Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Preparing For The New Year

Beads of Joy 12-30-09

Preparing For The New Year
©2009 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everyone,

Well the New Year is just days away. It's really wonderful how so many people use this time to make some resolutions in their lives. I suggest some serious spiritual resolutions. Also lets take this time to deepen our relationship with Jesus; get closer to our family and friends and what can we do for others, those we know and those we don't know. My usual breakdown of resolutions include: spiritual, family, others, and I also add hobbies (interests). But I have also been known for making an 8-10 page write up of resolutions covering every aspect of my life. So this resolution thing can get nuts.. LOL

How does one begin you ask? Some have asked me. It's really simple, on a clean sheet of lined paper on the top write: 2010 Resolutions, then start on the first line with Spiritual, go down a couple lines, then write Family, then go down a couple lines, then write Others. You can add any topic you so desire. You don't even have to make resolutions, this is just fun to do, to help you personally monitor your spiritual, family or whatever..growth. When I do make my huge lists of resolutions, usually by like the end of February my list has boiled down to the my main focus for the year, so see even those long lists of resolutions serve a purpose. Let me show you some examples of my own resolutions to help you get started. The cliff notes are for you, not me..

My "Writing" Resolutions for 2010

- Continue posting ALL my "Beads of Joy" writings on my new blog page. (This is a collection of almost everyday since 2008, many are posted on my my-space and need to be copy/pasted over and there are even more in my journals hand written)

- Start a new Blog Page like the Beads of Joy one. This one will be for all my other writings from my journal collection, including short stories of every kind (too many to count), poems (hundreds of them). Chronologically lay them out on this blog page. I must go through my 12 boxes of journal books and sift through them. Big Job here.

- On a poster board visually layout my (6) book projects that are in motion. I need a plan to one by one get them finished and published.

I think I am going to actually post my resolutions here on this blog, maybe Jan 1st or 2nd. It'll be my entire list, it'll be fun to share, it may even give you ideas for your spiritual life, family time, what to do for others, who knows, hopefully it will inspire you. Maybe this will give you time to look into your own life in a different way. You do realize you can start "resolutions" anytime. New Years is just the most popular time.

Start to prepare your own resolutions, it'll be fun, I promise you.

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO