Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rosary Prayer Team Details - 2

Beads of Joy 07-27-11

Rosary Prayer Team Details - 2
©2011 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everybody,

These next few days I wish to share what we can do as a Prayer Team. Our goal is obviously to pray for one another and others, but even deeper than that, we can really commit to this task. We can reflect on these few thoughts today: 1.As a prayer team, we can recharge one another’s emotional and spiritual batteries effectively and with the synergy and excitement, this can be tremendous for us individually and as a team. 2. As a prayer team we can each have our own personal prayer list, one that we constantly add names to, and one that we keep close to us while we pray. 3. As a prayer team we will share amongst each other, some of the most valuable gifts one could ever have. These gifts are of the spiritual nature, the world would ever understand the depths of all this, so we will pray for them.

Let us look at the first thought in these three reflections: As a team, we can recharge one another’s emotional and spiritual batteries effectively and with synergy and excitement. This is so exciting and to know that all of us have this ability to do this is even more exciting. As prayer team members we understand the value and need for prayer, and we really understand how important it is for us as a team to unite together in prayer. With that said, we are able to comfort, and embrace one another when things get tough, and when we feel under spiritual attack, and even when we have times of doubt.

Now looking at the second reflection: As a prayer team we can each have our own prayer lists of names; including families, groups, leaders, and so much more. Here is my method; some of you may want to adopt this method. Inside my bible in the center section that divides the old and new testament, I have a couple of blank pages. I would guess from all my years of seeing so many bibles, that you do have blank pages somewhere within your bible. Well on that page I have a section devoted to those people I know and even don’t know that have passed away, souls that I pray for daily. And then in another section I have family, friends, neighbors, and even a section of people I don’t particularly like, some may title it enemies of people who openly, publically sin. Those people need our prayers so much, and I believe it is our job as a prayer team to be praying for them. Jesus died for them to. So let us unite with Him loving them. The greatest gift anyone can give another is prayer, nothing on earth, even everything on earth combined won’t ever equal the value of someone’s prayers for another.

Here’s the final thought for today: We get to share amongst each other, shared prayers for one another and for each other. If there is anything on earth that you want to be part of, it should be a team of believers who pray together. Our environment is one of prayer; we seek nothing of this world, only the opportunity to care for others in offering our love and our prayers for them to the Father. God knows our hearts; He knows how much we really care for others. Our prayers for them only further show Him that we really live an unselfish life devoted to loving Him. May God always guide our hearts and may He always help us stay on track. More to share tomorrow.

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr. SFO

Today we pray the Glorious Mysteries

1. The Resurrection
2. The Ascension
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
4. The Assumption
5. The Coronation

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rosary Prayer Team Details - 1

Beads of Joy 07-26-11

©2011 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everybody,

As the week progresses I promised more and more details. To some this maybe not really details, but many of you who are s excited as I am, these details help etch out our place in prayer together. I think the biggest in this step of our praying in unity to make it even more beneficial, we need to; decide, identify, reach, etc. in many things. Today I will share an outline of the things I think we need to at least be on the same page with. Praying together in a more united way with create a very special bond between all of us. Reflect on this outline. I know my word isn’t law; I only share what I feel I am led to share. I do my research and I pray a lot. And this is where it has led me to.

-Let us have a passion each day to pray together.
-Let us decide that this is extremely important to us.
-Let us identify the JOY the beads withhold then share them.
-Let us openly and whole-heartily share the Rosary with others.
-Let us reach out to the entire earth with our prayers and unity.
-Let us touch every country, every city, and every neighborhood in some way.
-Let us all be mentors to one another with our unique approach on prayer.
-Let us each have a couple of “Prayer Team” buddies to always stay connected with.
-Let us continually build our Rosary Prayer Team.

I hope this makes a bit of sense. Some of it common sense, others just some ideas I came across in my research of prayer team unity. This is just the starting point; I have many many pages of notes with more details on what we can do… and what will do as a Prayer Team. I will continue sharing throughout the week. Please feel free to contact me directly if you wish. My doors are always open. This group and mission will never get complicated, I promise. I am only sharing all these things, to help excite your Spirit, like mine is.

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr. SFO

Today we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries

1. Agony in the Garden
2. The Scourging at the Pillar
3. Crowing with Thorns
4. Carrying of the Cross
5. The Crucifixion of Jesus

Monday, July 25, 2011

Let Us Pray The Rosary Together

Beads of Joy 07-25-11

Let Us Pray The Rosary Together
©2011 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everybody,

This week I will be introducing a new mission I’d like all who wish to participate, to participate. It will be ongoing and it will be intense at times, not in any bad way, and definitely not in any way that would cause any stress. This is a mission to help deepen and draw nearer our prayers as a community, or as I’d like to see it, as a “Rosary Prayer Team”. Our numbers maybe huge, and there won’t be any boarders, but that’s the whole idea. Our goal in the end is that we will be praying more together as a group, a team, in unity for peace, love and mercy, kindness and with the wholehearted intent to draw others to Jesus; and for those who already know Jesus, to help draw them even closer. We will be unveiling ideas to help each other pray more effectively for others. I have some very simple methods I use that make my prayer life, extremely fulfilling, constantly moving and very exciting. I am just like many of you. I am parent, a spouse, I have a full time job, and I am faced with a phenomenal amount of challenges day in and day out; just like many of you. But with all that said, my prayer life takes precedence and it in my own view dominates most of my life. Most can’t really “see” it. Those I share it with about know it, those I pray with a lot are very aware of it; but now I want so much to bring all of you into the fold, a kind of behind the scenes look at how I pray in a busy, crazy nonstop stressful world. A world that is ever changing and not really friendly to devoted people like us. But that’s okay, so be it.

This week I would like to share the outline and intentions of what is ahead. To start with, which I have already mentioned prior to all this; nothing will ever be asked of you, I am not here selling you anything. This is ALL about all of us praying together, that’s all. You are only invited to participate, obviously that is an important part of the whole idea behind a Rosary Prayer Team, but if you can great, and if you can’t then we will be praying for you. No problem ever either way, we only wish to encourage you to join in when you can. We aren’t a club, we don’t have meetings, but we do encourage fellowship.

I have a journal and in that journal this is what I have written in it, just yesterday:

One Rosary A Day – One Decade At A Time
-20 decades a day method.
-Daily decade invitations.
-Layout. Start to Finish, laid out as 1 complete rosary.
-Guide a prayer list method, my hand written name list method.
-Key... Always have a Rosary with you, no matter where you go.

This is just the beginning; I have so much to share. I have pages and pages of notes about what we can and will do as a group in prayer. The first and most important thing is that we identify ourselves as those devoted to the Rosary. And get more and more familiar with the mysteries. That’s an individual thing, and of cause each to their own gifts and devotion to our Lord and our Lady. Simply allow the Holy Spirit to guide your heart.

More details tomorrow..

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr. SFO

Today we pray the Joyful Mysteries

1. The Annunciation
2. The Visitation
3. The Birth of Jesus
4. The Presentation in The Temple
5. Finding of Jesus in the Temple

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Parables? Oh. So That's Why

Beads of Joy 07-21-11

Parables? Oh. So That’s Why
©2011 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everybody,

Our Lord’s wisdom is infinite, His use of the parables by using stories mixed with images, allows us to see a biblical teaching in a sort of three dimensional way. I love parables for reflection and the fact that every time I meditate on them, each time it is fresh and new in that way of its depth and understanding. I hope I am making sense; parables are just so exciting and fun to learn about. Jesus always had this natural way of using parables even in just sentences that weren’t parables in full content to the chapter, but individually they are. The harmonic balance in a parable is just this: At the end of the story all the spiritual and material aspects of the story come together and their objective to share spiritual truth is revealed. It is an amazing part of the gospels. Did you know there are also numerous parables in the Old Testament? In the future I will share a couple of them; they are simply amazing stories in and of themselves also. I will share them with you, I promise.

How do we gain from a parable? Pick a parable and read it a couple of times. I have heard that parables protect truth embedded in a story, if you are in tune with Jesus and His word, and His truth, you will understand it. Even if you live in utter darkness but have only one spec of light, you will sense the spiritual truth in the story. The Holy Spirit within us is from Jesus, and the Spirit always draws itself to Jesus. Simply pray and ask for guidance from the Spirit whenever you spend time reading the parables.

What other advantages do parables provide? As a story, a parable tends to be more easily remembered. It’s not like we need to be a scholar, but with a story it’s so much easier to recall. What I really like also about parables is it really has you thinking, and sifting through the words and imagery trying to find God’s truth. Parables also are an attention grabber to all people of all ages, making a parable a wonderful teaching tool. And I guess many have noticed how I get all wound up and thrilled to be able to share a parable; to me they are so exciting , they stir up my conscience, and to me, give me a three dimensional way to learn more about God’s truth. From one parable I can see multiple truths and explanations to understand God even more. When Jesus taught His parables, they use to say, “No one like that before.” He really grabbed their attention, He certainly has grabbed mine.

Benefits of a Parable: In Matthew 13, Finis Dake gives us seven beneficial reasons for using parables; he has them in his book “Annotated Reference Bible”. Here they are:

1. To reveal truth in interesting form and create more interest.
2. To make known new truths to interested hearers.
3. To make known mysteries by comparison with things we already know.
4. To conceal truth from disinterested hearers and rebels at heart.
5. To add truth to those who love it and want more.
6. To take away from those who hate and do not want it.
7. To fulfill prophecy.

This is so exciting. What is the mission of a parable? Basically it’s just a form of teaching prophecy and biblical truth through story telling. I encourage you to take the time to spend time reflecting and learning the parables Jesus taught in the New Testament. This is truly a wonderful aspect of our faith. God Bless all of you. If there is any way I can help, please don’t hesitate to ask. Just drop me an email. (

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr. SFO

Today we pray the Luminous Mysteries

1. Baptism of Jesus
2. Wedding at Cana
3. Proclamation of the Kingdom
4. The Transfiguration
5. Institution of the Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Soil Makes The Seed

Beads of Joy 07-20-11

The Soil Makes The Seed
©2011 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everybody,

Let us take the time to reflect upon another fantastic incredible parable. Is Jesus the Sower, or is the Holy Spirit the Sower; or actually every single Christian should be the Sower. How can we be true followers of Jesus if we are not Sowers? It is only natural for us to be Sowers. Today’s gospel is found in Matthew 13:1-9 (The Parable of the Sower). How hungry are you for God’s word? How hungry are you and how much desire do you have to stay focused and attentive to His word? I think the main focus throughout this parable is actually the “soil”. Yes the Sower is importantly noted and obviously the seed is the key (God’s word) to the entire process. So let’s look at the soil, Jesus shares with us four kinds of soil that probably is examples of where we are spiritually in our life. Which one of these probably best describes us? And which one would we like to be, or even better, prefers to be?

Is your mind closed (1)? Is your life guided by emotion (2)? Or maybe your mind just wanders around often and is so easily distracted (3)? But then maybe, hopefully you are a well-grounded good hearer who is rooted deep in God’s word (4)? There is so much wisdom here to be thought about. Maybe you have never considered any of these thoughts, or maybe you never understood why you never felt well-grounded. Hopefully these thoughts might help lead you closer to Jesus and deeper into His word.

(1) “…some seeds fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured them.” This soil wasn’t even soil at all; being of closed mind is the only way to understand this “soil”. Who would ever expect a seed to be able to grow, lying on a path? Any animal can easily devour it, a heavy wind can blow it away, there is really nothing even allowing the seed to gain any sort of root. How sad to even think one would even say they are a Christian in this state of faith. There is no way that God’s word can gain any root here.

(2) “Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they had not much soil, and immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of soil, but when the sun rose they were scorched; and since they had no root they withered away..” How many people immediately receive God’s word, and sing on top of the roof tops and then all of a sudden, you never see or hear from them again. Without spiritual depth, full surrender of spirit and a true character of faith there is no way that someone can possibly stay excited and focused on Jesus. Emotion is the guiding force here, which is unstable and inconsistent. Those that fall into this category, really also have no root, and their understanding of what it really means to be born-again is not understood and people like this easily backslide.

(3) “Other seeds fell upon thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them.” Does your mind wander? Do the worries and pleasures of this world distract you and keep you away from really knowing and loving Jesus? I don’t mean just a Sunday Catholic, Jesus died for us for all days, not just Sunday. You know the distractions of this world are subtle in their approach; you know who wouldn’t like a nice home, couple new cars, vacations unlimited; yes all that stuff would keep your heart away from Jesus, it doesn’t have to, but it could. These distractions are only more nails in your coffin, for the coffin that never makes it to Heaven. Consider the humble life of poverty. You know the word poverty doesn’t mean “broke”. If you are wealthy, you can still live the life of humility and you can live in a state of poverty. Simply stop being so selfish and prideful about yourself, care for others with what God has blessed you with. Stop meeting all your whims. Go on a “not buying for me” fast. And instead do things for others. Think about it. Help the people and the families you know need someone to step in and help them.

(4) “Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” This is where you want to be, in good soil; a soil that brings forth grain and multiples. For some of us this is just a matter of mindset or better of heart-set, focusing on and really loving Jesus as Lord. Once you become sold out to Him and you really truly love Him, you will have deep roots in his word, and you will want to tell everyone about His love, His word, His mercy, oh so much to share, you won’t be able to shut up and sit down. LOL. Like I always say, you are either in, or you are out. If you are in, then you need to be fully in… Jesus didn’t die “partially”, He died fully for us. We to, must die fully for Him. Consider taking this step, a step that only leads you closer to Jesus... do it today.

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr. SFO

Today we pray the Glorious Mysteries

1. The Resurrection
2. The Ascension
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
4. The Assumption
5. The Coronation

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What Is: The Dark Side?

Beads of Joy 07-19-11

What Is: The Dark Side?
©2011 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everybody,

I realize that is a rather odd title. But think about it, what is the dark side to you? Is it in a movie made in space, or a character that uses magic? I don’t know, I don’t see it that way. I see the dark side like this: The minute you turn your focus and your love away from Jesus and you no longer wish to love Him, honor Him and worship Him; well then you are on the dark side. Yes the room can be well lite up and no one has put any movie on the screen. The dark side, the way I see it, it is the side that does not include Jesus. Because now look at the conclusion of your life. Should you stay on the dark side and then die, standing before God in judgment He will say, “I never knew you.” In the Gospel of Matthew chapter 10, so much wisdom is shared about what Jesus tells us. Here are just a few verses from that chapter.

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Verses 28-31

And here are the verses I just allotted to earlier: “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven." Verses 32-33

Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” Verses 37-39, this is pretty deep stuff, I realize many will flee at these words, because their love for Jesus can never be as loyal and as deep as He requires us to be. But I will tell you, once you do as He commands us to do; you will experience levels of Joy that can never be explained in mere words. And that Joy will be an endless flow, a flow that can easily last an eternity of eternities.

This life we live is a serious time for us to prepare for eternity. We have been blessed with how ever many years to properly prepare our souls for Heaven. God knows our heart; He knows what we do in the shadows, in the closet and behind closed doors. He is well aware of every word we utter, type, text, tweet and speak under our breath. He knows that very day that we will be accountable for all our doings, good and bad. He knows when we have pride, he knows and sees our selfishness; and He even knows it when we use deceit and manipulation to hide it. None of us are saints, yes, we are saints in the makings, and I never doubted that for a moment. But we all have free-will and we all must deal with the world we live in. Is this all making any sort of sense? Jesus Christ died for you and for me, why? So that we may have eternal life, and in order that we might; He had to first pay for all our sins in full; His blood did that for us.

So now full circle back to the beginning of today’s blog: What is the dark side to you? And how might you be able to stay in the light more frequently. Who would have ever guessed, but I recommend you spend time in prayer, praying what? You ask. The Rosary of cause is where I will lead you to. Everyday our group unites in prayer in the evening, praying the Rosary together. You too can join us, or pray the Rosary any time you wish, and as often as you desire. My recommendation isn’t for everybody, but I suggest is in the midst of your day, pray the entire twenty decades. Truly, honestly, lovingly, spend time with Jesus and His Mother every day. Stay in the light of His word, His presence, His life, while hanging out with His Mother. You will soon, very quickly start to experience that Joy I was speaking about, a Joy that cannot be contained. Soon you to will be on the roof-tops sharing your Joy with everybody you meet. Yes this can happen to you. It happened to me. Back in 1983 my entire life changed, and Jesus became the center of all that I do, and His Mother became my Mother. Yes this world matters, but only if we spend the time here preparing for an eternity in Heaven with Jesus. All is lost if we miss out. Praise Jesus that we have each other, for encouragement, and guidance and assistance in helping each other stay on track. Step out in faith today, and serve only one Lord and Savior: Jesus Christ.

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim(The Rosary Man)Dacey Jr. SFO

Today we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries

1. Agony in the Garden
2. The Scourging at the Pillar
3. Crowing with Thorns
4. Carrying of the Cross
5. The Crucifixion of Jesus

Monday, July 18, 2011

No Sign Shall Be Given

Beads of Joy 07-18-11

No Sign Shall Be Given
©2011 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everybody,

How many of you really think we are, “an evil and adulterous generation” seeking a sign from God? I think we are, in fact it would be fair to say that many are starting to be a “God hating, non-believing, evil, selfish, prideful, adulterous generation.” Think that maybe too harsh? I don’t know look around, and compare the way you yourself see things, compared to what so many of us know what it used to be like, say 20-30 years ago. Yes indeed times have changed. Technology may have improved things to a more comfortable lifestyle, but morality and respect and common sense and decency are almost gone from our society. And I even think selfishness and pride are at all-time highs now. Today’s gospel can be found in Matthew 12:38-42 (Demand for a sign.) A truly incredible demand made by some of the scribes and Pharisees. How dare anyone make such a demand. One thing God doesn’t have to do is answer to anybody. The creature has no right to request anything from the creator. Our society is so blind-sided by the fact that they refuse to believe in “God” that I hear so much about, we come from another planet. Society would much rather believe that, then to believe in Almighty God who created us. I feel very sad for this generation of very confused, very selfish people out there. Now you all know I am most likely not talking to anyone who believes that, but I will guess that many of us know others who believe this crazy talk.

Do you thirst for God’s word, His truth, His presence in your life? So many people don’t, sad thing is God is ever present in all our lives, I guess it all depends; are you really looking for Him, or are you so blinded by everything else going on in your life, that you can’t see Him or you don’t want to see Him. We really need to look at our lives in such a way that all things are happening according to His will. Did that make any sense? And you say, “How do I do that?” Well I certainly don’t claim to be a scholar or anyone with the ability to see the future and just know these things; but I know how strongly I believe and how much I love my Lord. And I know how my life as a husband, and a father and a friend has experienced an incredible level of “hands off the wheel faith.” Did that make sense? What that means is God is in charge. Yes it would be nice to be able to call all he shots, make all the choices and in the end, get my back patted, and walk away with all the rewards. But honestly, if you do that, then you are not a follow of Jesus Christ. Our lives must be of sacrifice, offerings, prayer not only for ourselves, but mostly for others, and constant praise and love for Almighty God; a truly unselfish life. That is an incredible life, not many people in this world today see or even understand all the Joy in that type of a lifestyle.

We must really humble ourselves before Jesus, be single minded in our heart and mind; fully focused on one thing: God alone. He should be our own source for wisdom, truth, knowledge, joy, happiness. He must be the center source for all our needs. We have been blessed with the Holy Spirit to assist us and guide to the Father. The world we live in is deceiving, and very demanding. It always wants scientific proof and documented evidence. Sadly so much that they demand they only accept after it has been manipulated to meet their needs. Many of you know what I am talking about. Our faith isn’t like that; our faith is all about placing all our cards on the table for Him, for He who has died for us. No one in this world can ever love us as much as he does. No one in this world can ever give to us, what Jesus died for to give us. No one in this world that is of this world even knows what I am talking about. The Holy Spirit inside of us, that gift God has given us, seeks only the best for us; to be with Jesus, and to help us to know Jesus. That empty feeling you feel inside the pit of your soul, the spot you don’t know how to fill; you know what I am talking about. Well many fill it with evil things, habits, and relationships, whatever. Well that place is where Jesus should be dwelling in your life. He is the only one who can fulfill that inner need, take away that empty feeling. That place is made only for Him to reside in.

I encourage you today, if you haven’t already done so; surrender all your desires of this world and seek out only Jesus. It doesn’t matter if you have nothing and you live on the street or you are a zillionaire. Nothing in this earthly life really has any meaning when it comes to making the choice of Jesus or that stuff. Because in the end we must all die, and we all will, you know. And it is at that moment that all those choices of how ever many years, will come down to whether you spend eternity with Jesus or without Jesus. Once you stand before God in judgment, it is already too late to change your life. Selfishness and pride are the two biggest destroyers of the humble soul. Live your life for the one man, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who died for us; to pay for our sins in full, and He opened the doors of Heaven for us, so that we to might spend eternity with Him and the Father.

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim(The Rosary Man)Dacey Jr. SFO

Today we pray the Joyful Mysteries

1. The Annunciation
2. The Visitation
3. The Birth of Jesus
4. The Presentation in The Temple
5. Finding of Jesus in the Temple

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Righteous Will Shine

Beads of Joy 07-17-11

The Righteous Will Shine
©2011 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everybody,

The world of “Parables” that Jesus has brought to us, is exciting, insightful and full of love and wisdom; Jesus has set all of this into place to help guide us even closer to Himself. Today’s gospel is rather long and has three separate parts to look at. Today we are reflecting upon Matthew 13:24-43, verses 24-30, “Parable of the weeds among the wheat.” verses 31-35, “Jesus explains the mustard seed and the leaven.” And in verses 36-43, “Jesus explains the parable of the weeds.” So much to talk about in today’s gospel, maybe a reflection on how the weeds and the wheat are growing together in our society. Good and evil are inextricably interwoven in our world; there is no question that this is a true fact. Let us at least know the difference. In today’s parable God allowed both the weeds and the wheat to grow together. His wisdom knew that trying to separate them in the world we live in will only destroy the good in it. Let’s face a simple truth, without evil, there is no good. Positive can’t exist and even be seen as positive if negative didn’t exist. But when the two are side by side; the positive and the good shine, and the two are compared. But if there were only one, how then can we know that there are negative and bad things that we must avoid? God through the Holy Spirit enlightens our hearts and mind and soul to know Him; and once we know Him and all that is good, we can easily see evil and what is bad. The only place in the universe that only has positive, good, holy things is Heaven. So while we are here on earth, let us pray for the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus distinctly teaches us that this earth is God’s. Scripture clearly states, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16. That without a doubt very clearly tells us that we who believe in Him shall not perish. God loves us with all His heart. In today’s gospel Jesus is the sower, and the enemy is satan. Didn’t the enemy do this sowing of bad seed before? Adam and Eve were betrayed and mislead by the same evil seed. Today’s parable does share the wisdom of God and that He alone knows that the separation of the one or the other is beyond anything we can possibly understand, that is why they must grow together. But in this same scripture God says that this intermingling won’t last forever, but that at the time of harvest the two shall be separated. The final judgment shall come, and our free will to either do whatever we want or do what His will wants will determine the eternal destination of our soul. God gives us so many resources and so many wonderful Godly people to help guide us to Him. Let us stay focused on Jesus no matter what.

Are we aware of the destructive evil that surrounds us in this world? I would say yes, for the most part, evil stands out. Yes, good and evil, more and more are being distorted and blurred together, making it ever so much harder to know the difference. The government has its own evil way of supporting evil and sin, while making doing what is right difficult. With that being said, we see the difference. We also know that we can’t rely on society or the government to be the spiritual leaders we need to be, to help direct our children and grandchildren to Jesus. We as God’s children must sincerely without a doubt, live a life pleasing to God and that we must do all we can to direct our children and family to Jesus. But we do realize in the common sense of all that, that we all have a free will and that sometimes even in our prayers we lose people. Those people must remain lifted in our prayers. Sometimes it is God alone who must redirect that person back to their faith. All we should be doing is love and pray for them, placing all our Trust in Him.

In the end we will all reap and get exactly what we have sown through this life. We can’t sit in judgment against others condemning them. God knows the hearts and minds of His children. We must learn to forgive and move forward. We do not have to befriend evil, or share coffee with those who have hurt or offended us, but we as Christians must not wish evil or seek evil revenge on those who hurt us. We must instead pray for that individual and do all we can to help direct them to Jesus. God knows our hearts; He knows what we can handle and what we can’t. Let us place all your trust in Him and ask Him to bless and love those who have been evil to us. I know all this first hand, forgiveness even to those who have done all they can to break up our family. I wish no evil or revenge on the evil seeds that have been sown; I instead pray for them every single day. God knows I can’t break bread with them, but He knows I can pray for them, and He knows that in my heart I can through His shed blood; love them in spite of all that has happened. I embrace pain and suffering with God’s strength. It is through that that my faith is what it is today. There is no storm, no tsunami, no earth shaking event that shall ever draw me personally away from my Lord. In all that is good and evil, I thank God in all things; and do what I can to only help His will to continue in my life.

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr. SFO

Today we pray the Glorious Mysteries

1. The Resurrection
2. The Ascension
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
4. The Assumption
5. The Coronation

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Music To Live By

Beads of Joy 07-16-11

Music to Live By
©2011 James Dacey, Jr SFO

Hello Everyone,

I thought I'd put a list with links to all the music I recently posted. I am huge fan of Christian music, there is far too much to share all at once. So this is the entire list of 19 songs I posted on July 10, 2011. Now you to have access to these most glorious, fun, exciting songs praising Jesus.

Sidewalk Prophets - You Love Me Anyway

John Waller - While I'm Waiting (Fireproof)

Tenth Avenue North - You Are More

Chris Tomlin - I Will Follow

Matthew West - My Own Little World

The Script - The First Time

Third Day - Children of God

Heather Williams - Hallelujah

Josh Wilson - I Refuse

Sanctus Real - Lead Me

Mandisa - Stronger

Newsboys - He Reigns

Michael Card & John Michael Talbot - One Faith

Point of Grace - I Wish

Brandon Heath - Your Love

Michael W. Smith - Awesome God

JJ Heller - What Love Really Means

Chris Tomlin - How Great Is Our God

Laura Story - Blessings

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO

Today we pray the Joyful Mysteries

1. The Annunciation
2. The Visitation
3. The Birth of Jesus
4. The Presentation in The Temple
5. Finding of Jesus in the Temple