Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Rosary Text Vigil Group

BEADS OF JOY 04-29-14 
“Rosary Text Vigil Group”
©2014 James Dacey, Jr. OFS
“Our Lady’s Rosary Text Vigil Group”

My Friends,
Many have asked and many have inquired. So today I have put together a blog fully explaining this wonderful group we have. Our hope, our intention is to continue growing in unity; so that more and more of us can pray together each evening. What I have listed below is a bunch of question, some have been asked of me and others fill the gaps of explanation. I hope this very helpful and I hope that you to consider joining with us each evening.
Monday – Friday at 9:00 PM EST.
Started in the spring of 2009
Founded by: Jim Dacey Jr & Jan Martinez

How did this begin?
Jan Martinez and I have been friends for a long time. Back in 2009 her husband Dan had to go away for training for his job. So Jan called me and asked if could chat to help pass the time each night. I agreed and we did for a couple nights. Then I thought, “Hey why don’t pray the rosary together during this time each night?” Jan was thrilled with the idea and so we began to do just that. Then when Dan returned home, I told Jan, “I will text you when I am about to begin my Rosary, just text me back if you can begin to, if not text me what time is best.” And began our text group…

How did others learn of this and wish to join?
The days following our Rosary, Jan and I would speak of our intentions, and what happened during that time of prayer. Eventually others started reading this saying, “Hey, I didn’t see a Rosary posted last night, what are you guys talking about? How can I be part of that?” And so little by little we have grown in devout individuals interested in praying with us.

What is it we do?
Monday through Friday night we pray the 9pm Rosary.

How do we communicate?
I (Jim Dacey Jr) personally text our members a reminder at 8:30 in preparation for our 9pm start time.

What is the message I text?
“As a member of (Our Lady’s Rosary Text Vigil Group) I personally invite you to PRAY THE ROSARY with us at 9pm EST. God Bless +JMJ+”

Do you send this text to any other place?
Yes 2 places. 1 goes to our Facebook group in the private message area, because those in that part of group, either don’t have a cell phone to receive a text or they are outside the US. My phone don’t have international texting. And the 2nd place I post a similar invitation is on my Facebook Ministry wall. https://www.facebook.com/RosaryManJim

What is the message I send to the Ministry Wall?
“MONDAY: Plz join “Our Lady’s Rosary Text Vigil Group” as we Pray The Rosary @ 9pm. Press like in uniting w/us. www.comepraytherosary.org/

What online or internet links to you recommend?

What kind of communication occurs between everyone?
Sometimes I (Jim Dacey Jr) receive a prayer request text. Sometimes I will post them requests on our online post that I also post with all the texts I send out.

How do I end the Rosary session?
I send out a Thank you text.

What does that text say?
“THANK YOU for joining us this evening, it’s always so wonderful when we get to pray together. Have a Blessed weekend and God Bless you.”

Who can join with us?
Everyone of cause...

Where are you (Jim Dacey Jr) when you do all this?
Me… I am in the Rosary Chariot at work.

How do I join?
Email me: jimdaceyjr@yahoo.com

This is the OLD "Rosary Chariot" I no longer drive a tractor trailer..

This is the NEW and "always was" a Rosary Chariot -Chariot..

This is my work station in the Rosary Man's "Rosary Cave"...

Come PRAY THE ROSARY with us every evening Monday through Friday 9pm EST with our
"Our Lady's Rosary Text Vigil Group"

Invitations posted daily… and throughout the evening…
Your brother in Christ Jesus
And His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr OFS

I also invite you to follow me on Twitter and Pinterest: