so many people just don't see it that way? Pride, it's unfortunately as simple as that five letter word. That word involves someone being so entrenched in their own successes and accomplishments and wisdom; that they really don't see God as superior to them, He is a sorta (when "I" you type God). Those people full of personal pride that they are so in love with themselves, and they don't have the time or the room in their lives to love or be loved by some imaginary person we know we can never see. We need to pray for these type of people; there whole world is this life, it's entangled in investments, and real estate, and charity, real charity that reflects God's goodness, dare not exist, because that kind of giving would hurt.
What we all need to do is start spending a lot more time with Jesus, in adoration, at Mass, and in private bible study, and even in silence. We can talk out loud to Him whenever and wherever we feel comfy to do so. I find that when I drive, I can talk with my Lord for hours, and I do. I also find that talking out loud with Him though much of my struggles, all get figured out as I keep offering my burdens to Him. He does lighten the load. Here's a thought I'd like to leave you with:
My Lord - My God
Don't waste the life you have
For time we have no control,
We each are given a special place
But no one knows how old.
Without a bond with our Lord
Something no one can ever undo,
Each day should be embraced
Each prayer should say, "Jesus, I trust in You."
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Repentance Has Demands
Beads of Joy 07-13-10
Repentance Has Demands
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Today is a pretty powerful message for us to learn much from. One of the brilliant minds of our time said it best like this: "Insanity: is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Who was that brilliant mind? Albert Einstein of cause. lol. I'm sure many of you who may have done network marketing or some sort of a business seminar may have heard that quote in the past. Today we will reflect upon Matthew 11:20-24 (Reproaches to Unrepentant Towns), and see how without change, nothing changes. I do believe that was rather brilliantly stated. lol. Ok, enough about my brilliance, nah, just kidding. lol. In today's scripture Jesus uses the words, "Woe to you" several times. That usually means much sorrow for someones ignorance or sin that has caused their destruction, because of their lack of obedience to God. The phrase, "Woe to you" exactly like that appears in the bible about 29 times, depending on your translation. In the twenty-third chapter of Matthew, Jesus used that phrase seven times alone. Jesus really stresses the importance of such a warning to all of us.
In this particular gospel Jesus visited these cities and made these harsh warnings and statements that really got the attention of many. If Jesus were to come to your town, your neighborhood, or even your home; what would He say about that? Hmmm. Sometimes it takes someone else to come right out and just say that. We may have been thinking it, but never really thought it could be true. I think it would be best if we were to consider it already done, and happening in our lives. So that way we act upon it and make the necessary changes in our ways and life that make it pleasing to God. What do we think Jesus might warn us of? See if we already heard the good news and we know about all the incredible miracles Jesus done, and we still do not turn from our sins and we still continue to make no changes in who we are; how is it that we are any better off than Chorazin and Bethsaida? God has visited those cities, the Good News has been shared there. We to have heard the Good News, and we have a personal relationship with God's Son, Jesus Christ. How are we any different?
We must change, real honest to goodness change. This change has nothing to do with any political movement, the change they spoke of were all lies. The change God wants from us, is a change that brings us from sin and into God's arms for repentance. True repentance that changes the very habits that keep leading us down the very same road that keeps us sinning all the time. In fact many of us can relate to the fact that many of us, not all of us; but many of us, keep asking for forgiveness to the same sins, year after year. Why is that? Like Albert Einstein said earlier in this blog, "Insanity: is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If we don't change the habits and places and people that seem to be directing us down that path of sin, then that sin will never depart from our lives. Sometimes it is also the sinners fault more often than not. If a sinner enjoys a particular sin, no matter what the gravity of the sin; the chance for real change will never happen, on purpose.
So what do we do about this dilemma some of us fall into? If we are to truly repent then we must stop that which is sinful against God. Saint Ambrose of Milan said it best, "True repentance is to cease from sinning." It's not going to be easy, honestly it's not suppose to be, to some degree. After all the man (Jesus) who paid the price for all our sins, died on a cross an innocent man. Here's a story Fr. Larry Richards shares often, explaining the difficulties in true repentance and why it is that we must STOP the sin, we seem to so easily fall into a relapse of repeating the sin over and over; and sometimes with no knowledge of all the damage we actually cause. "There was a certain person in a town who use to be very nosy and also spread rumors and nasty lies about everyone. One day this person asked a priest about how they can fix all the harm they have caused. The priest said, here's what I want you to do first. Go to the top of our mountain, and at the top of the church tower, open a pillow and let all its feathers fly through the town. Then come down from the tower and collect every single feather. The person looked at the priest and said that that is impossible. How ever could I find and know where all these feathers have gone? The priest looked at that person and said, so to the lies you have spoken, how are you to ever know the damage they may have caused." Place all your trust and confidence in our Lord to help guide you from this. Pray, "Jesus, I trust in You"
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Repentance Has Demands
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Today is a pretty powerful message for us to learn much from. One of the brilliant minds of our time said it best like this: "Insanity: is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Who was that brilliant mind? Albert Einstein of cause. lol. I'm sure many of you who may have done network marketing or some sort of a business seminar may have heard that quote in the past. Today we will reflect upon Matthew 11:20-24 (Reproaches to Unrepentant Towns), and see how without change, nothing changes. I do believe that was rather brilliantly stated. lol. Ok, enough about my brilliance, nah, just kidding. lol. In today's scripture Jesus uses the words, "Woe to you" several times. That usually means much sorrow for someones ignorance or sin that has caused their destruction, because of their lack of obedience to God. The phrase, "Woe to you" exactly like that appears in the bible about 29 times, depending on your translation. In the twenty-third chapter of Matthew, Jesus used that phrase seven times alone. Jesus really stresses the importance of such a warning to all of us.
In this particular gospel Jesus visited these cities and made these harsh warnings and statements that really got the attention of many. If Jesus were to come to your town, your neighborhood, or even your home; what would He say about that? Hmmm. Sometimes it takes someone else to come right out and just say that. We may have been thinking it, but never really thought it could be true. I think it would be best if we were to consider it already done, and happening in our lives. So that way we act upon it and make the necessary changes in our ways and life that make it pleasing to God. What do we think Jesus might warn us of? See if we already heard the good news and we know about all the incredible miracles Jesus done, and we still do not turn from our sins and we still continue to make no changes in who we are; how is it that we are any better off than Chorazin and Bethsaida? God has visited those cities, the Good News has been shared there. We to have heard the Good News, and we have a personal relationship with God's Son, Jesus Christ. How are we any different?
We must change, real honest to goodness change. This change has nothing to do with any political movement, the change they spoke of were all lies. The change God wants from us, is a change that brings us from sin and into God's arms for repentance. True repentance that changes the very habits that keep leading us down the very same road that keeps us sinning all the time. In fact many of us can relate to the fact that many of us, not all of us; but many of us, keep asking for forgiveness to the same sins, year after year. Why is that? Like Albert Einstein said earlier in this blog, "Insanity: is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If we don't change the habits and places and people that seem to be directing us down that path of sin, then that sin will never depart from our lives. Sometimes it is also the sinners fault more often than not. If a sinner enjoys a particular sin, no matter what the gravity of the sin; the chance for real change will never happen, on purpose.
So what do we do about this dilemma some of us fall into? If we are to truly repent then we must stop that which is sinful against God. Saint Ambrose of Milan said it best, "True repentance is to cease from sinning." It's not going to be easy, honestly it's not suppose to be, to some degree. After all the man (Jesus) who paid the price for all our sins, died on a cross an innocent man. Here's a story Fr. Larry Richards shares often, explaining the difficulties in true repentance and why it is that we must STOP the sin, we seem to so easily fall into a relapse of repeating the sin over and over; and sometimes with no knowledge of all the damage we actually cause. "There was a certain person in a town who use to be very nosy and also spread rumors and nasty lies about everyone. One day this person asked a priest about how they can fix all the harm they have caused. The priest said, here's what I want you to do first. Go to the top of our mountain, and at the top of the church tower, open a pillow and let all its feathers fly through the town. Then come down from the tower and collect every single feather. The person looked at the priest and said that that is impossible. How ever could I find and know where all these feathers have gone? The priest looked at that person and said, so to the lies you have spoken, how are you to ever know the damage they may have caused." Place all your trust and confidence in our Lord to help guide you from this. Pray, "Jesus, I trust in You"
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Monday, July 12, 2010
Receive The One Sent
Beads of Joy 07-12-10
Receive The One Who Sent Me
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Another fantastic week has begun. Do you know how I know it's another fantastic week? It's because our main focus this week, like every week is our Lord Jesus, and His most beautiful precious Mother Mary. Today's gospel is Matthew 10:34-11:1 (Jesus A Cause of Division/The Conditions of Discipleship/Rewards). That's a lot jam packed in these couple of verses. But today we will reflect on Rewards, in that receiving the one who sent us Jesus. See if we truly absolutely love God with all our heart, all of our soul and all of our mind; well then our charity towards others would be a direct reflection of that which is what Jesus would do. Our earthy actions would more directly reflect God's love working through us towards others. How can we call ourselves children of God, yet act and sometimes talk like we aren't? The excitement I gain from today's gospel is all wrapped up in verse 40, "He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives him who sent me." I get chills up my spine, thinking of how; the more we are like Jesus towards others, the more we bring them Almighty God through Jesus. We become the very vessel carry God to His children.
We really must be willing to trust God and move forward. God has made us in His own image for a reason. And you say, "I know, because He loves us even before we knew Him." and I'd say, "Exactly!". What is the reward we seek in this life? What is or should be our goal of achievement in this life? What should we be focusing on receiving at the end of this life? See once we have all these thoughts and reflections better focused in our mind and heart, we can better focus on attaining that which we sacrifice our life to attain. The one thing every single child of God should be seeking while they are here is; to live a life following God's will in our life that leads us to everlasting life with Him in Heaven. We also need to be open to the Holy Spirit that is within us who will lead us to God's will. And then we need to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us, so that the light it has brought to us , shines through us for all to see. We must be that vessel for God, so that we can bring His joy and His hope and His love to everyone.
Is this all making sense? Pray about it, if you are not sure. I always ask God to guide me when I blog. I only seek to draw all of you to Him. Just like we are vessels drawing others to God, so am I in what I do; and so can you in whatever it is you do. Do you work in the public, where you are in contact with many people? Now I realize many companies don't want their employees handing out tracks or reading bible verses to their customers; so all is not lost because of that. Instead be the most loving, understanding, helpful, patient employee when talking to clients or customers. Not only will make the company you work for be proud to have you on board for being such a good hard worker; but God's love will shine through all that. People will sense that your kindness and love go beyond the employee handbook, or some seminar about customer service. Never be surprised if someone directly asks you, "How is it that you can be so positive and so happy all the time?" I get that a lot.
I don't know about you, ok, I do know about several of you; but I work for the Master (Almighty God Himself). He is my Lord, my Savior, my Boss. Yes I have a job where I have a boss, but there is only one true Master in my life and He is Almighty God. I challenge everyone to think more clearly and directly like that. Yes, many of us work somewhere, where someone else calls our shots each day; but in the end know that Jesus' word directs us. If your boss told you do something immoral or against the law, what would you do? Hopefully that question doesn't leave you thinking. You should be immediately be able to say you wouldn't do it, even if it cost you your job. Your love for Jesus should compel you to be truthful, caring, self-giving, honest, kind, etc. Allow this scripture to help you absorb this exciting thought, "For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again." 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. And then pray, "Jesus, I trust in You"
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Receive The One Who Sent Me
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Another fantastic week has begun. Do you know how I know it's another fantastic week? It's because our main focus this week, like every week is our Lord Jesus, and His most beautiful precious Mother Mary. Today's gospel is Matthew 10:34-11:1 (Jesus A Cause of Division/The Conditions of Discipleship/Rewards). That's a lot jam packed in these couple of verses. But today we will reflect on Rewards, in that receiving the one who sent us Jesus. See if we truly absolutely love God with all our heart, all of our soul and all of our mind; well then our charity towards others would be a direct reflection of that which is what Jesus would do. Our earthy actions would more directly reflect God's love working through us towards others. How can we call ourselves children of God, yet act and sometimes talk like we aren't? The excitement I gain from today's gospel is all wrapped up in verse 40, "He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives him who sent me." I get chills up my spine, thinking of how; the more we are like Jesus towards others, the more we bring them Almighty God through Jesus. We become the very vessel carry God to His children.
We really must be willing to trust God and move forward. God has made us in His own image for a reason. And you say, "I know, because He loves us even before we knew Him." and I'd say, "Exactly!". What is the reward we seek in this life? What is or should be our goal of achievement in this life? What should we be focusing on receiving at the end of this life? See once we have all these thoughts and reflections better focused in our mind and heart, we can better focus on attaining that which we sacrifice our life to attain. The one thing every single child of God should be seeking while they are here is; to live a life following God's will in our life that leads us to everlasting life with Him in Heaven. We also need to be open to the Holy Spirit that is within us who will lead us to God's will. And then we need to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us, so that the light it has brought to us , shines through us for all to see. We must be that vessel for God, so that we can bring His joy and His hope and His love to everyone.
Is this all making sense? Pray about it, if you are not sure. I always ask God to guide me when I blog. I only seek to draw all of you to Him. Just like we are vessels drawing others to God, so am I in what I do; and so can you in whatever it is you do. Do you work in the public, where you are in contact with many people? Now I realize many companies don't want their employees handing out tracks or reading bible verses to their customers; so all is not lost because of that. Instead be the most loving, understanding, helpful, patient employee when talking to clients or customers. Not only will make the company you work for be proud to have you on board for being such a good hard worker; but God's love will shine through all that. People will sense that your kindness and love go beyond the employee handbook, or some seminar about customer service. Never be surprised if someone directly asks you, "How is it that you can be so positive and so happy all the time?" I get that a lot.
I don't know about you, ok, I do know about several of you; but I work for the Master (Almighty God Himself). He is my Lord, my Savior, my Boss. Yes I have a job where I have a boss, but there is only one true Master in my life and He is Almighty God. I challenge everyone to think more clearly and directly like that. Yes, many of us work somewhere, where someone else calls our shots each day; but in the end know that Jesus' word directs us. If your boss told you do something immoral or against the law, what would you do? Hopefully that question doesn't leave you thinking. You should be immediately be able to say you wouldn't do it, even if it cost you your job. Your love for Jesus should compel you to be truthful, caring, self-giving, honest, kind, etc. Allow this scripture to help you absorb this exciting thought, "For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again." 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. And then pray, "Jesus, I trust in You"
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Sunday, July 11, 2010
One Who Shows Mercy
Beads of Joy 07-11-10
One Who Shows Mercy
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Yet another super spectacular Lord's day where we get to learn about another one of Jesus' parables. I know I have shared and said that many times throughout my writings; it's just so wonderful learning directly from the Master Himself. Today is another fantastic day of teaching, as we reflect upon Luke 10:25-37 (The Greatest Commandment / The Parable of The Good Samaritan). So much wisdom and love and mercy jam packed throughout the gospel. The lawyer speaking to Jesus has directed this insightful parable to be all about the truest answer to "And who is my neighbor?" Leading up to who is a neighbor? I know in today's times, most people would simply say the people that live in my neighborhood, hence the word neighbor. But honestly how many neighbors don't get along in today's time. How many neighbors don't even know each other, yet they share common fences and sometimes even common walls. We live in a much different society than Jesus did. In fact since I was a kid till today, society has slid downward and overall hospitality and general concern for your fellow man/woman has dropped off the chart. Yes there are still many who care for all, no matter what race, creed, religion, whatever. But we can see plainly in general how divided as a nation we have become. In the past the front porch was an open door to greet and meet people as they walked by, along with a view to all your visible neighbors around you. Now we have fenced yards with gazebos and screened in decks off the kitchen. So much has changed.
People tend to be more attached to and even more friendly to people on the other side of the globe; people they have never met, except through the internet, rather than that physical person next door. Is it the whole confrontation thing? Maybe it's the fact that people aren't as people friendly as they use to be, at least not in person. Back when I was a kid, and I suspect many of you can relate. We didn't have no internet, family gatherings happened very often, and they were mostly at Grandma's house. Neighbors always helped neighbors with whatever; block parties were virtually everywhere, somewhere most every weekend. We use to share a kitchen table with a neighbor to talk about the kids, or whatever was so common. I use to be on many a front porches and stairs chatting with our many neighbors as a kid, I knew everybody. We weren't really nosy back then, it was more of a genuine caring looking out for one another knowledge. We knew who's car was who's, we knew who didn't belong on our street, we even knew the friends and family of our neighbors. We just knew these things. Common knowledge. In fact I knew the neighbors of many of my families homes, because we use to visit them so frequently. It's really not like any of that at all anymore in today's times, how sad.
Many of the kids today have no clue what they are missing. I to am guilty, we moved away from the family, and the Island many many years ago. Yes it was for good reasons, but we did what would have never been done in the generation before mine. Most families just tended to stay in the same general neighborhood, usually so they can attend Mass together. Kids would go to their parents schools, etc. So who are our neighbors in today's time? Is this parable even relateable to anyone who hasn't experienced what it is like to really have neighbors (friendly ones) all around you? You know this whole topic to some degree has taken a complete solid look at focusing only on the "neighbor" aspect of the parable, but I think that's OK for today's thoughts. So much reminiscing, maybe we can start to recreate that same secure happy environment we use to know when many of us were younger. We need to break this new trend of distance between you and those who live closest to you. Yes, all are our neighbors and all should be treated as brothers and sisters amongst God's children. But in the same breathe we really should be more neighborly to those who actually are our neighbors. But I do understand the challenges facing families these days. For a couple years we lived next door to witches (not the Charmed ones, lol), and that was a living hell. I will share that whole experience one of these days. Yes real witches, brooms, rituals, etc.
Are we really ready to embrace and carry our daily crosses? All of them? We should be the first ones to take the first step, I'm sure that many of you; especially those of you who do know your neighbors understand where I am coming from. What can we do to take the first step? How about meeting those neighbors closest to us. The ones next door, or the ones sharing the duplex you are living in. Of cause I will say that in today's time, you must be careful. If you for fact know that there are issues next door or across the street, or down the block; that could jeopardize your safety or your families safety, well then do not befriend these people. But if there is an elderly couple across the road maybe that you never have talked to for years. One of the days you really need to introduce yourself, the dialog is your choice. But if it were me, I'd say something like this, "Hi, my name is Jimmy, me and family live over at 170, the green house, we've always wanted to drop by to say hi, just been busy with the kids, way too many years have gone by." Then hopefully they will immediately respond and introduce themselves. Pray to Jesus and trust in Him to guide your words and how you will handle the situation. Pray just before you head over saying, "Jesus, I trust in You".
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
One Who Shows Mercy
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Yet another super spectacular Lord's day where we get to learn about another one of Jesus' parables. I know I have shared and said that many times throughout my writings; it's just so wonderful learning directly from the Master Himself. Today is another fantastic day of teaching, as we reflect upon Luke 10:25-37 (The Greatest Commandment / The Parable of The Good Samaritan). So much wisdom and love and mercy jam packed throughout the gospel. The lawyer speaking to Jesus has directed this insightful parable to be all about the truest answer to "And who is my neighbor?" Leading up to who is a neighbor? I know in today's times, most people would simply say the people that live in my neighborhood, hence the word neighbor. But honestly how many neighbors don't get along in today's time. How many neighbors don't even know each other, yet they share common fences and sometimes even common walls. We live in a much different society than Jesus did. In fact since I was a kid till today, society has slid downward and overall hospitality and general concern for your fellow man/woman has dropped off the chart. Yes there are still many who care for all, no matter what race, creed, religion, whatever. But we can see plainly in general how divided as a nation we have become. In the past the front porch was an open door to greet and meet people as they walked by, along with a view to all your visible neighbors around you. Now we have fenced yards with gazebos and screened in decks off the kitchen. So much has changed.
People tend to be more attached to and even more friendly to people on the other side of the globe; people they have never met, except through the internet, rather than that physical person next door. Is it the whole confrontation thing? Maybe it's the fact that people aren't as people friendly as they use to be, at least not in person. Back when I was a kid, and I suspect many of you can relate. We didn't have no internet, family gatherings happened very often, and they were mostly at Grandma's house. Neighbors always helped neighbors with whatever; block parties were virtually everywhere, somewhere most every weekend. We use to share a kitchen table with a neighbor to talk about the kids, or whatever was so common. I use to be on many a front porches and stairs chatting with our many neighbors as a kid, I knew everybody. We weren't really nosy back then, it was more of a genuine caring looking out for one another knowledge. We knew who's car was who's, we knew who didn't belong on our street, we even knew the friends and family of our neighbors. We just knew these things. Common knowledge. In fact I knew the neighbors of many of my families homes, because we use to visit them so frequently. It's really not like any of that at all anymore in today's times, how sad.
Many of the kids today have no clue what they are missing. I to am guilty, we moved away from the family, and the Island many many years ago. Yes it was for good reasons, but we did what would have never been done in the generation before mine. Most families just tended to stay in the same general neighborhood, usually so they can attend Mass together. Kids would go to their parents schools, etc. So who are our neighbors in today's time? Is this parable even relateable to anyone who hasn't experienced what it is like to really have neighbors (friendly ones) all around you? You know this whole topic to some degree has taken a complete solid look at focusing only on the "neighbor" aspect of the parable, but I think that's OK for today's thoughts. So much reminiscing, maybe we can start to recreate that same secure happy environment we use to know when many of us were younger. We need to break this new trend of distance between you and those who live closest to you. Yes, all are our neighbors and all should be treated as brothers and sisters amongst God's children. But in the same breathe we really should be more neighborly to those who actually are our neighbors. But I do understand the challenges facing families these days. For a couple years we lived next door to witches (not the Charmed ones, lol), and that was a living hell. I will share that whole experience one of these days. Yes real witches, brooms, rituals, etc.
Are we really ready to embrace and carry our daily crosses? All of them? We should be the first ones to take the first step, I'm sure that many of you; especially those of you who do know your neighbors understand where I am coming from. What can we do to take the first step? How about meeting those neighbors closest to us. The ones next door, or the ones sharing the duplex you are living in. Of cause I will say that in today's time, you must be careful. If you for fact know that there are issues next door or across the street, or down the block; that could jeopardize your safety or your families safety, well then do not befriend these people. But if there is an elderly couple across the road maybe that you never have talked to for years. One of the days you really need to introduce yourself, the dialog is your choice. But if it were me, I'd say something like this, "Hi, my name is Jimmy, me and family live over at 170, the green house, we've always wanted to drop by to say hi, just been busy with the kids, way too many years have gone by." Then hopefully they will immediately respond and introduce themselves. Pray to Jesus and trust in Him to guide your words and how you will handle the situation. Pray just before you head over saying, "Jesus, I trust in You".
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Deny You and Follow Him
Beads of Joy 07-10-10
Deny You and Follow Him
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Wow, is this exciting or what. I know I always say, "this is my favorite verse", "this is my favorite words from Jesus" and I can go on and on. But I have to say it today. See today's gospel Matthew 16:24-27 (The Conditions of Discipleship). And one of my favorite series of verses straight from our Lord is today's reading. This is an excellent summary of exactly what we need to be doing in this life. To me this simplifies and answers the question, "What must I do to follow Jesus?" The answer is really simple, but another question is brought to the light immediately after we consider that question, "How much do you really believe and trust in Jesus?" Ah, see without that faith, the answer about following Him becomes irrelevant. Why would you follow someone you don't believe nor trust? See now we are digging deeper into the real questions at hand. But the wonderful exciting part of digging more into this is that once you get all your ducks in a row. You can have a duck parade. What??? OK, just goofing with excitement. Get everything straight in your head and in your heart, and then forge forward devoting everything you have and that you are to Him, He who has died for you.
The reward that Jesus has there for us in eternity in Heaven with Him, He paid the price to attain it for us; so must we if we will indeed follow Him. He alone died for me (and you), so that I (we) may live; so I (you) must die also to yourself, so that I (we) to may live eternally with Him. We have been given the Holy Spirit, and through the power of the Holy Spirit we will have the strength and courage to press forward and follow Jesus, no matter what anybody says. Can anyone see the excitement I see in today's scripture. OK, I can't hold it back anymore, here is the scripture, let us look it over and read it together: Matthew 10:24-27 "Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done." WOW !!! See what I mean, this is one of the many reasons I am so excited about our faith.
I know by seeing the scripture right here in front of our eyes, it makes it so much easier to absorb the power in it. Do you see the part I made bold? That part alone for me is one of the many secret gems our Lord has given to us. Living a very unselfish life, in other words losing our life and offering it up to our Lord, will inevitably be saving their own life in the end. If I were to ask you this: What would you consider the best investment, the most important long term investment you can make in your life? What would you say? So many people we all know (celebrites, people in business, etc) who were extremely wealthy, are dead today. I have family members, including my grandfather who just recently passed away two weeks ago, who died and left one to three million plus behind. Yes these people invested well, they were smart, they were frugal, they knew how to make their money work for them. They worked very hard their whole life, they deserve it. So is the secret in Proctor & Gamble stocks, or Microsoft stocks? What ??? NO.. What if I were to tell you the best long term investment you can in your life has nothing at all to do with money, what would you say to me? Aside from saying that I am crazy. LOL. See the world will always invest in the world, that of only which it only knows, itself.
We Christians do the same if we allow it, in our own way, if we are aware of it. We know Jesus who died for us, and He gave us the Holy Spirit which resides in us. One part of the Trinity, one part of Almight God, one part of Jesus rests in everyone of us. My Word people, get up on the table and start dancing and singing to the top of your lungs. We are so fortunate to have such a loving caring God that He has instilled in each of us, a piece of himself. Look at the verse following the one I have in bold, "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" Everything we have comes from God. We owe Him our gratitude and love, period. God don't allow people to become successful so they can hoard all there treasures and selfishly take care of themselves, go on trips, buy expensive cars. God gave them success so they can help those around them suffering. Another scripture that spins off this one and says it all is Luke 12:15-21(Parable of The Rich Fool). Please read that, it's very insightful. This man was so focused on himself, and his wealth. Who knows maybe he had family and friends around him suffering, dying or whatever, this parable shows no concern for anyone but himself. What a foolish man indeed. God will judge his greed. No where in scripture does it tell us to hoard all you can and let those around you suffer and struggle while you watch them. Wealthy people out there, pray this simple prayer, "Jesus, I trust in You" and allow God to open your heart. The more that you give away, the more God will give you and bless you.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Deny You and Follow Him
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Wow, is this exciting or what. I know I always say, "this is my favorite verse", "this is my favorite words from Jesus" and I can go on and on. But I have to say it today. See today's gospel Matthew 16:24-27 (The Conditions of Discipleship). And one of my favorite series of verses straight from our Lord is today's reading. This is an excellent summary of exactly what we need to be doing in this life. To me this simplifies and answers the question, "What must I do to follow Jesus?" The answer is really simple, but another question is brought to the light immediately after we consider that question, "How much do you really believe and trust in Jesus?" Ah, see without that faith, the answer about following Him becomes irrelevant. Why would you follow someone you don't believe nor trust? See now we are digging deeper into the real questions at hand. But the wonderful exciting part of digging more into this is that once you get all your ducks in a row. You can have a duck parade. What??? OK, just goofing with excitement. Get everything straight in your head and in your heart, and then forge forward devoting everything you have and that you are to Him, He who has died for you.
The reward that Jesus has there for us in eternity in Heaven with Him, He paid the price to attain it for us; so must we if we will indeed follow Him. He alone died for me (and you), so that I (we) may live; so I (you) must die also to yourself, so that I (we) to may live eternally with Him. We have been given the Holy Spirit, and through the power of the Holy Spirit we will have the strength and courage to press forward and follow Jesus, no matter what anybody says. Can anyone see the excitement I see in today's scripture. OK, I can't hold it back anymore, here is the scripture, let us look it over and read it together: Matthew 10:24-27 "Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done." WOW !!! See what I mean, this is one of the many reasons I am so excited about our faith.
I know by seeing the scripture right here in front of our eyes, it makes it so much easier to absorb the power in it. Do you see the part I made bold? That part alone for me is one of the many secret gems our Lord has given to us. Living a very unselfish life, in other words losing our life and offering it up to our Lord, will inevitably be saving their own life in the end. If I were to ask you this: What would you consider the best investment, the most important long term investment you can make in your life? What would you say? So many people we all know (celebrites, people in business, etc) who were extremely wealthy, are dead today. I have family members, including my grandfather who just recently passed away two weeks ago, who died and left one to three million plus behind. Yes these people invested well, they were smart, they were frugal, they knew how to make their money work for them. They worked very hard their whole life, they deserve it. So is the secret in Proctor & Gamble stocks, or Microsoft stocks? What ??? NO.. What if I were to tell you the best long term investment you can in your life has nothing at all to do with money, what would you say to me? Aside from saying that I am crazy. LOL. See the world will always invest in the world, that of only which it only knows, itself.
We Christians do the same if we allow it, in our own way, if we are aware of it. We know Jesus who died for us, and He gave us the Holy Spirit which resides in us. One part of the Trinity, one part of Almight God, one part of Jesus rests in everyone of us. My Word people, get up on the table and start dancing and singing to the top of your lungs. We are so fortunate to have such a loving caring God that He has instilled in each of us, a piece of himself. Look at the verse following the one I have in bold, "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" Everything we have comes from God. We owe Him our gratitude and love, period. God don't allow people to become successful so they can hoard all there treasures and selfishly take care of themselves, go on trips, buy expensive cars. God gave them success so they can help those around them suffering. Another scripture that spins off this one and says it all is Luke 12:15-21(Parable of The Rich Fool). Please read that, it's very insightful. This man was so focused on himself, and his wealth. Who knows maybe he had family and friends around him suffering, dying or whatever, this parable shows no concern for anyone but himself. What a foolish man indeed. God will judge his greed. No where in scripture does it tell us to hoard all you can and let those around you suffer and struggle while you watch them. Wealthy people out there, pray this simple prayer, "Jesus, I trust in You" and allow God to open your heart. The more that you give away, the more God will give you and bless you.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Friday, July 9, 2010
Glorious - Daily Walk 5/5
Beads of Joy 07-09-10
The Glorious - Daily Walk 5/5
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Glorious Walk - 5/5
Hello Everyone,
This has been a wonderful journey looking at all the mysteries from a completely different vantage point. Many more journeys like this to come. I really hope you have enjoyed this journey as much as I have. Today is the fifth Glorious Mystery - The Coronation (The Crowning of Mary). Another very spectacular very special mystery. Our Blessed Mother represents for us a person who we are all in need of: That special person who is bold and strong in their faith for us to look up to for inspiration and conviction. I have many very special people like that who meet those qualities in my life. Some I have known my entire life, others are recent to my inner circle of connection. Many of you reading this have been such an inspiration to me. You know who you are, and there are many of you I am getting closer to little by little building a solid long lasting friendship with, beyond the keyboard and the unspoken words. I want to mention names but I don't want to leave anyone out, so I won't. We will further our conversation in time.
So this mystery wants us to reflect on the relationships we have or so desire to have. This friendships in my opinion should reflect the very relationship we have with our Blessed Mother. I believe in having a very large network of fellow believers. Our unity in prayer and belief build strength in the body of believers for us individually and worldwide. This is best summed up of cause in scripture, "Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you. Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." Romans 12:3-5. And here's another scripture to reflect upon, "This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power." Ephesians 3:6-7. Scripture is truly one of the greatest gifts God has given us, along with fellowship.
Remember Mary is our advocate, she is there on behalf of all of us. That is an incredible role, and it's not for everybody. And many can not fill such a unique role in our lives; that is why no matter how many brothers and sisters in Christ we have, we must also turn to Mary for encouragement and insight and intercessory prayer. We can't forget we also have the saints to turn to. But Mary was the closest to Jesus, and she draws us ever so much closer to Jesus through her prayers to Him for us. So entrust your prayers to her while praising her Son. The Rosary is one of the greatest weapons against evil that we can use to praise Jesus and ask His most precious Mother to pray for us with. A wonderful simple favorite verse of mine is, "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Colossians 4:2.
Another way of looking at all this is: How can we be that person to another in their lives? So many of you already do a fantastic job, but I believe key to that is a need to be a prayerful person who fully trusts in Jesus beyond the words. When they pray, "Jesus, I trust in You" they mean it and they live it. Someone who lives the gospel on a daily basis means so much to us personally. What a fantastic conviction for us to witness. There are many living saints amongst us, some endure great pain and suffering as they go through this life; while they spend there life praying for everyone else. Others have much wisdom to share and put everyone of us before themselves and still others live such a giving selfless life you can't help but want to be more like them; because your heart knows they are so much like Jesus in this life. Always pray and always be thankful for everything. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6. Scripture has so many wonderful things to say about prayer. Sink into the pages of the bible and allow those wonderful words to be part of you, and the life you are living. Nothing in this life means anything compared to how important it is for us to love, share and praise Jesus.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
The Glorious - Daily Walk 5/5
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Glorious Walk - 5/5
Hello Everyone,
This has been a wonderful journey looking at all the mysteries from a completely different vantage point. Many more journeys like this to come. I really hope you have enjoyed this journey as much as I have. Today is the fifth Glorious Mystery - The Coronation (The Crowning of Mary). Another very spectacular very special mystery. Our Blessed Mother represents for us a person who we are all in need of: That special person who is bold and strong in their faith for us to look up to for inspiration and conviction. I have many very special people like that who meet those qualities in my life. Some I have known my entire life, others are recent to my inner circle of connection. Many of you reading this have been such an inspiration to me. You know who you are, and there are many of you I am getting closer to little by little building a solid long lasting friendship with, beyond the keyboard and the unspoken words. I want to mention names but I don't want to leave anyone out, so I won't. We will further our conversation in time.
So this mystery wants us to reflect on the relationships we have or so desire to have. This friendships in my opinion should reflect the very relationship we have with our Blessed Mother. I believe in having a very large network of fellow believers. Our unity in prayer and belief build strength in the body of believers for us individually and worldwide. This is best summed up of cause in scripture, "Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you. Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." Romans 12:3-5. And here's another scripture to reflect upon, "This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power." Ephesians 3:6-7. Scripture is truly one of the greatest gifts God has given us, along with fellowship.
Remember Mary is our advocate, she is there on behalf of all of us. That is an incredible role, and it's not for everybody. And many can not fill such a unique role in our lives; that is why no matter how many brothers and sisters in Christ we have, we must also turn to Mary for encouragement and insight and intercessory prayer. We can't forget we also have the saints to turn to. But Mary was the closest to Jesus, and she draws us ever so much closer to Jesus through her prayers to Him for us. So entrust your prayers to her while praising her Son. The Rosary is one of the greatest weapons against evil that we can use to praise Jesus and ask His most precious Mother to pray for us with. A wonderful simple favorite verse of mine is, "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Colossians 4:2.
Another way of looking at all this is: How can we be that person to another in their lives? So many of you already do a fantastic job, but I believe key to that is a need to be a prayerful person who fully trusts in Jesus beyond the words. When they pray, "Jesus, I trust in You" they mean it and they live it. Someone who lives the gospel on a daily basis means so much to us personally. What a fantastic conviction for us to witness. There are many living saints amongst us, some endure great pain and suffering as they go through this life; while they spend there life praying for everyone else. Others have much wisdom to share and put everyone of us before themselves and still others live such a giving selfless life you can't help but want to be more like them; because your heart knows they are so much like Jesus in this life. Always pray and always be thankful for everything. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6. Scripture has so many wonderful things to say about prayer. Sink into the pages of the bible and allow those wonderful words to be part of you, and the life you are living. Nothing in this life means anything compared to how important it is for us to love, share and praise Jesus.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Glorious - Daily Walk 4/5
Beads of Joy 07-08-10
The Glorious - Daily Walk 4/5
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Glorious Walk - 4/5
Hello Everyone,
What an absolutely glorious mystery for us to celebrate. I adore our Blessed Mother so much, but I think everyone pretty much knows that about me. Today we reflect on the fourth Glorious Mystery - The Assumption. Tradition says that Mary was taken to Heaven both body and spirit. As St. Paul has referred to the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, we can reflect upon Mary's body. And we plainly see that she who bore the Son of God, was most certainly a temple for God's Son. It is only fitting that her body be lifted to Heaven. For how can the Son of God be born in an unworthy unholy vessel. She had to be pure and perfect, for the blood and nourishment that ran through her body ran through our Lord's infant body. Today let us reflect on the dignity of life, not only at conception, but all the way to our natural death. Everyone deserves to live a life that is respected and protected. What right do we have to decide who should live and who should die, only God can do that. I do realize now that the government wishes to be God over all of us and decide that. LOL. Ok, I won't go there. There is no place for politics when it comes to my Lord, and His precious Mother.
It's clear that we have been born for a couple reasons. I have spoken of them in other blogs, but we have also been born to spend eternity with God in Heaven. Our bodies have to be treated respectfully and with some sort of dignity. If we are only destined to spend a life here and then die and be buried, and that's it. How sad it is for those who believe that, this life must be such a hindrance to those who end at the end of life. I hear stories from people I know personally who now say we were created by aliens. ??? Yes I am serious. This world is so dead said against God, that they would rather pic something that don't exist than agree that Almighty God created all things and God decides where we will spend our eternity. Maybe they are scared of judgment day. Who knows either way atheist of believe life must be respected and protected. Another strange conversation (I think I may have told this story, I know I told Jan). At work our very liberal co-worker insists that abortion is between a woman and God. And she said she believes in God and that we are all God's children. Now either she is on some serious drugs or I am, that don't make any sense. I asked, well if you believe in God and we are all God's children, what right do we have to kill one of His children? Dead silence... no answer. No surprise there.
How can we respect human life? How about starting with just being nice and respectful towards others, and having a genuine concern for others before ourselves. I think that's a wonderful way for us to start. No one deserves to be treated rudely or mean. Disrespect or arrogance towards another is just mean. You obviously have no concern for that individual if you treat someone like that. I know when we speak of respect human life we usually mean stopping abortions and stop killing off our elderly. I also see it as to how we treat one another. Thinking of others as more important than yourself is so important. Scripture is very clear, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." Philippians 2:3. Could you imagine what kind of a world we would live in if so many more people really lived that verse in their lives; and if those who serve the people in local and national government would have that as their motto. Wow. Selfishness and empty conceit only offend those around you; you absolute disrespect those you treat that way. Another wonderful verse is, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29.
So here's what we should do. How about everyday from now on, we only speak nice things about and to people we know and even don't know. Just a thought. I know we as Christians are overflowing with kindness and love, this should come easy to so many of us. No more words that bite into someones heart or soul. Instead compliment something on everyone you meet all the time. It's easy, if we stay tuned to W-GOD. If you say, "Oh my this person is so mean, and so rude to me, I can't find one single thing I like about them." and you are serious, because maybe they treated you harshly or they were mean to you and maybe still are. Well today I challenge you when you see that person to compliment their hair, or the shirt they are wearing or shoes or boots; maybe they have a really cool car or maybe its painted a super cool color. The key: be nice, not phony, be sincere. And as I always say, if in doubt and you really want to do this, place all your trust in Jesus and pray. "Jesus, I trust in You"
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
The Glorious - Daily Walk 4/5
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Glorious Walk - 4/5
Hello Everyone,
What an absolutely glorious mystery for us to celebrate. I adore our Blessed Mother so much, but I think everyone pretty much knows that about me. Today we reflect on the fourth Glorious Mystery - The Assumption. Tradition says that Mary was taken to Heaven both body and spirit. As St. Paul has referred to the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, we can reflect upon Mary's body. And we plainly see that she who bore the Son of God, was most certainly a temple for God's Son. It is only fitting that her body be lifted to Heaven. For how can the Son of God be born in an unworthy unholy vessel. She had to be pure and perfect, for the blood and nourishment that ran through her body ran through our Lord's infant body. Today let us reflect on the dignity of life, not only at conception, but all the way to our natural death. Everyone deserves to live a life that is respected and protected. What right do we have to decide who should live and who should die, only God can do that. I do realize now that the government wishes to be God over all of us and decide that. LOL. Ok, I won't go there. There is no place for politics when it comes to my Lord, and His precious Mother.
It's clear that we have been born for a couple reasons. I have spoken of them in other blogs, but we have also been born to spend eternity with God in Heaven. Our bodies have to be treated respectfully and with some sort of dignity. If we are only destined to spend a life here and then die and be buried, and that's it. How sad it is for those who believe that, this life must be such a hindrance to those who end at the end of life. I hear stories from people I know personally who now say we were created by aliens. ??? Yes I am serious. This world is so dead said against God, that they would rather pic something that don't exist than agree that Almighty God created all things and God decides where we will spend our eternity. Maybe they are scared of judgment day. Who knows either way atheist of believe life must be respected and protected. Another strange conversation (I think I may have told this story, I know I told Jan). At work our very liberal co-worker insists that abortion is between a woman and God. And she said she believes in God and that we are all God's children. Now either she is on some serious drugs or I am, that don't make any sense. I asked, well if you believe in God and we are all God's children, what right do we have to kill one of His children? Dead silence... no answer. No surprise there.
How can we respect human life? How about starting with just being nice and respectful towards others, and having a genuine concern for others before ourselves. I think that's a wonderful way for us to start. No one deserves to be treated rudely or mean. Disrespect or arrogance towards another is just mean. You obviously have no concern for that individual if you treat someone like that. I know when we speak of respect human life we usually mean stopping abortions and stop killing off our elderly. I also see it as to how we treat one another. Thinking of others as more important than yourself is so important. Scripture is very clear, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." Philippians 2:3. Could you imagine what kind of a world we would live in if so many more people really lived that verse in their lives; and if those who serve the people in local and national government would have that as their motto. Wow. Selfishness and empty conceit only offend those around you; you absolute disrespect those you treat that way. Another wonderful verse is, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29.
So here's what we should do. How about everyday from now on, we only speak nice things about and to people we know and even don't know. Just a thought. I know we as Christians are overflowing with kindness and love, this should come easy to so many of us. No more words that bite into someones heart or soul. Instead compliment something on everyone you meet all the time. It's easy, if we stay tuned to W-GOD. If you say, "Oh my this person is so mean, and so rude to me, I can't find one single thing I like about them." and you are serious, because maybe they treated you harshly or they were mean to you and maybe still are. Well today I challenge you when you see that person to compliment their hair, or the shirt they are wearing or shoes or boots; maybe they have a really cool car or maybe its painted a super cool color. The key: be nice, not phony, be sincere. And as I always say, if in doubt and you really want to do this, place all your trust in Jesus and pray. "Jesus, I trust in You"
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Glorious - Daily Walk 3/5
Beads of Joy 07-07-10
The Glorious - Daily Walk 3/5
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Glorious Walk - 3/5
Hello Everyone,
Here we are at the third day of this most glorious walk with Jesus. Today let us look at the third Glorious Mystery - The Descent of The Holy Spirit. Did you ever notice why in all the pictures we see of Pentecost, we don't see a dove over our Blessed Mother, when the Descent of the Holy Spirit happens. Why? It's simple, back when the angel of the Lord was speaking to Mary at the Annunciation, it was then that the Holy Spirit had already come upon her. ""The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:35. We have all been gifted with a most special gift, the Holy Spirit. I believe the key to making our walk with Jesus, closest to that which our Lord has for our life; is all in the way we listen to and wait upon the Holy Spirit that is instilled in us. I also believe it is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can easily become bolder in our love for Jesus.
Today we celebrate all the gifts and fruits our Lord has given us through the power of the Holy Spirit. There is so much to celebrate. Here's a wonderful to start with, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13. We have been so blessed by such a loving caring God. Scripture says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23. Let us now reflect upon the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and see what it has to say about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and our human virtues. There is so much jam packed in the Catechism to share. Please, I encourage you to embrace the Catechism like you embrace your bible. It is truly a wonderful helpful guide in our faith.
1831 The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. They belong in their fullness to Christ, Son of David. They complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them. They make the faithful docile in readily obeying divine inspirations.
1832 The fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them: "charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity."
1834 The human virtues are stable dispositions of the intellect and the will that govern our acts, order our passions, and guide our conduct in accordance with reason and faith. They can be grouped around the four cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
We really need to be so excited and thrilled with some absolute over the top excitement people. LOL, seriously. Take a good look at what GOD, almighty GOD, has given us through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit that is instilled within us. Now you see yet another very exciting part of why I am always so excited about Jesus and God and our faith all the time. If you need guidance and direction, and you want to have more trust in Jesus' direction in your life, pray, "Jesus, I Trust in You."
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
The Glorious - Daily Walk 3/5
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Glorious Walk - 3/5
Hello Everyone,
Here we are at the third day of this most glorious walk with Jesus. Today let us look at the third Glorious Mystery - The Descent of The Holy Spirit. Did you ever notice why in all the pictures we see of Pentecost, we don't see a dove over our Blessed Mother, when the Descent of the Holy Spirit happens. Why? It's simple, back when the angel of the Lord was speaking to Mary at the Annunciation, it was then that the Holy Spirit had already come upon her. ""The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:35. We have all been gifted with a most special gift, the Holy Spirit. I believe the key to making our walk with Jesus, closest to that which our Lord has for our life; is all in the way we listen to and wait upon the Holy Spirit that is instilled in us. I also believe it is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can easily become bolder in our love for Jesus.
Today we celebrate all the gifts and fruits our Lord has given us through the power of the Holy Spirit. There is so much to celebrate. Here's a wonderful to start with, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13. We have been so blessed by such a loving caring God. Scripture says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23. Let us now reflect upon the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and see what it has to say about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and our human virtues. There is so much jam packed in the Catechism to share. Please, I encourage you to embrace the Catechism like you embrace your bible. It is truly a wonderful helpful guide in our faith.
1831 The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. They belong in their fullness to Christ, Son of David. They complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them. They make the faithful docile in readily obeying divine inspirations.
1832 The fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them: "charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity."
1834 The human virtues are stable dispositions of the intellect and the will that govern our acts, order our passions, and guide our conduct in accordance with reason and faith. They can be grouped around the four cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
We really need to be so excited and thrilled with some absolute over the top excitement people. LOL, seriously. Take a good look at what GOD, almighty GOD, has given us through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit that is instilled within us. Now you see yet another very exciting part of why I am always so excited about Jesus and God and our faith all the time. If you need guidance and direction, and you want to have more trust in Jesus' direction in your life, pray, "Jesus, I Trust in You."
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
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