Sunday, February 3, 2019

It’s All About Jesus

BEADS OF JOY 02-03-19
“It’s All About Jesus”
©2019 James Dacey, Jr. OFS

My Friends,

My whole journey since 1983, I have prayed for our Lord to lead me closer and closer to His mother. Throughout all these years, I was lead to a book I use to relax and read in my meditation and still do, called, "True Devotion To The Blessed Virgin" by St. Louis de Montfort. A book you honestly can never put down. Not only because of the way St Louis wrote it, but how my past thirty-six years of devotion fit into this equation.

If we are indeed solid in our relationship and knowledge of how all our devotion, all our praise and worship and all that we call God is Jesus; then we know praying with our Blessed Mother only leads us closer to Jesus. He also points out, that if in our devotion to our Lady we lose sight of Jesus, then that is an illusion of the devil. So, staying attentive for and seeking only Jesus, is our main purpose when we are devoted to our Lady. Our love and respect for Mary is important in our walk to our Lord. St Louis de Montfort referred to a quote by an unnamed saint, "Let no one presume to expect mercy from God, who offends his holy Mother."

Our precious Lord has blessed us with His most beautiful mother. How can we not give her any love? I understand: she isn't our Lord, she isn't our Savior, she didn't die for our sins, and she didn't die on a cross. But without her, neither could Jesus. She was chosen by God Himself. God found favor with this young virgin. God and God alone knows all the reasons why He does things; but I think it's fair to say that when He chose Mary, he made a wonderful choice. For starters when she said, "yes", to God’s Will, that she would be the one to bring Jesus to us. Another example would be The Wedding at Cana, where Mary brought the servants to Jesus and told them, "do whatever He tells you". This is so exciting, now all we have to do is hang out with Mrs. C. (wink wink) and we will be brought to her Son, over and over. LOL. Am I getting goofy again? I get so excited inside my heart every single time I think of all that has been done for us, by God. Here is one of my poems. I have written over 800 of them. One day I will make a book of them and put them on Kindle. Promise!!

All About Jesus

If we were to say let us give praise
You might ask who we are praying toward,
I'd be confused why you asked that
It's all about Jesus, He is our only Lord.

There will never be another in our life
He came to save us all with His love,
There is no other who can be praised
It's all about Jesus, from Heaven above.

Now look towards our Blessed Mother
Her name is Mary, she is queen indeed,
But we do not worship her as God
For only Jesus is worshiped on them beads.

Mary is here to guide the way for all us
That chain of beads really helps us so well,
If only more would understand that
They would join us and ring the 3 o'clock bell.

My sisters and brothers we can stand tall
For our love for Mary is a blessed thing,
For God knows our hearts and our thoughts
So grab the Rosary, and pray and sing.

Do not lose hope and focus when it comes to the Rosary, just as Mary was the vessel that brought Jesus to us; so, the Rosary is the chain that anchors us to the vessel that bore Jesus. If for any reason you feel it is only about Mary, then it is in your own mindset or the devil is creating illusions in your understanding. If I were to say, jump in my car so I can take you to Mass. And along the way we share wonderful loving kind words about our Lord and the scriptures, when we get to the church, is it me you were looking at, or thinking about? Of cause not! You were thinking about your arrival to God's house to see His Son, Jesus. We shared conversation about Him, and how truly wonderful it was going to be once we arrived. Mary to, is our transportation to Jesus. We share an adoring love for her Son, as in our own fellowship and we worship Him along the way. Our blessed Mother is a blessing, embrace her like she were your mom. Because spiritually she is, she gave birth to our Lord. Her blood and His blood flowed together for nine months. Simply love her for who she is, the Queen of Heaven no doubt. And when you are in doubt about who she is; please pray this simple prayer asking Jesus to guide your heart, "Jesus, I trust in You."

How can I meditate while praying the Rosary?
w/ Father Albert

The Mystery of the Rosary
a short documentary on the Rosary

I Struggle with the Rosary
w/ Fr. John and Dan


Your brother in Christ Jesus 
And His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr OFS

Today is Sunday: We pray the Glorious Mysteries:

The Glorious Mysteries

1. The Resurrection (Faith) –Mark 16:1-8
2. The Ascension (Hope) –Luke 24:50-53
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit (Love) –Acts 2:1-4
4. Assumption of Mary (Grace of a Happy Death) –Rev 12:1-6
5. Coronation of Mary (Mary’s intercession) –Judith 15:9-10

Glory and Honor and Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ!

(Mary’s Way of The Cross - .99¢)

(Praying The Complete Rosary - .99¢)

Rosary Man Jim's
Decades With Our Lady Podcast