Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Why Does It All Really Matter?

Beads of Joy 12-15-10

Why Does It All Really Matter?
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everyone,

Please understand that all of what we are going through as a couple, and as a family, is somehow in God's plan and will for us. And I will admit right from the end of that statement, that we really don't know exactly how all this pain, suffering and sorrow is in God's plan for us.. yet. With that said, I can say that I do very clearly understand how our Lord has; in scripture, turned many, very sad, sorrowful, painful experiences into a joyful, glorious, happy ones. So, when does it really matter? What is the "it" I am speaking of, you ask? The "it" is our faith and our trust in our Lord. So then we ask, "When Does "our faith" Really Matter?" Faith is kinda like an explanation of an insurance policy. Archbishop Fulton Sheen referred to prayer as a "parachute", it's there when we need it, but you hope that you don't need it. I guess faith has that same kind of effect, except that I would hope we are not only going to exercise our faith only in bad times, but also in good times. Our faith is based on a relationship with Almighty God, and Jesus came into this world to die for us, so that in His death, and resurrection, we to might be resurrected and united with Him. Keep your faith, live your faith, desire to bring your faith to life in all that you do, and share it with everybody. In our particular situation, I have no idea how we would survive it without our faith.

So we called our agent immediately (Our Blessed Mother), a long time ago. lol. We told her that we completely and openly submit to her Son in our lives. We meant it, we never said it to be pious before our friends and our family. In the essence of our faith, we couldn't care less what anyone thinks of us about it. We embrace our Lord always in our home, in all things. We openly speak of Jesus, share His life, talk about His death. We really very casually speak of Him, as if He were standing right here amongst us now in person. Our kids know I am a bit goofy and strange and down right weird, little do they know "His Love Is My Drug.." Shhhh.. lol. I am so jacked up on the Holy Spirit and all the Joy that is embedded in my heart and soul; that no matter what happens in my life I am ever strong in Him. Yes I cry, and I admit it, say what you will, it don't matter. My Lord is my God and He is my Savior. If there is anything worth dying for, it is Him. This life is temporary and we who believe, already know that. Death and pain and suffering are still hard to get a handle on, even with faith. The selfishness inside us comes out when we want, what we want, and we don't want to lose anyone, or see our loved ones suffering. But that's ok, we can still cry in our sorrow and still deeply believe and trust fully in Him.

When Chrissy and I made our vows before God back a bazillion years ago; back when we had no kids and we were both 100% healthy and nothing but glorious happy, exciting, fun days were lined up, in decades on the wall calendar, we meant every word of it. For probably the first 17+ years, maybe even more, we had so much fun, so many awesome memories, so many thousands of pictures. And that was back in the days of cameras with film, we didn't care, we use to always carry 2-4 new rolls, and lots of batteries for the camera. And back then we'd just take off on journey's to amusement parks, water parks, parks with ponds and woods. We'd walk, and bike ride, and camp, and have a complete thrill every minute. In all that we worked and prayed and thanked almighty God for healthy kids, a good, exciting, plentiful life, and we always said we trust the future to Him. We did. Well now the rubber meets the road and we need to get in touch with that "insurance company" and activate our faith into the full power mode. We trust that God's plan is the best plan, understanding it, isn't really of our concern, just trusting in it is.

What can we do? Please allow God to touch your heart like He has ours. He is an Almighty, generous, forgiving, loving God and He only wants us to love and trust Him. When we are tested, is when we can plainly show Him that we do indeed trust Him. Our pain and our tears are not in vain. As with Jesus and His death on the cross and Lazarus and his dying and rising, all were followed with so much Joy and happiness. We trust whatever plan He has for our family, that He will supply with the strength and wisdom to use the outcome to His Glory.

Fully Trusting and never doubting
As we take this journey each day,
On our knees praising and thanking
As we bow our heads and pray.

"Jesus, I trust in You."

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO

Today we pray the Glorious Mysteries

1. The Resurrection
2. The Ascension
3. The Descent of The Holy Spirit
4. The Assumption
5. The Coronation