Monday, April 8, 2019

Lent – Day 29

BEADS OF JOY 04-08-19
“Lent – Day 29”
©2019 James Dacey, Jr. OFS
“The Annunciation”

Lenten Season – Day 29
My Friends,

Today let us look at the first Joyful Mystery - The Annunciation. I hope today's reflection allows you to maybe look into your own lives and reflect on your own view on each of these mysteries. Me, as a dad of five incredible, dynamite kids whom I love with all my heart. I see the annunciation, as a time to rejoice; a "baby" is on the way and we must celebrate, embrace and tell everyone we know that we are going to have a baby. That's the giddy, goofy daddy in me. I am very blessed to have five super awesome kids in my life, and to have been part of their lives raising them is such a blessing. I know parents pretty much feel the same way I do about their own children, but I still have to say it, I got the best kids in the entire universe, PERIOD. I pray that in the future, they to have a sincere love and devotion to our Lord and our Lady like I do. I write, not only to share with everyone and help draw everyone closer to our Lord; but I also write, to leave a Legacy of Faith for many more generations to come in my blood line. The best "thing" to pass through the generations isn't money, or an estate, or whatever; it's our faith. If you’re taking notes: OUR FAITH !!!!! That is the ultimate legacy to pass on through the generations ahead of you in your own family.

Let's take a good hard look at Mary's situation. Here she is about fifteen years old, and the Holy Spirit dun got her pregnant. Oh no, this is a bad thing, from a worldly stand point for such a young girl. What does she do? Who does she turn to? How does she not only tell Joseph? But how does she tell her daddy? Most girls look up to their dads and they really don't want to disappoint them. Just as a man's first woman in his life is his mom, the first man in a girl's life is her dad. His role in her life is vital, and critical, not only to how she sees and perceives men in the future, but it also helps her in her spiritual walk. Is her dad like Jesus? Does my daddy really care about me? How do I tell my daddy something that I just know will disappoint him? As stated on EWTN's webpage in regard to St. Joachim, "Nothing is known of St. Joachim save what is told in apocryphal literature. He was a man of Galilee, husband of Anne, and both he and Anne were in the decline of life when Mary was born. Tradition relates that while Joachim was away from home, he had a vision that Anne was to be blessed with a child, and that on his return home, his wife ran forth to tell of the visitation of an angel who had revealed to her the same good tidings. There was ancient belief that a child born of an elderly mother who had given up hope of having offspring was destined for some high purpose and would be blessed by all the world." Knowing all that, we can see that Joachim was a man of God. And that influence and the encounter prior to Mary's birth gave him some insight and preparation for her life.

Hine sight is always 20/20. We see the events, we know the outcome, and we know what Joachim had to do. And I would say he did a fantastic job as a faithful, loyal dad. His example and nurturing certainly played a huge role in our Blessed Mother's life. As a dad I see The Annunciation as a time for a dad to embrace his daughter, to be open in understanding what has happened and continue loving and trusting that our Lord's hand is in this situation. Also, as a dad, I would never turn away from my daughter or son, no matter what, even if they didn't want me. I am sure Joachim's faith and love for God, kept him even closer to God through these difficult times of understanding what was going on. In this mystery as a dad reflecting on the events we now celebrate, I would say to all dads, "No matter what is happening in your children's lives, especially the difficult and misunderstood things; stay by their side showing them love, forgiveness and unfettered support all the way through the situation, never ever leaving their side, and dad's trust in God and that our Lord's hand is in the midst of these things. Never turn away from your kids, no matter what. No one is perfect, no one is superior, and no one needs to be judged so harshly, rather love your kid with the same heart Jesus loves you. Sincerely with all your heart, really be the dad or mom you know our Lord wants you to be." That's what I would say to all parents as I reflect upon this mystery.

And dad's this one’s for you; it's only a rumor, but I believe it to be true, "Only Real Men Pray The Rosary". Yes, there is even a group that actually uses that name; but aside from that, the concept holds true, so be a real man, and get down on your knees and pray your Rosary to a mighty, powerful, loving God. Scripture clearly states, "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4. Be a Godly example for them. Dads our kids are watching us. So, we must as dads, first be an example of what it really means to truly love and honor our Lord, followed by loving and adoring their mom, followed by loving and respecting them. Kids are way more in tune with their parents then their parents are with each other and them. Staying on focus and truth to our faith is critical; we must keep all these things close to our hearts as we move forward raising them. My oldest is thirty-one years old, and our youngest is eighteen. You honestly never stop being a dad. It's really my "proudest" title. I love all of them, but hearing my kids say, "dad" or "daddy", or "hey you" lol, ok, maybe not the last one. I get all ecstatic and happy thinking about the five most precious gifts Jesus has allowed us to nurture: James 3rd, Christopher, Sarah-Ann (my Pickles), Travis and Charlie.

Thank You Lord for entrusting me with 5 awesome kids.
Lord, may we all pray to you, "Jesus, I trust in You."

TODAY’S CHALLENGE: Tell your kids how much you love them. We don’t have to get all weird on them, just look them straight into their wonderful precious eyes and open your heart fully; assuring them of your love. And here’s the kicker to today’s challenge. Do this often, pray about how often, but none the less; often… Now that’s a legacy to pass on. Your Love for them !!

Training of Children
w/ Archbishop Fulton Sheen


Your brother in Christ Jesus 
And His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr OFS

Today is Monday: We pray the Joyful Mysteries:

The Joyful Mysteries

1. The Annunciation (Humility) – Luke 1:26-28
2. The Visitation (Love of Neighbor) – Luke 1:39-45
3. The Birth of Jesus (Poverty of Spirit) – Luke 2:1-20
4. The Presentation (Purity of Mind & Spirit) – Luke 2:22-38
5. Finding in The Temple (Obedience) –Luke 2:41-50

I simply love Monday mornings, because every morning begins with the Rosary.

(Mary’s Way of The Cross - .99¢)

(Praying The Complete Rosary - .99¢)

Rosary Man Jim's
Decades With Our Lady Podcast