Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You Must Carry Your Cross

Beads of Joy 11-04-09
You Must Carry Your Cross
©2009 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everyone,

An absolute blessing today's reading has been. Today's gospel is straight to the point, the language is perfectly clear that nothing in this world should take precedence before God. Today we read Luke 14:25-33 (Sayings on Discipleship). What we really need to understand is that Jesus' Way of the Cross is the chosen road God so desires for us to follow. If we are to have any sort of victory over our sins, and death, we must carry our own cross by saying "Yes" to God's will in our lives.

The truly amazing part of this reading is that within it, there is a five verse parable (Luke 14:25-30), The Parable of the Tower Builder and a two verse parable (Luke 14:31-32), The Parable of the King Going to War. Both of these parables have one dramatic thing in common, there is a serious risk if these are not planned out well. I once heard a very wise saying many years ago, "That which costs nothing is worth nothing." Meaning if your life is not worth losing in order to gain everything (eternal life), then your life is worth nothing. As Jesus' disciples we must know the true cost of that choice in our lives. We will be mocked, ridiculed, treated harshly and we must not hold tightly to anything in this world, for the cost will be everything.

I fully embrace and feel overwhelmingly filled with so much joy knowing the cost. This cross we chose to carry is by no means an easy one. This choice in the immediate future will cost us dearly. But let's keep heart and remember, that which Jesus is offering to us for the cost of everything we have, is far greater than we can ever imagine. The gift of abundant life alone far exceeds anything this world has to offer. That combined with an everlasting peace and love for God carry absolute and eternal value for us. If we surrender our lives to Him fully, He gives us eternity with Him as our reward.

We must remember that we are not our own. "For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:20. Jesus Christ's precious blood has been shed for us. He died to save us from our sin and from our death. Jesus must come first in our lives. No other form of any idol must come before Him. The choice is indeed ours, but remember the cost of that choice either way. If we don't pay for it after we've died. Chose wisely, I realize following Jesus is opposite that of this world, but remember being wise now is our only choice. We can not change our minds after we have died.

Keep Jesus number one, your every waking moment.

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO