Thursday, February 21, 2019

Peter’s Confession

BEADS OF JOY 02-21-19
“Peter’s Confession”
©2019 James Dacey, Jr. OFS

My Friends,

Today’s Gospel: Mark 8:27-33 (Peter’s Confession)
“And Jesus went on with his disciples, to the villages of Caesarea Philippi; and on the way he asked his disciples, "Who do men say that I am?" And they told him, "John the Baptist; and others say, Elijah; and others one of the prophets." And he asked them, "But who do you say that I am?" Peter answered him, "You are the Christ." And he charged them to tell no one about him. And he began to teach them that the Son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. And he said this plainly. And Peter took him and began to rebuke him. But turning and seeing his disciples, he rebuked Peter, and said, "Get behind me, Satan! For you are not on the side of God, but of men."

Who do you say that Jesus is? It is the Holy Spirit that guides us and leads us to Jesus. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we begin to understand the Gospel and who Jesus is in our lives. Do you openly allow the Spirit of God to work through you; so that you can witness and live a life of courage and faith, standing strong in your faith in Jesus Christ? Jesus never said it would be easy. For Him it took humiliation, suffering beyond what we could ever imagine and then eventual death upon a cross, a cross He had to carry.

If we ever intend to share in the Victory of His Resurrection, we to must also carry our own Cross. Some have light crosses in this life, while others have enormously clumsy extremely heavy ones. God’s knows what we can handle, and He only allows that which we can handle, no more. The Holy Spirit gives us the faith and the strength we need to know Jesus and to get through this life as witnesses to His Truth, His Word, His Victory over sin. Who do you say Jesus is?

Why in scripture does Jesus say to the disciples, “…tell this to no one”? That seems rather odd, wouldn’t Jesus want Peter to proclaim his witness, his faith to all? Well I found a wonderful, well explained explanation for His request for their silence, that I wish to share with you from Cyril of Alexandria (376-444 AD):

There were things yet unfulfilled which must also be included in their preaching about him. They must also proclaim the cross, the passion, and the death in the flesh. They must preach the resurrection of the dead, that great and truly glorious sign by which testimony is borne him that the Emmanuel is truly God and by nature the Son of God the Father. He utterly abolished death and wiped out destruction. He robbed hell and overthrew the tyranny of the enemy. He took away the sin of the world, opened the gates above to the dwellers upon earth, and united earth to heaven. These things proved him to be, as I said, in truth God. He commanded them, therefore, to guard the mystery by a seasonable silence until the whole plan of the dispensation should arrive at a suitable conclusion.”

The Son of Man is destined
to suffer grievously

Sophia Sketch Pad:
The Eucharist

The Virgin Mary's Struggles
w/ Fr. Mike Schmitz


Your brother in Christ Jesus 
And His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr OFS

Today is Thursday: We pray the Luminous Mysteries:

The Luminous Mysteries

1. The Baptism of Jesus (Matt 3:13-17)
2. Wedding Feast of Cana (John 2:1-12)
3. Proclamation of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:15)
4. The Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-13)
5. Institution of the Holy Eucharist (Matt 26:17-30)

Glory and Honor and Praise -Lord Jesus Christ!!

(Mary’s Way of The Cross - .99¢)

(Praying The Complete Rosary - .99¢)

Rosary Man Jim's
Decades With Our Lady Podcast