Saturday, April 12, 2014

20 Decade Rosary Devotion

 BEADS OF JOY 04-12-14 
“20 Decade Rosary Devotion”
©2014 James Dacey, Jr. OFS

My Friends,

I simply love praying the ROSARY…

First Joyful Mystery –The Annunciation
“How much faith does it take to follow God’s Will? …or this: How do you know when the situation presented before you is -God’s Will for your life? Well we honestly don’t know, at least not by any official Heavenly formula.  Mary knew, she was obedient and favored… Her love for God was incredible; and she lived a life pleasing to God. She just knew, just as many of us know when God’s hand is in the choices and direction of our lives. In this mystery I love Mary even more, her examples are many, but this example is number one in my heart. <3 “~Rosary Man Jim
Second Joyful Mystery –The Visitation
“Like Mary we too must be loyal to those we know and love. We all know someone who desires love, understanding and genuine concern for them. In this mystery let us go “in haste” to be with that person. “Others” –Let us live by that word, giving of ourselves, our time and our treasures in placing others as more important as ourselves. Living the life of J-O-Y is what being a Christian is all about: “J”esus first –“O”thers second –“Y”ou last… <3 <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim

Third Joyful Mystery –The Birth of Jesus
“Truly the most JOYOUS of JOYOUS occasions, it don’t really matter if the world is separating itself from Jesus in this most blessed celebration. As long as we stay connected. “I wish everyday could be like Christmas –what a wonderful world it would be…” Elvis sings that. As we contemplate around the stable, the poverty, the simplicity, the purpose of all this; let us share our JOY and our treasures of Christmas with others every day. <3 ” ~Rosary Man Jim
Fourth Joyful Mystery –Presentation in The Temple
“A true God-fearing family indeed. Mary was chosen, Joseph was guided and so Jesus would be born. The Presentation is Mary and Joseph’s confirmation of a life well lived following after God. Every day that go before the altar, for communion at Mass or even for Eucharistic Adoration we to present to God –ourselves, living and breathing sacrifices offered fully to Him !!! <3 ” ~Rosary Man Jim
Fifth Joyful Mystery -Finding in The Temple
“Are you a parent, a guardian, a teacher, a caretaker… Have you ever “lost” track of where your child is? Did you ever turn to look in one place or another expecting to see your child and much to your grief –a chill rolls down your spine and you realize that you DON’T know where your child is… Can you relate to that kind of grief? Now image the JOY when you do find your child. In this mystery let us rejoice in the JOY we have when we FIND JESUS !!!! <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim

First Luminous Mystery – The Baptism of Jesus

“From the mouth of God to the hearts and ears to all present at our Lord’s Baptism, God says, “This is my beloved Son, whom I am well pleased.” Through Baptism, most especially our own Baptism we are united and embraced together with God. When we live our Christian life through the sacraments, we find that at every commitment before and with God; He is ever present with us as we come to Him, He fully and completely gives Himself to us. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim
Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana
“With His Mother by His side, Jesus and Mary attend a wedding. It is Mary who notices a dilemma, an issue arising for the newly married couple. In this mystery we learn about how an observation of our Lady, directs her concerns to Our Lord. In this -Mary “interceded” for the couple. At first it seems as though Jesus wasn’t going to acknowledge her request. She simple says, “Do whatever He tells you.” And so Jesus fulfilled her wish. Let us always turn to Mary, for in turn she immediately turns to Jesus on our behalf. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim
Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom
“This is such an exciting, wonderful, blessed mystery. Through this mystery Jesus taught us about The Kingdom of God and the Good News through Himself that leads us to be with Him and His Father in Heaven. Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” Elsewhere He also says in the parable of the hidden treasure, “…he went away and sold everything he had and bought it”. Everything we have!!! …is the cost: God’s Kingdom must be our life’s focus. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim
Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration
“Staying focused on You Lord; that is what wisdom we have gained in this most precious, blessed mystery. When our eyes focus even on other very blessed Godly people; You Father God tell us, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.” Yes Lord, we listen to and obey your words and remain focused fully and completely on Jesus Your Son. In this mystery our hearts beat in unison with the most sacred, blessed, merciful, loving, caring -Heart of Jesus. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim
Fifth Luminous Mystery – Institution of the Eucharist
“What has Jesus done for us? By instituting the Holy Eucharist, Jesus remains with us always. His body, blood, soul and divinity through the Holy Eucharist is ever present with us; and should we desire to be with Him, we have the ability to be with Him every single day, either at daily Mass or at Eucharistic Adoration. In this mystery we learn to have a special love for Him, not only in our own church, but in all the churches around the world. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim

First Sorrowful Mystery – The Agony in The Garden
“Preparing for what’s ahead Jesus is sad and alone; Jesus suffers as He bleeds in His own suffering. The weight and magnitude of the sin of the world (our sins) -begins to weigh upon Him. Why were the disciples sleeping? Why can’t they seem to remain awake and alert in prayer as Jesus prepares to suffer for us? My Lord, My God and Almighty Father; Your Will shall be done. In this mystery let us learn to always pray, always pray for God’s guidance and direction; but with that said -we must learn to always remain in prayer in all things. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim
Second Sorrowful Mystery – The Scourging at The Pillar
“This suffering was probably beyond the worst. Jesus loves us so much that He willingly was tied down at the Pillar while being viciously and most violently beaten almost to death. The blood shed would have shocked anyone watching. No human alone could possibly withstand such a beaten; I would think anyone’s prayer in this mystery would be, “please let me die”. Yet with all this suffering our Lord pushed forward to suffer even more for us, in ways that only God’s Love can. In this mystery, let us refrain from our own complaining when we struggle. Our Lady’s tears were pouring heavily, as she continues to cry. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim
Third Sorrowful Mystery – Crowning with Thorns
“Never underestimate the amount of suffering our Lord truly endured. Our Lord’s journey to Save us, has given us; the ability to strive forward in our own humility. Who would love someone (so unworthy) so much, that they would be so willingly to suffer so much for that person? As we struggle with our own journey, let us not forget the violent force used on Jesus to humiliate Him, to disgrace Him and then to kill Him. In this mystery consider all the insults hurled at us -to be our own crown of Love for Him. Our Lady’s suffering was extraordinarily painful, the pain of a Mother’s love for Her Son. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim
Fourth Sorrowful Mystery – Carrying of The Cross
“Sacrifice!!! Do we even know what that means in the world we live in? Yes many of us Carry our own Crosses; yet even with that said many remain hard and choose not to believe. Jesus is no doubt exhausted, drained of every ounce of energy, yet His love for us gives Him the strength to forge forward. Peace and Joy are found in our own Sacrifice; let us seek this Peace and Joy. In this mystery we gain strength and confidence in the most difficult of times. Our Lady follows, while she too feels the weight of this pain, suffering and sacrifice. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim
Fifth Sorrowful Mystery – The Crucifixion
“When suffering is spoken of in our own spiritual journey, we’d never consider the depths of suffering to be this horrible, not for us. Let us try to share in this by surrendering our own selfishness and instead; embrace and love Jesus with all we have. He has loved us and saved us and forgave us -long before He ever knew us. In uniting with Him at the Cross, our reality and purpose in our life gains clarity. In this mystery the Holy and Blessed and Precious Blood of our Savior is spilled, because of our sins. In this mystery Our Lady suffers horribly with Him. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim

First Glorious Mystery – The Resurrection of Jesus
“He is Risen!!! Let us always remember His words -that He said He would be raised on the third day. Scripture clearly tells us about the angels that spoke to the women at the tomb, “The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” He is Risen!!! He is RISEN!!! Praise Jesus, Easter morning shall forever eternally fill our hearts with His love for us. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim
Second Glorious Mystery – Ascension of Jesus into Heaven
“This exciting mystery reminds us that Jesus encourages us to do God’s Will here on earth and know that we too shall follow Him as well to Heaven. As scripture says, “We do not have a permanent dwelling place here, but we seek that which is to come.” Desiring Heaven and staying focused on eternity while we are here on earth; provides for the believer -true happiness that gives us total and complete joy here on earth. Our Lady’s Assumption to go before us after Jesus, shows us the way to Heaven, through Jesus. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim
Third Glorious Mystery – Descent of the Holy Spirit
“The Holy Spirit inspires us, guides us and leads us; always into the heart and life of Jesus. In this most incredible mystery, God the Father gave us a third of the trinity as promised, “the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” In this mystery let us embrace the Holy Spirit that helps guide us and lead us spiritually. Our Lady was present with the disciples on this blessed day, as she is with us always. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim
Fourth Glorious Mystery – Assumption of the Virgin Mary
“Our dear precious Mother is showered with love as Daughter, Mother and Spouse of Almighty God. Taken straight to Heaven by God, her body and soul were taken. “The feast of the Assumption of our Lady prompts us to acknowledge the basis for the Joyful Hope.” In this mystery let us celebrate with God; Mary’s love, Mary’s obedience and Mary’s humility to follow God’s Will to send us His Son. Our Mother deserves our love always. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim
Fifth Glorious Mystery – Coronation of the Virgin Mary
“She is truly the ever Virgin, the Mother of my Lord, our true Mother. And now she is Queen and Lady to all. “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.” Who is it that can better teach us about loving Jesus, then the one who gave birth to Him and raised Him in her care? In this mystery we celebrate Our Mother’s much deserved love and appreciation for bringing Jesus to us unselfishly. <3 “ ~Rosary Man Jim

Come PRAY THE ROSARY with us every evening Monday through Friday 9pm EST with our
"Our Lady's Rosary Text Vigil Group"

Invitations posted daily… and throughout the evening…
Your brother in Christ Jesus
And His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr OFS

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