Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Kingdom - A Dads View

Beads of Joy 11-03-10

The Kingdom - A Dads View
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO

Hello Everyone,

The response to this weeks approach on the mysteries has been wonderful. Today we looking at yet another Luminous mystery. As we move forward through the events in our Lord's life, we can see how a dad and a mom might feel or react to some of these simple basic events. But today's is a little different. Today we are reflecting on the Third Luminous Mystery - The Proclamation of The Kingdom of God. Jesus invites all of us to repent and follow Him. Our Lord's ministry begins, and this beginning has lasted for many centuries. So many have been saved, so many more seek to be saved and even more will be saved. Today's mystery is a sorta behind the scenes look at the start of new beginning to our eternity. The day our own children become leaders and or coordinators of a ministry, is most certainly a day to rejoice. I am so ecstatic and thrilled to be a follower to an almighty, powerful, loving, sincere Lord. Some of you may have children that are Deacons, or Eucharistic Ministers, Youth Ministers, leaders in the church in some capacity. All I can say is, you must be so proud of them. They are doing God's bidding and taking on a "post" to stand watch and help draw other closer to our God. I pray that my kids to some capacity get as heavily involved as I have. I made this choice 27 years ago, and I have no regrets. When you fill your life with Jesus, you don't have time for the frivolous nonsense in this life. You really find yourself preferring only a Godly atmosphere, at least that's what it has happened in my life.

It is true that many are not cut out to be leaders or speakers or anyone in a position to draw others near. But that's ok, we all can't be doing the exact thing anyway. Our gifts need to found, get dusted off and put into use for all. Some of us are good at preparing the areas we gather, others construct the areas, some even clean and maintain the area, churches, halls, wherever. Our Lord has blessed all of with something. Jesus can with full knowledge of His ministry, His mission, His reason for being here. We need to pray and listen to God's voice in the noise of this world. Do not let anything quiet down the whispering soft voice of God.


Such Joy is here I can't even explain
For my child has chosen to serve,
It won't be easy, it never is for most
With Jesus in your life, you'll get up the nerve.

How can I help, what can I do to help them
I am here to support my child and the Lord,
My services are for and shall always remain
To serve my Lord and help bring others on board.

There is no other position that serves such honor
Than to be a loyal obedient servant to God,
We get to live a humble life in His sight
And every hour of every day, Jesus gets our applaud.

I am here to help serve, I love the job
Working for Jesus is the greatest Joy to share,
Now seeing my child, my flesh and blood
Doing that which is most honorable with care.

It's really time for us to examine our hearts, and prepare our lives for ministry. Do we need a huge ministry, a building, letter head, an 800 number... Please, no, all you need is an extremely excited overwhelming Joy inside your heart and "bam" let it loose.. LOL. Hey I improvise, I do all I can to allow the Spirit of God that is within me, to come out. I know it can be looked at as immature at times, or childish, hey, but who cares. Jesus has been the center, corner stone to my life for 27 years. He is my life, I don't care what anybody thinks. There is nothing in this world that is more complete in our lives than our Lord. He is the sum total of every single thing that we need, once He is in your heart, we need nothing else... Honestly, it's true.. :)

"Grab hold of your Rosary, and pray and pray and pray, Jesus is there."

BOLDLY PRAY, "Jesus, I trust in You."

Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO

Today we pray the Glorious Mysteries

1. The Resurrection
2. The Ascension
3. The Descent of The Holy Spirit
4. The Assumption
5. The Coronation