Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Only Saved Through Him

Beads of Joy 09-14-10

Only Saved Through Him
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everyone,

The healing power of the cross is beyond anything anyone could possibly comprehend; in our time, in the past and in all the time out into the future. There aren't any limits whatsoever when it comes to God's love for us. Today's gospel shares one of the most known verses ever shared in the world we live in. Today we are reflecting on John 3:13-17 (Nicodemus and God's Love and Judgment). And that famous verse goes like this, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16. We can all relate to this most insightful verse that is filled with so much love. For it is only through the blood shed of God's only Son that we can be saved. Our belief in, and love for Him; is the central source in our faith that is the beacon to keep us focused on, and seeing only Jesus. It is Jesus who is free of original sin, the only "person" to have ever walked the face of this earth; and it is only through His blood that we can be saved. So let us believe in Him and follow Him.

God will not rest without doing all He can to bring every single one of us back home into His arms. God has taught us through His own unselfishness, that others come first always. Our free will, shows our true heart to Him. God does not want a robot or a droid, or a drone. Ok, I regress, we all know there are drones in this world, they to need our prayers badly. LOL. What I am saying here is simply that God has given us a free will to either love Him or leave Him. Obviously God wants the truest deepest love from all us. It was God in His wisdom that He sacrificed that which was most loved by Him, His only begotten Son. In my research I found a rather interesting quote that fits into this well. Saint Augustine said, "God loves each one of us as if there were only one of us to love." Isn't that powerful, oh my is that powerful. That is incredible and exciting, and so true that all you want to do is get up on the rooftops and scream and shout how much you love Jesus.

What we love in our lives in many ways is a direct reflection on what it is we prefer in our lives. Think of it in this way: Of cause I will use food in my example, one that I know I will relate to, and many of you will relate to. LOL. Now I must say, "I simply love chocolate." I love it so much, I consider it a food group in and of itself. LOL. Ok, please know that I don't worship it, but I do eat it, as often as I possibly can. LOL. But, now that I have spoken about that which I love, it's probably very obvious when offered the chance to have a Hershey bar, or a bag of potato chips, or jelly beans: me is gonna grab the Hershey bar. LOL. Chocolate is my preference because of my love for it. So now looking back on this, if we say that we love Jesus (who is light), we'd have to agree that we probably don't love satan who is darkness. When we love Jesus, we are saying in not too many words that we love truth, the truth we only learn from God. So our preference will always be God before all things.

Jesus First Always

We wanted us to love Him so
He loved us first you see,
But He knew by His sons precious blood
That we'd all be set completely free.

A ransom paid without a thought
For He is not selfish in any way,
He loves all each one separate
So let us love His Son every single day.

Does this make sense what's been said
A day is dawning so new,
So pray each day, with all your heart
Jesus my Lord, I trust in You.

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO