Saturday, March 23, 2019

Lent – Day 16

BEADS OF JOY 03-23-19
“Lent – Day 16”
©2019 James Dacey, Jr. OFS
“Distractions of Inside Joy”

Lenten Season – Day 16
My Friends,

Today we'll take a break from our bible study and reflection; and we'll take a fun look at some leisurely activities that I have in my life, for spending the other 5% of my time. LOL. I will say that I most likely spend 95% of my time in "bible study / prayer mode" including prayer and research and ministry time. Maybe that's over the top, ya think. Fr. Mullally used to always tell me to have some other interest in my life. But I will say that I am so thrilled and excited and filled with so much joy every single day, that I spend so much time with my Lord, that I can't help it. I find that I gain so much emotionally and intellectually fulfilling. If Jesus were to be ripped from my life, taken away from of me, and I had to live a worldly life focusing on my own selfish desires, my heart would never beat ever again. But that's just me talking.

I enjoy leisure, I guess that's hard to believe, but I do. My favorite of all is writing, yes, I do write a lot spiritually; but I also write a lot of short stories (mostly fiction) and I have a couple of books that I am writing that I want to get back in motion. I am a sci-fi writer kind of guy, not like the Star-Trek Deep Space kind (though Star Trek the Original is my favorite); more like the real science facts with a twist of "ah that might be true" added to it. I believe it is so important that once in a while we spend time doing anything to relax our minds and enjoy the splendor of all of God has given us. Even the disciples fished, I'm willing to guess that they not only had fishing businesses, but I would say they enjoyed it even more than just that. Growing up I used to go fishing with my Grand-father, my mom's dad, he passed away in 2011. He loved fishing, he always said to me, it was challenging to trick the fish, and then it was fun reeling them in. He found much leisure and enjoyment in spending time at Great Kills Beach and Sandy Hook, or “The Hook" as he would call it. I think there is a certain blessing we gain by breaking our time up a bit, so we can smile, laugh and look into the night sky in wonder at all the billions of planets that so eloquently stay positioned so perfectly in the heavens. And in that; Thank God for all these blessings.

Something else I find much leisure in, is music. Many of you see that in all the music I post every once in a while, on Facebook. Music is so blessed to listen to, sing along with and to relax to. I have some serious religious music I really enjoy, but beyond that I also like all genres of music (rock, pop, rap, country, oldies, jazz, classical, etc.), I like to learn the lyrics and then sing as best as I can with the artist to see how well I do. LOL. I can only image what you all must be thinking, "this guy is a crazy". LOL. I'm not going to argue, but I will say if any of you have tried this sub-consciously, you will admit it’s fun, and it burns away any stress you may have. I really enjoy the English language and some songs have some really well thought out witty lyrics. So, I find much leisure in enjoying whatever songs catch my ears.

Today's Challenge: Embrace a leisure that makes you feel good. Keep it in your life and Thank God every chance you can for bringing such joy into your heart and life. Enjoy It and Have Fun !!!

“Life changing discovery – God speaks to me”
Evenings with the Merciful Jesus
w/ Sr. Gaudia Skass


Your brother in Christ Jesus 
And His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr OFS

Today is Saturday: We pray the Joyful Mysteries:

The Joyful Mysteries

1. The Annunciation (Humility) – Luke 1:26-28
2. The Visitation (Love of Neighbor) – Luke 1:39-45
3. The Birth of Jesus (Poverty of Spirit) – Luke 2:1-20
4. The Presentation (Purity of Mind & Spirit) – Luke 2:22-38
5. Finding in The Temple (Obedience) –Luke 2:41-50

I simply love Saturday mornings, because Saturday like every other day of the week -begins with the Rosary.

Rosary Man Jim’s Joyful Reflection:

(Mary’s Way of The Cross - .99¢)

(Praying The Complete Rosary - .99¢)

Rosary Man Jim's
Decades With Our Lady Podcast