Saturday, May 2, 2015

Remain Focused

BEADS OF JOY 05-02-15
“Remain Focused”
©2015 James Dacey, Jr. OFS

My Friends,

This morning I began my day in prayer as I always do. And what I have noticed over the past week or so is a tugging at my heart to share these tugs with all of you. So this morning on our ministry wall I posted this after laying out the day’s prayers…

The world we live in is a mess, it's a disgrace, it's an insult to what so many of us have worked so hard for... so in all my prayers and thoughts I have come to this conclusion... Some of you may not like it...but I think many will...

START to seriously focus on YOUR salvation and YOUR relationship with Jesus now more than ever. Yes pray for others, yes help lead others to Jesus... BUT your first priority MUST be YOU preparing yourself for HEAVEN. We all must stand before God alone, our Lady will intercede. PLAN NOW WHILE there is still time... Don't be engulfed by all the crap going on, build and refine your own personal prayer life, your relationship with Jesus must be number 1... PRAY MORE!!!

There is no question in my mind that I feel concerned about all that is going on in our world; but at the same time, we need to really focus on what really matters. We must remain focused… All the junk (the stuff) we own, all the titles we hold, all the status many of us live and breathe by… unfortunately at the time of our death means nothing.

Wealth won’t get you into Heaven. A doctorate won’t get you into Heaven. Owning an expensive house and cars won’t get you into Heaven. God has blessed so many of us with so much. What we must keep in mind, is that we have been blessed so that through that blessing we can bless others. Simplicity is the greatest and easiest way to remain focused on Jesus. No distractions, no pride, no desire to have more. In the end the secret is this… The less you own –The more you have…

Billionaire or homeless -in the grave and before Almighty God we are equal. Equal in that we are all Human (children of God) –accountable to Him for our words, our choices to love, our choices not to love,  our mean spirited attitude to those who didn’t meet our requirements to be in our lives (many understand what that means). Our charitable nature in the things we have, in the things we love, in compassion, in understanding, in all that we have been blessed with. We are accountable as to how well we managed the “talents” we have been given. Read Matthew 25:14-30 (Parable of the Talents)…

Yes the Billionaire will have an expensive casket and most likely a lovely tombstone. A homeless person may get a simple box and be forgotten. In the end both will rot and stink of the stench of a dead body. But in the end both will stand before God, both will be given an equal opportunity to state their case, both will have the chance to (keep in mind -we only get one chance) to show God in word and deed that we love Him and that we have always loved Him. Actions do speak louder than words, but we must keep in mind that both work best together.

Later on in today’s post I also added the following:

Your inner peace should be JESUS... your heart should be overflowing with His love... you time should be consumed with payer... your focus should forever remain on Him.....

....and while all this is going on hold onto your Rosary, imagine it being our Lady's hand, hold them beads as you love Him, hold them beads while you focus on Him and hold them beads while you pray to Him....

...develop a very personal, very special, very devout, very PRIVATE PRAYER life...

...unite with others as much as you can in prayer... pray for everyone always... especially those who are ignorant, mean and violent towards you and all that you believe... but stay sincere and true to Almighty God in that your love for Him is true and your allegiance to Him shall never be broken even in death...

Today my heart just felt strongly led to share all of this. I can’t explain it, except that when the Spirit inside me stirs me up about something, I try my best to express it in words to share…


Come PRAY THE ROSARY with us every evening Monday through Friday 9pm EST…
Invitations posted daily… and throughout the evening…

Your brother in Christ Jesus 
And His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr OFS

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