©2015 James Dacey, Jr. OFS
SUNDAY -Rosary Man Jim's Reflection/Prayer
Praise Jesus today is Sunday... Let us rejoice in our celebration and love for our Lord and our Lady. Today's Gospel is John 6:1-15 (Multiplications of The Loaves) Do you trust in God's provision for you and do you share freely with others, especially those who are hungry and in need?
Praise Jesus today is Sunday... Let us rejoice in our celebration and love for our Lord and our Lady. Today's Gospel is John 6:1-15 (Multiplications of The Loaves) Do you trust in God's provision for you and do you share freely with others, especially those who are hungry and in need?
Dear Jesus, you always satisfy
the deepest longing of our hearts. When we are hungry you find a way to lead
someone’s heart to feed us. Please Lord, Fill me with tremendous gratitude and
a generous heart that I may freely share with others what you have given to me.
Even in poverty we can give to others. Thank you Lord for looking after my
family, during these most difficult times... AMEN.
SATURDAY -Rosary Man Jim's Reflection/Prayer
Good morning my sisters and brothers. Today there are many new pictures, actually mostly every single one is new. Today's Gospel is Matthew 20:20-28 (The Request of James and John) Today we also celebrate St. James, The Apostle. Are you ready to lay down your life and to serve others as Jesus has taught and modeled for us?
Good morning my sisters and brothers. Today there are many new pictures, actually mostly every single one is new. Today's Gospel is Matthew 20:20-28 (The Request of James and John) Today we also celebrate St. James, The Apostle. Are you ready to lay down your life and to serve others as Jesus has taught and modeled for us?
Dear Jesus, please continue to
make me a servant of love for your kingdom, so that I may seek to serve others
rather than be served. I desire my heart to be inflame with your love so that I
may give generously and serve joyfully for your sake. No matter what happens to
me Lord; as long as I have the internet, and I still have my vision, I will
always reach out to others in your name... AMEN.
FRIDAY -Rosary Man Jim's Reflection/Prayer
Good morning everyone. Last night was a dark night of sorrow for me, I prayed that I would die in my sleep. Being kicked off Temp Disability while under doctor care is very bad for my health. Today's Gospel is Matthew 13:18-23 (Explanation of the Parable of The Sower) Are you teachable and eager to learn God's truth? What keeps you from hearing His word?
Good morning everyone. Last night was a dark night of sorrow for me, I prayed that I would die in my sleep. Being kicked off Temp Disability while under doctor care is very bad for my health. Today's Gospel is Matthew 13:18-23 (Explanation of the Parable of The Sower) Are you teachable and eager to learn God's truth? What keeps you from hearing His word?
Dear Jesus, help me to guard
the word you have planted in my heart that no doubt or temptation may keep me
from believing and obeying you which is most difficult right now. May I never
be afraid to speak of you to others and to share with them the good news of the
gospel. Please Lord don't forget my family, we feel lost, forgotten and
abandoned... AMEN.
THURSDAY -Rosary Man Jim's Reflection/Prayer
Good Morning Planet Earth.. LOL Yes I am up super early. I couldn't sleep, oddly enough my eyes hurt through the night, sore.. strange... Today's Gospel is Matthew 13:10-17 (The Purpose of Parables) Do you believe God's word and do you submit to it with trust and reverence? Please read scripture every single day...
Good Morning Planet Earth.. LOL Yes I am up super early. I couldn't sleep, oddly enough my eyes hurt through the night, sore.. strange... Today's Gospel is Matthew 13:10-17 (The Purpose of Parables) Do you believe God's word and do you submit to it with trust and reverence? Please read scripture every single day...
Dear Holy Spirit, please
continue to be my teacher and my guide. Keep my ears open to hear God's word
and my eyes open to understand God's Will in my life. Knowing and seeing His
hand in my life energizes my Spirit. My heart shall never grow dull and my ears
never be tired of listening to the voice of Jesus... AMEN.
WEDNESDAY -Rosary Man Jim's Reflection/Prayer
Good Morning everyone. Check out all of today pictures, special Rosary Beads is today's focus... Today's Gospel is John 20:1-2, 11-18 (The Appearance of Mary Magdala) Do you recognize the presence and reality of the Lord Jesus in your life?
Good Morning everyone. Check out all of today pictures, special Rosary Beads is today's focus... Today's Gospel is John 20:1-2, 11-18 (The Appearance of Mary Magdala) Do you recognize the presence and reality of the Lord Jesus in your life?
Dear Jesus, may I never fail to
recognize when it is your voice nor lose sight of your presence in my life.
This life has many challenges and many temptations; I must not allow anything
to separate my love from you Lord. My eyes, my ears, my heart and my soul must
be "on the ready" to recognize you Lord. Thank you Jesus for always
being patient and understanding with me... AMEN.
TUESDAY -Rosary Man Jim's Reflection/Prayer
Good Morning my dear precious sisters and brothers around the world. No country, no language, no culture separates us.. Prayer unites us. Today's Gospel is Matthew 12:46-50 (The True Family of Jesus) Do you to want to grow in love and friendship? Let us continue to unite in prayer...
Good Morning my dear precious sisters and brothers around the world. No country, no language, no culture separates us.. Prayer unites us. Today's Gospel is Matthew 12:46-50 (The True Family of Jesus) Do you to want to grow in love and friendship? Let us continue to unite in prayer...
Dear Loving Father, you bless
us with many relationships around the globe and you invite us into the
community of your sons and daughters who have been redeemed by your son, Jesus
Christ. Please Lord, Help us to always love our neighbor with generous charity,
loving kindness, compassion, and mercy, just as you have loved me. In all our
relationships and in all that we do and say, may we always seek to bring you
honor and glory Lord... AMEN.
MONDAY -Rosary Man Jim's Reflection/Prayer
Good Morning my dear sisters and brothers. Hope everyone enjoys all the new pictures today... Today's Gospel is Matthew 12:38-42 (The Demand For a Sign) Do you truly thirst for God and for the wisdom which comes from above? Love you guys so much !!!
Good Morning my dear sisters and brothers. Hope everyone enjoys all the new pictures today... Today's Gospel is Matthew 12:38-42 (The Demand For a Sign) Do you truly thirst for God and for the wisdom which comes from above? Love you guys so much !!!
Dear Jesus, today like every
day I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may grow in the wisdom
and the knowledge of your love and your truth. Please free me from stubborn
pride and willfulness that I may wholly desire to do what is pleasing to you.
Your will is my truest deepest desire in my life. Thank you Lord... AMEN.
Come PRAY THE ROSARY with us every evening Monday through Friday
9pm EST… Our Lady’s Rosary Text Vigil Group http://beads-of-joy-blog.blogspot.com/2014/12/our-ladys-rosary-text-vigil-update.html
Your brother in Christ Jesus
And His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr OFS
And His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr OFS