“The Fast & The Curious”
©2016 James Dacey, Jr. OFS
My Friends,
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That sticker is from 1989. It should read. "Praying The Rosary Around The World" |
Saturday’s Rosary Making Reflections:
Saturday’s will now be devoted to our Rosary Making progress, ambitions, hopes, dreams, ideas and hopeful curiosity of others who may join in. If you are within a 100-mile radius of Milford, PA. Well than I would be more than happy to help teach and train you on how to make Mission Rosary Beads. I’d even set you up with some beginning supplies and help you begin a small group amongst your own friends training them also. Yes, my ambitions are tremendous; but the Lord shall lead and guide us along the way.
As I still continue to have challenging side-effects from my 2 strokes (my left side numbness) I try my best to forge forward. For close drives, I would drive myself, further ones, either my wife and I would share the ride or one of my children or a fellow church friend would help; no matter I would get to you. The ambitions hold no boundary. Obviously, I can’t train you in Florida or California; though I would love to so greatly. But financially and physically it would be impossible. But if you were to visit family or friends in NY, NJ or PA somewhere relatively close by; I would be more than happy to come by and teach all of you how to make Mission Rosary Beads.
The Fast & The Curious? Crazy title? No! I am quick in response to anyone interested and anyone curious and I love to play with words, so that’s where the title came from. I have some supplies and I am ordering more. I intend to help train you and if it takes a couple of times to help you feel comfortable with making them I will be able to help you and anyone interested in making Mission Rosary Beads. I will leave you some supplies and we will talk about future logistics if you’d like to continue. If your church already has a local group; please invite me, I’d love to help your group in any way I can. Either in making more beads to ship out or help teach or recruit more Rosary Makers. Just let me know.
Ambitious Outreach Plan:
Basically that’s the region I have begun reaching out to personally. Yes, gladly I’d go outside that region, depending on what each situation is; but let’s take this one day at a time as the interest in making Mission Rosary Beads grows throughout the area. Please feel free to reach out to me and begin the process of getting together. Email me: jimdaceyjunior@yahoo.com Subject matter: Mission Rosary Beads. God Bless you and everyone else out of reach an unable to join us, please pray for us, or if you would like to and you are able to donate to help fund this, that would be spectacular, just email me also. Mission Rosaries cost about .15¢ cents each to make. Talk to you tomorrow.
Your brother in Christ Jesus
And His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr OFS
Today is Saturday: We pray the Joyful Mysteries:
The Joyful Mysteries
1. The Annunciation (Humility) – Luke 1:26-28
2. The Visitation (Love of Neighbor) – Luke 1:39-45
3. The Birth of Jesus (Poverty of Spirit) – Luke 2:1-20
4. The Presentation (Purity of Mind and Spirit) – Luke 2:22-38
5. Finding in The Temple (Obedience) –Luke 2:41-50
I simply love Saturday mornings, because Saturday like every other day of the week -begins with the Rosary.
Rosary Man Jim’s Joyful Reflection: http://beads-of-joy-blog.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-joyful-mysteries_10.html