Friday, July 30, 2010

The Families of Charity

Beads of Joy 07-30-10

The Families of Charity
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everyone,

Many years ago, prior to writing about this, my heart was being tugged by the observation of so many struggling families. What follows is an excerpt I wrote about this at the time. It is so important for us to think about these things in today's difficult times:

..I wish to share something that is near and dear to my heart. My heart pours out tears to the challenges, and the sorrows; and the disappointments that the families in the world face every single day. I personally know what it feels like to be without, to suffer the pain of not being able to do for my children the way they need and the way they deserve, and to cry and beg for food (We've been there.). Life is such a joy, and a family is such a reward for that joy, what a pity it is to suffer so much when as a parent all you can do is give of yourself for your children.

I desire greatly in my heart to find a way to have aid come to such families. I pray that the Lord guides all those hearts that can help, we need to start serving such families. I know that it will be through the Holy Spirit that our hearts will be touched and directed in the direction our Blessed Lord so desires this to be. All credit goes to Jesus; it is He who desires us to love one another. Is it not He who says, "Love your neighbor as yourself" Luke 10:27. We have to stop talking about and start acting on it, people are starving and families are struggling.

We must help one another, even if it is at the cost of doing without. For some of us, the "doing without" may simple mean one or two less meals at a restaurant this month. The Lord shall provide everything we need. We must trust in Him and adore and love Him with all our heart. Once we completely surrender to Our Lord, He will indeed guide our hearts with the help of the Holy Spirit. I wanted to share this so much, this has burdened my heart for many years now. My families' poverty and suffering (that we have suffered in the past) are a testimony that our Lord has put this as a burden on my heart. It is something that needs to be addressed.

I ask for your prayers and understanding to the cause, but I also ask that you give Jesus all the credit to wherever if ever this goes anywhere. It is He who burns in my heart and keeps this burden of other families on my thoughts. And it will be only He who that can make for some sort of a solution to begin helping such families. I believe that the first step is to build your day around your prayer life. Once you begin to seriously devote time everyday to be with Jesus; He will put in your heart, the way you can help. Just simply pray, "Jesus, I trust in You."

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO

(I originally wrote about this January 4, 2008)