Friday, June 18, 2010

The Joyful - Daily Walk 5/5

Beads of Joy 06-18-10

The Joyful - Daily Walk 5/5
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Joyful Walk - 5/5
Hello Everyone,

Well lookie here, it's Friday already. This has been an absolutely fantastic week. Today we end this weeks reflections with the Fifth Joyful Mystery - Finding Jesus in the Temple. This experience had to a mix of both heart-breaking panic along with ecstatic joy for the holy family. And then for Jesus to tell His parents, that is doing His Fathers business. They must have been bewildered a bit, really not understanding to fullest of what He was talking about. Either way in the end they were filled with joy finding Him. Think about this mystery like this: You know someone with terminal illness, you notice they start to become introverted, you almost feel like you lost them before you have lost them. As the weeks progress, they start to come around, only to learn that they were seeking peace and understanding of where they would be going when their life would end. You also find out that all they were seeking was Jesus. They just want to make their lives right with Jesus. We as a community should be praying for those of us are deathly ill. They are looking a certain peace, in fear of the unknown. Let us help them in their walk, as they go before us.

Jesus Christ wants us to unite and be a community of believers looking out for one another, assuring one another of what is ahead. I believe when we find out about someones terminal illness, we have found out for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. This knowledge is like a blessing for those suffering to be ministered by fellow believers who care; and a blessing is there also for those assisting. More wisdom and love is gained when you are close to Heavens door with someone, then if you were no where near Heavens door. Did that make any sense to you? It did to me. See those of us who are nearer to death, are actually on the threshold of eternal life. So if you are right there with them, praying with them, ministering to them, and loving them, then you to unite with them spiritually as they prepare to stand before God. In this life I think that is the closest we come to Heavens door, while we still remain here. Consider ourselves a guide, praying with, helping and doing all we can to make this finally part of there journey one that helps them enter into the Kingdom of God.

Do we feel joy when we find someone we didn't know was seeking Jesus, who finds Jesus? How do we feel when we know someone is seeking Jesus? Do we rejoice with them? Do we act almost as excited as they do? I can remember when I was saved in 1983 and I found Jesus. All I did day and night was breathe, think, talk and rejoice over the treasure in Him that I have found. Well OK, to this day I somewhat pretty actually do the exact same thing. LOL. I can't help it, He brings so much joy into my life that I can't contain it. I have no fear of death, I have no fear of standing before Him. I am not an angel or a saint, but Jesus died for me, so that I may have eternal life. A price only He could pay. And He did it for all of us.

Give this a thought today. Look upon the elderly, or those seriously ill, and see them as the ones who shall go before us. Then try to extend your joy and your love for our Lord to them, and by doing so, you are making that journey to our Lord so much more real for them. For the people in both those situations, we could say they are indeed contemplating their life, maybe their sins, maybe the pain they have given to others; either way I would say they are indeed thinking about the end. Some people fear death, thinking that God will be harsh on them for the life they have lived. At this most precious, minute to minute counting down of time; the judgment that lies ahead sends chills down many of those spins waiting, they are just steps away from the pearly gates. They to, we will lose sight of when they are gone, and hopefully we will find them in our Fathers house doing His business in Heaven.

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO