Monday, April 16, 2018

I Want To Be a Priest!

My Reflections Prior to Speaking with Fr. John 4/16/18

I have always felt this inner calling to be a Priest. But, with that being said; I know that God had other plans for me long ago. Here is the back story: My mother and I prayed for almost a year back in 1983, asking our Lord, if being a Priest was something I should pursue. Back then I was also wanting to be a Dad and a Husband, like my dad, who I admired. I didn’t start dating at all, till I was in college. Odd, I know, but pure truth. Well, I met this girl Deana and I fell in love, so I thought. We were together 2.5 years and engaged. I did love her, but I always told her, something was missing, and I don’t know what. This relationship was non-sexual, and we were waiting for our honeymoon. Anyhow, one day at work Christine Mersereau passed by me, only to find out she worked with me. It was my first day at my new job. I didn’t know her name and I knew absolutely nothing about her. All I knew was in my head and in my heart, I said to myself, “There is the future Mrs. Dacey!” And so, we became friends and at the first moment of our exchange of conversation, I felt that SPARK inside my heart and I knew this is what was missing.

I can’t fully explain it, but I knew I had to let go of everything and everyone and pursue this incredible woman and get her into my life. Which I did, and holy smokes did I create controversy and confusion. Mind you, I was already engaged, we had the hall, the church, the date, we already had an engagement party. I really had no clue that this was going to get so crazy. I guess I was naive. But no matter what, even with all the trouble I thus created; I was not taking my eyes or my heart off Christine. She will be my wife, forever. I remember our first lunch date, it was at the Dove, a diner about a mile from work. I was doing 70 mph, on Richmond Avenue in my Dodge Aspen coupe, it had T-Tops it was so cool. I know I wasn’t. The funny part is, I raced us back to work, and Chrissy got out and said to me, “I will never ever get in a car with you again, you are crazy.” LOL! I laughed to myself and looked at her and said, “Oh we’ll see, you will.” I was cocky, and I was falling in love.

The reason I am telling you all of this, is because this drive inside of me, this “calling” if you will, to have Christine in my life was so strong. All I knew in my heart and in my head, is that life will be perfect, if she is with me. And I was so right! Life was incredible, I found my true Princess, my Soulmate, my one True Love. In my life back then, I was meant to be a Dad and a Husband, who loved and adored his wife with all his heart, no matter what. I fell in love with Chrissy over and over again through our 30 years together. My heart always skipped a beat every time we held each other and kissed. My parents at the time were irate, after all I was with another girl for 2.5 years, made all these wedding plans, etc. and I willingly left it all to pursue a girl I didn’t really know. My parents said, “You guys won’t last a year, you’re throwing everything away for someone you don’t even know.” Well… LOL… Well...

I told my parents, “I can’t explain it, but Christine will be my wife and we will be together forever, and we will have a family.” My mom was like, “How can you say that, you guys just met?” I said, “I can’t explain it, I just know, she is my one true love, we will always be together.” My parents eventually, obviously realized, we seriously fell in love and it was forever, and it was more real than ever and we were like teenagers in love all the time.

I tell you this, because inside me NOW, since the 17th day of Lent 2018, I have had this burning desire inside of me to pursue the Priesthood and become a Priest. Can I fully explain it? No. Do I know it’s real and our Lord’s love is overflowing and bubbling inside me? YES! So, I must do all I can to pursue this. Sometimes, you just know, that you know, that you know. Hope that makes sense. Only difference here is that I can’t make all the decisions. Priests and the Bishop could do all they can to show me, this is not my calling. I pray that they sense this burning desire deep inside of me to serve our Lord this way.

I truly desire a life of self-sacrifice. I can’t explain it, but I have always admired the life of a Priest. A Priest who willingly gives his life to the Church to serve his community and to bring Jesus to all of us. Like I told Fr Peter Calebrese many years ago in Lewiston, NY, when he was my Spiritual Director. I said to him, “I admire you and I admit I even envy you, for having such a wonderful incredible life as a Priest.” He was like, “What?” I said, “Please don’t misunderstand me, I love my wife with all my heart and I adore all our children, it’s just that, you are doing exactly what I have always wanted to do, since I was in high school.” I had to tell him this, I felt my heart screaming inside to share with him how I truly felt about the Priesthood.

I did not plan to write this this morning. I was only going to work on my blog and my books. I had no intentions to share all of what I just wrote, I just felt led to do so. And now my heart and my soul feel refreshed and joyous, because I did...

From my heart to yours,
Jim Dacey Jr, OFS