Thursday, December 20, 2012

Repent - Prepare for Confession

BEADS OF JOY 12-20-12
“Repent – Prepare for Confession”
©2012 James Dacey, Jr. OFS

My Friends,

Let us continue to examine our conscience. It is so important that we all do our best before God, showing Him with our whole heart that we really truly love Him. It is so important that we use our lives to serve Him and honor Him and do so with a pure heart, living a moral life. This exercise is one I use often. We all need to examine our hearts, our lives and our intentions often; to keep them in check. I hope this is helpful.

"Honor your father and your mother." (Ex 20:12)
  • Did I disobey or disrespect my parents or legitimate superiors?
  • Did I neglect my duties to my husband, wife, children or parents?
  • Did I neglect to give good religious example to my family?
  • Did I fail to actively take an interest in the religious education and formation of my children?
  • Did I fail to educate myself on the true teachings of the Church?
  • Did I give scandal by what I said or did, especially to the young?
  • Did I cause anyone to leave the faith?
  • Did I cause or start fights in my family?
  • Did I care for my aged family and friends?
  • Did I give a full day's work for a full day's pay?
  • Did I give a fair wage to my employees?
"You shall not kill." (Ex 20:13)

  • Did I kill or physically injure anyone?
  • Did I have an abortion, or advise someone else to have an abortion? (One who procures an abortion is automatically excommunicated, as is anyone who is involved in an abortion, Canon 1398. The excommunication will be lifted in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.)
  • Did I use or cause my spouse to use birth control pills (whether or not realizing that birth control pills do abort the fetus if and when conceived)?
  • Did I attempt suicide?
  • Did I take part in or approve of "mercy killing" (euthanasia)?
  • Did I get angry, impatient, envious, unkind, proud, revengeful, jealous, hateful toward another, lazy?
  • Did I give bad example by drug abuse, drinking alcohol to excess, fighting, quarreling?
  • Did I abuse my children?
"You shall not commit adultery." (Ex 20:14) "You shall not covet your neighbor's wife." (Ex 20:17)

Note: In the area of deliberate sexual sins listed below, all are mortal sins if there is sufficient reflection and full consent of the will. "No fornicators, idolaters, or adulterers, no sodomites,... will inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Cor 6:9-10) "Anyone who looks lustfully at a woman has already committed adultery with her in his thoughts." (Mt 5:28)
  • Did I willfully entertain impure thoughts or desires?
  • Did I use impure or suggestive words? Tell impure stories? Listen to them?
  • Did I deliberately look at impure TV, videos, plays, pictures or movies? Or deliberately read impure materials?
  • Did I commit impure acts by myself (masturbation)?
  • Did I commit impure acts with another - fornication (premarital sex), adultery (sex with a married person)?
  • Did I use artificial birth control (by pills, device and withdrawal)?
  • Did I marry or advise anyone to marry outside the Church?
  • Did I avoid the occasions of impurity?
  • Did I try to control my thoughts sexually?
  • Did I engage in homosexual activity?
  • Did I respect all members of the opposite sex, or have I thought of other people as objects?
  • Did I or my spouse have sterilization done?
  • Did I abuse my marriage rights?
Let us continue together to help each other and encourage one another, as we battle this spiritual warfare each day. Tomorrow I will share the balance of commandments. <3 u guys !!!

Jesus, I Trust in You.”

Your Brother in Christ Jesus
and His Most Precious Mother Mary,
Jimmy (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr OFS