Monday, May 31, 2010
The Cross - We Embrace It
The Cross - We Embrace It
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
The Cross 1/5
Hello Everyone,
Not many people would openly admit that they desire to embrace their cross. So with that said, I openly admit I desire to embrace the many crosses that have been given to me, and those I have chosen. The power that is in the cross goes far beyond anything this world can ever understand. Since this weeks entire focus is on the cross, I apologize in advance if I get repetitive in any way when talking about the cross. So many of these subtopics about the cross entwine with one another. The more time you spend before the cross, the more you will find your life will be fleeing from sin and the grip of satan. Satan fears the cross, we don't, so when he sees us embrace it, he sees in us his own life end; yet when we embrace it, we only see life and our new beginning start with Jesus. Jesus suffered horribly for us on that cross, yet He embraced it knowing that by His death, He has opened the doors to the eternal life for all of us; saving us from the grip of this world and its sin. We to can find the strength we seek by also embracing the cross. If we desire to be with Jesus, then we to must suffer with Him. Every opportunity we have to suffer in pursuit of His love, we must take on willingly.
Jesus never said this was going to be easy. Scripture clearly tell us, so there are no surprises when it comes to the suffering and the crosses we to must bear. "The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Romans 8:16-18. So now you can plainly see how and why I am always so excited about doing God's will. I can't fully explain it all the time, but the very scripture that fills my heart with joy, I can share with you. Here's another exciting scripture. "Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God." 1 Peter 4:1-2. So let's cheerfully do what Jesus expects of us, "Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23. Wow, that was a lot of scripture to share. Are you starting to get excited about this cross you need to embrace?
I hope and pray that you said yes. Look at our dear sweet precious unselfish Blessed Mother. She is our example, she has gone ahead before us and took on a cross that would shame her, and that could possibly have her put to death. Yet she willingly said "yes" and did what God had requested of her. We need to be like that. No it's not meant to be easy, but then anything worth something has a price. Giving Jesus to the world cost Mary her earthly life. Saving us from death cost Jesus His earthly life. In order for us to be saved fully and completely with He who has died for us; we to must die to this earthly life. When we die from this earthly life it doesn't mean we have to leave it, on the contrary; we shed the chains that keep us attached to the death that is in it, and we embrace the cross that frees us. The fact of the matter is, if we wish to be in Heaven with Jesus, the only way is through Jesus; and through Him, we must accept the cross, and embrace it. Let us reflect on what Jesus has taught us, "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6.
I invite all of you to embrace the cross without fear. Be bold, never allow anything or anyone around you to draw you away from Him. Think of it this way in this little story: "One day you were at the park and over near the benches you see this huge man who looks powerful, almost intimidating. You say to yourself, "Self.. LOL, stay away from him, he is a big dude, he looks pleasant but his power and size are scary." All of a sudden two little kids go running to him into his arms. He lifts them both and hugs and cuddles them making them giggle. So you wonder to yourself, who is this man? Then all of sudden you hear the kids saying "daddy". And you almost cry to yourself understanding the whole image of what just happened before you." No fear is in those who wish to be embraced by their father. By embracing the cross, we embrace Jesus, and by embracing Jesus we embrace God, our Father who embraces us. I pray that this week brings you Joy, a Joy that enables you to cheerful embrace any and all crosses that come to you in your life.
Galatians 2:20
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The Spirit of Truth Comes
The Spirit of Truth Comes
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Clear a path ! Clear a Path ! Jesus is sending us the Spirit of Truth. Awesome day to celebrate. That statement, "Clear a path" I got that from the movie The Ten Commandments. Don't you worry, I won't get side tracked on this magnificent day to celebrate. Our hearts and minds will be enlightened by the wisdom of the Spirit of the Truth today; and all the days that are ahead for us to celebrate. Today we celebrate The Most Holy Trinity, our gospel reading can be found in John 16:12-15. The inseparable Triune God has been brought into our lives. We do not have to fully understand exactly what this mystery means. All we need to know is that all are equal and all give to one another unconditionally equally with no other intent other than to do for each other. It was best said by Fr. Mullally in last night's homily, "What is God? God is a total unity of three Persons, an eternal community of living love, of mutual self-giving. There is no holding back, there are no hidden agendas, there is no manipulation. The inner life of God is absolute, no-holds-barred generosity, eternal and unlimited self-giving. That is God: three perfect divine Persons who perfectly share the unique divine nature." Insight-fully magnificent Father, thank you. Father's homilies are always like this.
How can we personally know all three, yet all separate and distinctly separate, yet still one? Come on, that's a great question. But many may even answer it like I will. Each distinct person of the trinity play unique roles biblically and personally. I'm no scholar, just a bit addicted to my Lord, His Father and Mother and The Holy Spirit; so sometimes my insight can't be seen from the street, you need to come into yard, past the fence. Did that make sense? So come on over and check this out. God is the ultimate part of the trinity, he is thee creator, the God head. "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Mark 13:32. See God the Father is in-charge. While the Son is our Savior, the sacrifice sent by God to save the world, ""For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:16-17. And the Holy Spirit will be our helper, "But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." John 14:26. There is obviously way more to that, but you get the gist, the separate yet distinct persons in the trinity.
So how do you refer to each of them when you are sharing or praying? Ah, another very interesting question. I don't know that I consciously think about them separately, now this is going to be really hard to explain. I see the Trinity as One, yet when I speak of Jesus he is my brother and Savior, then when I speak of the Holy Spirit I see Him as the teacher and guide who brings me back to the Son who brings us to the Father. Are you following me? They are One in so much as I entwine their names and roles so casually that I really don't think about it. God I always see and express as the creator and Father. Yet the word God, the three are. I just know I will be rereading this several times before publishing it. I hope all of that made sense. Sometimes when something isn't fully understood, it becomes more magnificent. Just think about this: If God were a bunch of step by step instructions to understand all there is to know about Him, why would He be God? Then He is no longer so powerful or mysterious. I believe the key part of our faith is "not knowing" all there is to know about God.
There are so many things in the world that we live in that have no answer, at least none that is so well defined that all questions end. Why does the earth provide life, and yet no other planet can or does. Oh sure we all may use all that scientific mumbo jumble, but in the end of all that, we say, "God keeps all things is the balance, we don't know why He chose the earth." without ever really answering the question, but rather trusting completely in Him, He who is God the creator. I mean really why is science so precise? The worldly people say, we randomly came about through evolution, and recently my secretary at work insist we came from aliens. PLEASE, give me a break, if you refuse to believe in God, that's your choice, but aliens? What were you thinking. To me if you believe we are from aliens then you have way more faith than I can ever have in anything. Then to you who believe that, Fred Flintstone and George Jetson must be our ancestors. The Trinity is a matter of faith and trust in a God who loves us with all His heart; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Chrissy Dacey (my wife)
Dedication Days - Christine Dacey (my wife)
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Dedication Days
Hello Everyone,
For starters I will let everyone know that I will be blunt and maybe way too honest; but with that said, know that this is indeed a real dedication to the woman I love. A very worthy one I must say. To start with I'd like to apologize for the dedications I have been reusing over and over, all these years, and never updating them like I should have.
So with that very blunt start, very sincerely truthful intro, let me first tell you how I first met Christine Lee Mersereau. Chrissy and I both worked at our local hardware store (Pergaments). She worked the return desk and I was a security guard (goofy hey). LOL. Anyhow, the minute I saw her for the very first time ever... (no lie), I saw her in them tight blue jeans on her little body, and I said to myself, "Jimmy, there's your wife, the future Mrs James Dacey Jr." Crazy I know, but it's so true. No it wasn't only her jeans, LOL !! Mind you I was engaged to someone else and I didn't even know her name or her relationship situation. But, I come to find out she was extremely independent and successful in her own right. I liked that strong nature I immediately sensed. So we had a couple of lunches together. Then one afternoon I took her to The Dove (local hot-spot diner). I drove my car doing probably about 80 mph down Richmond Avenue. I was crazy back then, she said, "I am never getting into a car with you again." We'll see about that. LOL.. yeah right...
Well after a couple of weeks of that, I was driving down a street, very local to my home (8 blocks to be exact), and I saw Chrissy's car in my long time friends (Robin) driveway. I thought to myself, this is super cool, I have an excuse to go say Hi to Robin, and I'll see Chrissy, they must be friends. I wanted her, guess that was obvious. So I made my way to the door, and there's Chrissy's car in the driveway (this is so cool). Well I come to find out my dear friend Robin, has a sister, well she has two, but her little sister is Chrissy. WOW. small world. Anyhow that opened an easy door to sit out on the porch and chat with her for hours, and then ask her out officially. And we did go out on our first date. And in three months, I got her pregnant and we eloped. WOW. But on a very sad note, we lost our very first child, due to a miscarriage. We were crushed, I mean completely crushed. Even though we didn't "plan" to have a baby, once we knew, we started planning our lives around that little child. That's why Chrissy and I many years back made that memorial I posted on Myspace and Facebook for "Cory" a name that can be used for boys and girls. The doctor said he didn't know the sex. I find that hard to believe, but that's what he said. So we chose a name that would work out fine either way. To this day I still think of that little baby. And all our kids know they have an older sibling in Heaven.
So you are all starting to get a peak into my crazy world of jeans, blonde's, kids and fast cars. LOL. What can you expect I was in business with my dad for almost twenty years, we owned a collision repair shop, so cars were our business. LOL. It was the only Auto Repair shop that I know of, that had Rosaries everywhere, and a Rosary production area in my office on the second floor, where I did a lot of the rosary making and packing and shipping from. It was Chrissy and my mom who introduced Rosary Making to me in 1989.
Chrissy and I were involved with every prayer group on Staten Island back then. I knew everybody. I was sharing the Rosary everywhere, but not like I do now, it was more primitive back then. Chrissy wanted to become a Roman Catholic. She was Episcopalian. She converted with the help of Mother Eugenia at the convent where we eventually had our wedding party and we renewed our vows in the convent chapel, the same day we got married. Throughout Chrissy's training Mother Eugenia told me and her that we had to live like brother and sister till we were married before our Lord. We did, but it sure wasn't easy seeing them jeans walk by. LOL, you can laugh.
We ended up having a really nice church wedding at Holy Child. Followed by a real country wedding banquet, no smoking, no alcohol and all the family and friends kids were welcome. Rather unique wouldn't you say, but we loved it and that's what we wanted. So then our lives continued we obviously did develop the reputation of being a baby factory. After a while no one was shocked to hear Chrissy was pregnant again. So here we are 24 years later, 5 kids later, countless good times and challenging times, our plate is still full, we have been through so much I can't believe it. But I guess now looking back I can see our Lord has His hand in our marriage the entire time. And now with our most current challenges, He had to help us make it through all those prior ones, so we'd have the strength to get through this most serious one. There is much wisdom in what has happened here. To this day when people ask how long have we been married, we still get an eyebrow raised when we say 24 years. Not to common in today's time. She is a good, wonderful, God fearing woman no doubt, putting up with me all these years. Her heart is in the right place all of the time. Yea at times she rolls her eyes at me, I admit it, I drive her crazy, but she always loves me. But I got to tell you she is just like her mom in many ways: Always giving, unselfish never ever selfish about anything, caring for everyone else and she always puts others before herself always. That's the "heart" in my sweetheart.
But she does deserve this dedication and more. She has done a phenomenal job raising our 5 kids. Yes I have been here, but honestly who really spends time pouring their hearts into their kids lives? Mommy !!! And our kids adore her like crazy with so much love. This whole situation with her health (cancer!!??), the commitment to getting her better, the love one is to invest in it; it's all brought to life when it's this real in your life and in your marriage. I hope all this dedication is making sense; I never wrote about someone so special like this before who was under going such a battle as I write about my Chrissy. I feel like I may have fumbled with my words, or my focus. Chrissy is my wife, my best friend, my lover for the past 24 years (eloped Oct 24, 1986). We have had some seriously hard times in the past. But now looking back and looking ahead; the road behind us was easy even when it was hard. The road ahead is going to be very very difficult. But with such wonderful friends and a merciful God carrying me, I can carry Christine through this horrible disease. With your help Lord..
Today I salute you: Chrissy Dacey
Right now I especially pray for your recovery.
You are always in my heart and always in my prayers. And I shall always remain by your side through all whatever is heading your way; you are not alone in this fight.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
PS.. If this relationship sounds like a fairy tale to you; well, maybe so from your perspective. But for us, it is as real as real can be. There is no yelling or screaming or judging or anger ever directed at each other from each other -never ever. We only love one another, in all circumstances. Even in the worst of times, we never point a finger and blame, instead we hug and work on a solution of love. Yea, it's pretty amazing.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Sleep: Essential Everyday
Sleep: Essential Everyday
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Living A Healthy Life 5/5
Hello Everyone,
Sleep hmmm. Sometimes sleep just gets in the way of a busy me, trying to accomplish 40 hours of activity in a single day. You know as a kid I tried to break Geniuses World record for the most days without sleep. See I can make choices that make no sense to. LOL. Hey I was just a kid. I have no clue of remembrance as to what the record was. But I made it eight days without sleep. I do remember it was an exhausting eight days. And back when I wasn't yet saved when I did that, so my fanaticism was CB radios and basic computer language on my Radio Shack computer. Wow, am I that old? LOL. No way, at least I only remember cars, not horses. LOL. But I do remember black and white TV's and loud remote clickers, no VCR's, and absolutely no DVD's. I miss the olden days. LOL. I miss grandma's cooking, I miss an America that was patriotically passionate about America.
Now when it comes to sleep, I don't have to be the parent here, do I? LOL. We need our sleep, don't be like the foolish kid I was. There are no two ways about, our bodies need sleep them to repair and get rest. And did you know that sleep helps you lose weight. Yes I just said that, but I only noticed that when I slept 4 or 5 hours I didn't lose weight at all. But when I do slept 8-10-12 hours I have seen my weight drop two to four pounds or more, that's pretty amazing. Like I have said, I was for many years a fanatic about monitoring my health.
What should we be doing? Focus on our health and take a good look at all the benefits you gain from getting some good sleep. First off and obvious, it helps repair your body from its normal daily wear and tear. Your heart get rest, and that in turn makes it stronger. Your stress gets reduced from some great sleep. And your memory even gains some ground, and you are so much sharper when you get your sleep. Many will like this one, sleep improves your appearance because your face and your eyes look rested. The whites of your eyes do tell a story when you are run down and tired. Mine always give me away that I am tired or exhausted. And because your body is rested, you do feel more flexible. There are so many benefits to a good nights sleep. And did you know that the snooze button hurts a good nights sleep? Because you're body thinks its getting up, then it's not, then you are, then you're not. Better to sleep to the latest possible moment then wake up completely. In the end you will be much better rested. Don't cheat your last half hour of sleep.
I challenge you ! Yes you read it right. Before you take on the challenge, take the time to look over your current sleeping habits, then when you know your average night's sleep, add one to three hours more sleep to your rest. You will feel amazing I promise you that. The best way to make these changes in your sleeping habits that I have done, is one of two ways. Push your wake up time a half an hour later for a couple days then add another half an hour and so on. Or you can use the same method and go to bed a half an hour earlier and then another half a hour after a few days. You always need to keep one stable time and not changed it. Either your bedtime or your wake up time needs to be the anchor when you do this. What you are doing is changing old habits, and if you do it a little at a time, it is possible. This extra energy will help you better serve the Lord. You will have so much energy that your prayers will be filled with a renewed Joy and excitement, one that will have you singing. Oh wow, you'll be like me. LOL. Have fun, and get some sleep. LOL. zzzzzzz
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Water: The Drink of Choice
Beads of Joy 05-27-10
Water: The Drink of Choice
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Living A Healthy Life 4/5
Hello Everyone,
Water, nice clean topic. LOL. It's really as simple as that. Water is the best thing for us. The more we drink the healthier it makes us, and the cleaner it keeps our digestive track. And if you combine "walking" my favorite exercise with it, you loose weight and feel very energetic. Like I have said on the last blog, it is recommended that we drink half our body weight in ounces of water everyday. So if you weight 140 pounds, you should drink 70 ounces of water everyday. See what happens is that all the water your body retains will leave, because now your body knows fresh water will always be replenished everyday. Yes you and the restrooms may become one for a while till you understand your bodies rhythm. In other words try to drink that amount at the same time or a portion at specific times. See then your body will literally be like clock work when you need a restroom. I use to drink 100 ounces every morning before work. I know that's crazy, but I went to work full and ready for the day. And I even drank more at work. I was 175lbs when I was doing that. My daily intake is always 100 ounces. By the way, add lemon into the water, it helps cleanse your intestines and helps reeve up your metabolism. I have spent years studying my own eating habits, and what I prefer to be eating, so I am not a nutritionist, but I play one on the Internet. LOL, sorry, that just slipped in there.
Now let's talk about the benefits, I will only be able to slightly touch on them, there are so many it will blow your mind. So let me run through as many as I mention for now: Healthy skin for starters - It helps to give your skin the moisture it needs to maintain elasticity and suppleness and to prevent dryness. Improve All Body Functions - Our body needs water to live, we function better when the body is fully hydrated. Weight Loss - Yes you read that right, see when the body works are peak condition, and your diet is high in water content, soup, veges, fruit; your body will feel full and be healthy in a good way. Shields you from many disease - Believe it or not, if you have a serious daily regimen of water intake, your body will constantly be eliminating toxins from within, keeping your vital organs more vibrant and clean. Helps your muscles and joints function better - Water is a lubricant the body needs to function properly, if you dehydrate, you are only asking for physical problems. Also helps prevent or alleviate headaches, aids to digestion, it also lessens the risk of kidney stones and water does fight off infections. A simple test to see if you are having enough water is take a look at your urine (sorry, this is the easiest way to tell). But the lighter and silvery it looks the healthier and more hydrated you are. If it's really dark, then you have these toxins in your kidney. I'm no doctor, just going by what I have leaned through the years.
We can see how our health needs water and why it really needs to be our main choice of drink. Now let us take a look at the bible reflections on water, the average translation finds over 600 reference scriptures in regard to the word water. In the biblical sense we can see how the woman at the well found out the true eternal importance God places on the water He gives us, it maybe out of context when it comes to the physical needs our bodies have for water, but it is powerful in its spiritual context. "Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water." John 4:13-15. Water indeed saves lives, we need water to live, "They did not thirst when he led them through the deserts; he made water flow for them from the rock; he split the rock and water gushed out." Isaiah 48:21.
You can see why I place so much emphasis on drinking water everyday. Our bodies must remain hydrated at all times in order maintain a healthy lifestyle. I pray that his has been helpful. Try adding the lemon like I spoke of earlier, you will find (at least I found) when you do that you can easily drink very large quantities of water. I prefer my in an ice filled glass (I even freeze my cups in the freezer with the ice in the cups), and add some lemon, and I can literally go through 2-3 (20oz) glasses very quickly. Your thirst is so quenched, and your body feels so refreshed. I am only looking to help those interested in living healthy, productive, God filled lives. You will serve our Lord far better and more fervently if you are healthy and you have lots of energy. God Bless all of you.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Smile & Laugh Alot Everyday
Smile & Laugh Alot Everyday
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Living A Healthy Life 3/5
Hello Everyone,
Yes you read it correctly. What fun is life if life ain't fun? Come on everybody! One thing I enjoy about life, is the laughter and joy we find in it. And I believe you don't have to go far to find that in our lives. Most of the time there is enough "material" in the news and in our day to day living to find something to laugh or smile about. So today I am going to everything I possibly can to help make you smile. No I am not making faces or flashing my belly. Oh my, that would be scary. LOL.. Hang on, get some tissues for when you laugh so much you may cry...
I tried to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.
It's better to let someone think you are an Idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.
I think the sign should be a lot larger.

I would say facebook is little addictive.

Yuk.. Bring your own toilet paper.
Laughter is needed in our lives for good circulation, good health and just plain fun. We live so much more healthier when we are happy. And we probably need it even more when times are difficult. It's funny how this blog landed on a day where we'll find out some very serious news in regards to Chrissy's health. I did write it the day before, so I can better focus on the news that is to come in the morning. It's the Lord's doing, He knows today our hearts may suffer a hard hit. But we do trust in Him.
Now watch Jeff Dunham with Walter..
Absolutely Hilarious (watch the lady with glasses)
I really hope you enjoyed today's blog. I think if the circumstance for us at home were different, then this blog might be more upbeat with some of my own material. But I think the video clips, which I think are hilarious along with those crazy pictures, will hopefully put a big smile on your face.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Meal Time: Be Reverent
Meal Time: Be Reverent
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Living A Healthy Life 2/5
Hello Everyone,
Yes meal time should be reverent, not only to pray before we eat; but in a holy and smart way to eat what is good for us. I'm no Julia Child.. LOL, wow, that was a reach. Ok, I'm no Giada De Laurentiis, Ok, some of you don't know her, well she is my favorite TV cook, she's an Italian cutie pie. Ok, I think I am getting way off track here. There is heat in the kitchen for sure. All kidding aside we really need to start taking care of our bodies, after all, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Wait before I go any further, I just know many of you are thinking back about all I have said how much I love food, and that I can eat anyone under the table. Very very very true, I confess. But considering our recent challenges in our home, I have re-thunk (I just know that ain't a word. lol) it out and decided to go back to some of my old ways of eating, back when I walked 2-3 miles a day and drank 100+ ounces of water a day. That's like three years ago. You've heard of "Scared Straight", well this is, "Scared Weight". LOL. Stay with me now, we'll have even more fun ahead.
Now that we are thinking about eating in a little bit of a different way, let us consider these thoughts. Doesn't it make you feel like it's time to think about your eating habits? Well I have in the past been crazy making my eating habits work with my body, to show some sort of respect to it. I know this really might not make any sense to some. I'm not going to interrupt myself or start talking to myself again, at least I will try not to. LOL. But know that the way you treat yourself, the very place that the Holy Spirit dwells within you; to me, is a direct reflection as to how you are treating God's temple. If we abuse ourselves with drugs, or alcohol, or overeating; then I would say it's pretty obvious we must not care about ourselves. jesus also said, "This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:38-40
I am for the most part a 95% vegetarian. There are occasions that either for money or general ability that I can't keep the house overstocked with my vege supply of foods. Another thing I'd like to make clear before what I say gets misinterpreted, "What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean.' " Matthew 15:11. So know that eating any particular way doesn't make clean or unclean, holy or unholy before God. Everyone has different preferences and different likes and dislikes. This is all about what I prefer and why. I really don't like eating meat. And it's not because to me it's just disgusting, it's because I can't see eating an animal, that's cruel. It hurts me to think all these animals are born to die so I can eat them. I just get turned off thinking about that. So I tend to eat lots of veges and fruit, and pasta, and peanuts. My habits may seem a little crazy, but in the whole it's all about me taking care of me, so I can better serve Him.
In time I will post my menu schedule that I have designed for my own personal pleasure. I kept menus for years in my journals. I really can't do it within a blog. I also highly recommend giving your body a flush, some call it a colon flush. But I see it this way. Two times or more a month I fast. It's not a "spiritual fast" though I do them also, instead this is a "health fast". Our bodies just sometimes need a rest, and in doing so, it actually extends our lives. A very profound statement I heard years ago, not sure if this is verbatim, but here's how it went. "The more you eat the shorter you live, the less you eat the longer you live." Our bodies organs need a rest period to repair, rejuvenate and have the chance to work more efficiently. Fasting does that for our digestive organs. When I fast I tend to drink a super high amount of water, to flush out my system, hence my body flush. How much water should we be drinking everyday you ask? One ounce for every 1/2 pound of what we weigh. I am two hundred pounds, so 100 ounces of water. I hope this has been helpful.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Monday, May 24, 2010
Exercise: Mind, Body & Spirit
Exercise: Mind, Body & Spirit
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Living A Healthy Life 1/5
Hello Everyone,
Thoughts and perspectives from a 45 year old man who loves and adores Jesus. I'm speaking about me, by the way, LOL. I believe a happy spiritual life has a foundation of living a healthy life that affects many areas of our lives. I'm not model, nor do I play one on TV, and I don't attempt to play any professional sport, nor do I have a cooking show (though I have my own recipes), and I can't swim a mile. So knowing all that, let's begin. LOL. Monday - Everything from exercise that affects every aspect of our mind, body and spirit. Tuesday - Eating right so we feel good and not worn out, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Wednesday - Smiling and laughing as much as we possibly can. Thursday - Water, pure clean water needs to be our main drink of choice. Friday - Sleep, getting a good nights sleep can sometimes make or break you throughout the day. I hope and pray this will be a great week for everybody. Of cause y'all know my approach on anything I have to say is always centered in Jesus. So in some sneaky way this is inevitably all about Jesus. So today I'd like on some of the "exercises" I enjoy in my life, to keep my mind, body and spirit in shape.
We can take a look at the first one mentioned, "mind". Wow, yes mine is functioning, but did you know that a good way to keep your mind in shape and even avoid or delay many diseases is by exercising your mind. My 95 year old grandpa may have health issues, but he is still as sharp as a whip with his mind and memory and ability to really comprehend. His big thing use to be math for the grand kids and he also was a ham operator. No I didn't say a butcher, ham operators know Morse code. I think I may have taken after my grandfather in many ways. Math is my favorite subject. I have about 15-20 mathematical textbooks; that I bought at yard sales or library books sales, and I admit, though it sounds corny, strange, weird and well ok weird is a good word; I go through them every now and then and do the exercise pages to stay in practice. I have helped my kids on many occasions including my college son with his Calculus. Christopher was like, are you sure this is right. I told him you tell me after you hand it in. He said, the answers were all correct, I knew that. LOL
I also learned through all these years of growing old. No I did not just say that. LOL. Well Ok, older then a twenty year old, but way younger than a hundred year old. LOL, there you go, now that sounds better. Well anyhow, what I was trying to say was before I interrupted myself was, I learned that doing puzzles and word searches and crossword puzzles, help keep the mind in shape, it keeps it sharp. What I also find to be very helpful in keeping the mind active is, studying my bible. And getting "workbooks" that have to do with topical or book studies on the bible so that there is an interaction of study involved. For some time I use to create bible word games. Keep your mind busy, it will stay sharp when you really need it to be. Like I have said so many times, I love to multi-task. I keep several projects in motion at all times so that my mind don't get lazy. And I even layout other projects, so even when I am done, I'm not. Now when it comes to keeping the "body" in shape, I will admit I prefer one particular activity. Stop jumping ahead of me, and stop guessing what I was going to say. LOL. What I was going to say was "walking" is my favorite, mostly only preferred exercise. Do you have any idea, first of all how simple and easy this is. No equipment, no special gym, you could pretty much do this anywhere. And the benefits are incredible, check this out: prevents diabetes, strengthens the heart, good for the bones and circulation, reduces the risk of some cancers, lowers blood pressure, reduces anxiety and depression and it even improves sleep. And this is just the tip of benefits you gain by having a committed walking regimen. I highly recommend walking 1-2 miles a day of you can, or at least 5 miles a week. Take an ipod with spiritual music or teachings on them, you'd be surprised how fast the whole experience is when you do that. I promise I will spend a couple days just talking about "walking". You believe you will be inspired to walk.
Time to now reflect on exercising the "Spirit". Some of you already know how, and then some are looking at this saying, "What? Do push-ups with my bible?" Nothing like that I promise. LOL. But as a metaphor maybe. The best way to keep your Spirit in shape is to keep the blood flowing. In other words: daily bible meditations, daily rosary, daily Mass if you can go. And believe me if you can go to Mass, I say, "GO !!!!" It's like having a gym in your home and you have all the time in the world to use it to stay healthy, and you never even go by that room unless it's that one particular day. I use to go to daily Mass, oh how I miss that, when I can return I will completely. Mass is such a precious gift from God to us. It is the only time in our worldly life that we are closest to Jesus. It's been said by St. Gertrude the Great, "For each Mass we hear with devotion, Our Lord sends a saint to comfort us at death." The Mass offers much comfort and I have found it to "set the stage" for the day. In other words to me, Jesus was first every morning when I use to go daily. In fact my habit involved having the Eucharist (Jesus) first everyday, period. Jesus first, I took that seriously with daily Mass. I enjoyed early morning daily Mass for a while, I so look forward to returning. If you can go, please go, enjoy Jesus faithfully first everyday. You will have a much richer, more fuller spiritual life, far beyond your wildest dreams.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Receive The Holy Spirit
Receive The Holy Spirit
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
PENTECOST SUNDAY: I have to do my best to return to be that blogger; you know, the bold, goofy at times, straight to the point, proud Roman Catholic I was before. Yes I am hurting inside, yes my heart is broken and softened these past few days. But know this, no other God shall be so vibrant and alive inside my heart as the one we all love and adore. Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Savior, my friend and my brother. He alone is ALL I need to be happy, to be content and to be secure when times get scary. I am strong, because He is rock solid strong inside me. I can carry Chrissy, because He carries me. Today's gospel is exciting, and it should make you bold in your faith; today we are reflecting on John 20:19-23 (Jesus' Appearance to the Disciples). Jesus promised the disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit, but it was contingent to His death, Resurrection and Ascension.
Do you know the incredible thing here is the exact parallel that God and Jesus have done to instill life. God breathe physical life into man, while Jesus breathe spiritual life into the disciples, and us. The faith-filled, life in the Spirit life has now been brought to the world. Do we pray to the Holy Spirit for strength, guidance, and wisdom? As I go through these challenge we are facing in our families life; I find that the Holy Spirit does all those things for me in my life and more. God's wisdom allowed the Holy Spirit to be so close to our heart beat; that the quiet voice of God can be heard. Our faith-filled life is such a blessing not only to us; but it is such a blessing to all those around us, who's hearts we can touch with that part of God we all have within us to share. This kind of a gift isn't one that should be embraced and put in a safe place and locked up. Rather it should given away over and over again. No matter how much we give away, we will always have more to give.
Come on everybody: Do we really hunger for the life in the Spirit inside of us? and do we really want the Spirit to come alive? The answer is obvious, Yes! The excitement, the joy, the overwhelming power inside me, is the Holy Spirit, it is partly the reason why I am so wound up all the time. The greatest reason why I love this so much, is that the Holy Spirit is self empowering. The Holy Spirit gives us everything we need to honor, worship and love God with all our hearts, without ever needing to seek anything else. This is what I say to you, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13. Scripture helps us understand the Holy Spirit of God even more.
It is the power, and the excitement, and the joy that is in the Holy Spirit, that is so alive inside me. No matter what we are going through, no matter how difficult it is. I allow the Holy Spirit to come alive inside me and explode with excitement. I love how exciting and how much I feel so willing and excited to share Jesus. I see how the Spirit is alive and how the Spirit seeks to draw others to Jesus. What I am trying to say here in today's blog is, "I'm back!" Everyone, Enjoy MASS today, spend some special time with Jesus.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Somber Reflection Today
Somber Reflection Today©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Today I changed my schedule, sorry. Dedication days will continue next Saturday. I am way too stressed out, and emotionally I am torn apart. As many of you know, my darling, precious wife Chrissy is currently experiencing some extremely challenging health issues in her (our) life. The "C" word has arrived, and as of this blog we are uncertain of the extent of her cancer. But this upcoming Wednesday, the absolute results are about to be revealed to us. And we have been very boldly told by the Pulmonary Specialist that this can and could go a whole bunch of ways, most of which don't end well. Now don't get me wrong he did give us some hope, but so much has to lined up, and so much can't be. But we do trust we will get through this. So many people have survived this and so many people have been healed by God's power and I absolutely believe that. We are praying for a miracle. God's will is all that matter's here; but honestly who knows the will of God? Right know even though we trust deeply in our Lord, we would be lying if we'd say there is no fear racing through our hearts and minds and causing an avalanche of tears now.
Let me tell ya, Chrissy and I shall overcome this, really, we shall. I strongly believe everything happens for a reason. God's plan is here somewhere, we just need to find it, we know we will see it soon. Trusting in Him is key right now. I think next weeks "Dedication Days" will fully be dedicated to my Christine. I know many of you have read the dedication I have written for her, posted on Facebook and on Myspace. Next Saturday is for her. I just need some time through these difficult days of tears to regain my composure to seriously write about someone y'all need to know.
I try to be a good husband, I know I fail horribly at times. I try to be a good dad, and I know I fail horribly at times there to. When something like this (Chrissy's serious condition), comes into a family; so much changes, so much of the gobble-goop needs to be ignored. It's time now for some serious living, seriously focusing on what matters. Do the frivolous things really matter anymore? No. Do we sit here and focus on what I want? Absolutely Not. Times like this make you look back and wonder and ponder about what can be changed. This waiting time is the worst thing to have to go through for Chrissy and for all of us, we don't want bad news, we just want news. What do we have to do now, how can we defeat this? We need to stand strong together as a family and emotionally support Chrissy and one another. We are so thankful for such a loving family and a network of friends that span across and around thee entire globe. We are grateful for all of you in our lives. You have no idea how much your prayers and comments of support really mean to us.
Today I Ask
Today I ask you Lord
And no it's not for me,
I beg you with all my heart
To set my Chrissy free.
She is suffering way too much
Throughout each and every day,
She needs a healing and it's you
That we ask and beg as we pray.
Is it in your will to help along
Can you make the suffering go stop,
She is so loyal to you she is your child
And it's only you she rates the top.
Her soul is precious, but I know you know
So today I ask again with tears,
Can You heal her Lord with all your love
And free her from all her fears.
Thank you Jesus.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Friday, May 21, 2010
Jesus - Heart of Mercy
Jesus - Heart of Mercy
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Heart of Jesus 5/5
Hello Everyone,
Today I start with this thought, "Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life." Jude 1:21. The mercy of our Lord. hmm.. now we all know that the mercy given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ is far beyond anything anyone could ever imagine. His mercy?, scripture has taught us that whatever mankind does, or desires, has no effect on the mercy given to us by God. His love for us is beyond our understanding I believe. He loves us, not because we love Him, but because He is God, He is our creator; His love for us really has nothing to do with how we feel about Him. That is true love. And now today we reflect upon His mercy. How can someone (God) who is constantly offended, ignored and even mocked by a society, still have an unmeasurable everlasting mercy for us? I often ponder that very thought. I am so grateful in my heart that Jesus loves us so much that it doesn't matter what people say or do; He still remains deeply in love with us.
Let us learn from Jesus and His Father how "mercy" needs to be part of our lives. We really need to learn from them and to be more like them. Mercy like love needs to be unconditional. "They will know we are Christians by our love." That indeed says it all, but love is often linked to mercy and forgiveness. We are so unworthy to be loved so much, to be given such mercy for our wretched sinful souls. Just read these couple of verses found in Romans and you'll see where I get so much joy, "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly." Romans 5:1-6.
So today we could reflect on some really special aspects of our faith. We are so blessed to be able to have such a loving, merciful God. Let's share Him with everyone we possible can. Sometimes we don't have to share scripture or be in church; sometimes we just need to be unconditionally loving towards one another. Actions and comments and concern, so speak louder than words. I believe once you have embraced Jesus into your life, and you have really (I mean REALLY) made Him thee absolutely center of your entire life and world. You will always find yourself being just like Him towards others. I found that the Parable of the Good Samaritan is a wonderful example we can learn much from. I just have to share it in full, so you can see the splendor in it like I do.
"On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" "What is written in the Law?" he replied. "How do you read it?" He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself." "You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do this and you will live." But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"
In reply Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.' "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise." Luke 10:25-37. That is so powerful. I really pray that we find it in our hearts to be merciful like that also.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Jesus - Heart of Love
Jesus - Heart of Love
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Heart of Jesus 4/5
Hello Everyone,
This makes a whole lot of sense, right, a heart of love. A heart that finds itself in love with Jesus, His Mother, and Almighty God; now that is indeed a heart of love. Can we have a heart like God and love like He does? "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16, that verse so many of us know, even those who don't know scripture have heard that verse. There is no doubt that our love must be sincere, meaningful and unconditional to God, to Jesus, to His Blessed Mother and to our neighbors. How is it that we can find that love inside ourselves and maintain that love? I believe the key to really loving (Godly love) someone is two-fold. We must first love ourselves enough to fully love our neighbors and then we must love God. "He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27.
Let's take a moment and reflect on our life and really see how much we do love God, His Son and Our Blessed Mother. What I am going to do is list a couple questions and thoughts here. Take the time to reflect upon your own personal self and how you might answer them. Some might have you wondering just how much you should really be thinking about God. One key thought to all is: Our lives must be built around Jesus and prayer time, not the other way around. He must be first in everything.
>Can you imagine your life without God and Jesus?
>Does your heart beat extra hard when you think about them?
>Would you risk your own pride to defend them?
>Are your thoughts always keeping you thinking about them?
>Does everything you do remind you of them in your life?
>When you go to Mass do you feel like Jesus is embracing you?
>At confession do you feel so good and happy that you cry?
Can we consider the possibility of changing what it is we do, that keeps us from staying focused on Jesus. There is nothing in this world that could possibly be more important than staying focused on God. For Jesus is the way, just look at scripture to better understand how important it is for us to stay focused on Jesus. "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6. No one, that's right He said no one. It couldn't more clearer than that. So it is critical for us not to lose sight of what matters.
Our heart of love is what will open our mind and soul to love and embrace Jesus holding nothing back. He's not an historical figure we read about in the bible. The Holy Trinity is GOD, the three are one. Let us love as God has loved. Let us seriously consider what matters in this life. Do you realize how many times scripture speaks of love, depending upon your translation it could be almost 700 times. Check some of these verses out.
"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."
Romans 5:5
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:8
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:4-13
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Jesus - Heart of Charity
Jesus - Heart of Charity
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Heart of Jesus 3/5
Hello Everyone,
What is a heart of charity? It is a heart that is full of love for God. We must have a pure heart, one that is empty of all things and is only consumed by our love for God. Our hearts must be so on fire for God that satan dare not come close. Can we live that way? Can we at least try to live that way? I know many of us can live that way from time to time and on certain days, I have been there I fully understand. The challenge is to make it become who we are all the time. One thing is certain in loving God. "But the man who loves God is known by God." 1 Corinthians 8:3. God knows our heart, He knows our ulterior motives. He knows why we say and do the things we do. This is why our hearts must be pure in His love. Untainted by the world's desires and purpose. Our love for God goes hand and hand in our love for our neighbors. Scripture is our friend, and so we need to search the scriptures, love the scriptures and embrace the words God has spoken for us. "The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did" 1 John 2:4-6.
We are so fortunate to have the wisdom of the saints to reflect upon. God has given us people like us to turn to for wisdom that help us draw closer to Him. Check this out: "The soul that is united with God is feared by the devil as one who is where God Himself is." St John of the Cross. That is powerful and that is something we can keep in mind as we pray. Jesus Christ must be our first and foremost thought at all times. Our love for Him, must be sincere and our love for Him must be true. He comforts us, He loves us, He forgives us, He has died for us. No one in this world will ever love us like He does and has and continues to. "This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him." 1 John 4:9. Jesus is the way for all of us for follow. 1 John is loaded with some very inspiring scripture. "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." 1 John 4:11-16.
Scripture can be such a magnificent inspiration. Today let us focus on opening our lives and hearts fully to Jesus. Ask Him to be thee absolute center of your life. All things you do should revolve around Him. Build a wall, a wall that keeps the devil out. A wall that is built with your love for Jesus. Nothing can penetrate a wall like that. Stand strong in what you believe in, I always say that "political correctness" only weakens a country and it destroys our own love for God. If we indeed know and believe and love God who is real, don't allow anyone to take that away from you. I always speak about being bold in your faith. Well it's true we need to be. If you love somebody, do you not stand boldly and say, "I love so and so" or that you love your kids. The same way needs to be done with our faith. The only way I won't speak up about my faith is if I am dead and buried, and if that be the truth, I'd be even happier to be even closer to my Lord.
Embrace charity into your heart and share that love you have for God with everyone. Open those flood gates of joy and happiness that fills your heart with so much love that you can't contain it. "Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." St. Ignatius Loyola, "Charity may be a very short word, but with its tremendous meaning of pure love, it sums up man's entire relation to God and to his neighbor." St Aelred of Rievaulx. Just a couple more inspiring quotes. "The devil strains every nerve to secure the souls which belong to Christ. We should not grudge our toil in wresting them from Satan and giving them back to God." St. Sebastian, I like that one. And then this is the last one, "No earthly pleasures, no kingdoms of this world can benefit me in any way. I prefer death in Christ Jesus to power over the farthest limits of the earth. He who died in place of us is the one object of my quest. He who rose for our sakes is my one desire. Do not talk about Jesus Christ as long as you love this world." St Ignatius of Antioch
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Jesus - Heart of Hope
Jesus - Heart of Hope
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Heart of Jesus 2/5
Hello Everyone,
Today we are going to reflect on something I know many of us can say, that little by little in our world we feel we are losing: our hope. It's so easy to fall into all the sorrow that is around us, all the negative thoughts that get us down. We have challenges in our country that seem to tear away any possible hope for keeping our freedom and our liberty here in America. Then we look around the world and see war and violence and hatred. It's like we have been violated and striped of all our hope. The one thing that all of these worldly events has shown us, is that we must keep our hope only in Jesus. And our hope must be in possessing Him in our lives, fully; completely letting go of anything that keeps us away from Him. The only way to really appreciate this is by turning to scripture, "Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:13.
What is hope? I know we all pretty much understand the meaning of hope. But I see it like this. Hope is a part of us looking out into the future, trying to figure out a scenario, or an event or the result of an event that would best suit our dreams and desires. "I sure hope it's sunny out Saturday, when we go to the beach.", "Wouldn't be nice if this was a winning lottery ticket, I hope it is.", "I hope I get out of work early today, it'll give us a chance to head out early tonight." Hope! See how easily we entwine hope into our daily lives. But what is hope? What is the spiritual foundation of having hope? Wouldn't it be wise to place all our hope in Him, Him who we call Jesus, the one we acknowledge as Lord. We can look at hope the same way I just described it to you. "We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thessalonians 1:3
So now let's take a look at hope from a whole new vantage point. From the heart of Jesus; and see how it reflects into our hearts so that our hope is in Him. "And now it is because of my hope in what God has promised our fathers that I am on trial today." Acts 26:6, wow, does that one hit home today for all of us right now, with all the trials and suffering we are feeling as a family. And check this one out, this scripture says what we have been saying, "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:5, Jesus Christ wants us to keep all our hope in Him. Do you feel the excitement build up? Do you sense the Joy that is starting to overflow because we are looking at Him this way? "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12. What do you hope for? How do you feel about that feeling of hope in your heart? Hope can be a wonderful thing, as long as we hope for what is good and what is God in our lives.
Let's face the truth, we can not control, or change, or manage future events. God only knows the outcome of all things. But with that being said: Do we not hope that Jesus forgives us? Do we not hope that Heaven is as beautiful as we believe it is? Do we not hope we can stay as true to Jesus as possible without sinning so much? Hope in His return to us, hope in His love for us, hope fills our heart as we worship and praise His holy name. Jesus Christ should be the hope in all that we plan, all that we do, and all that matters to us. Hoping and praying that our lives are in line with His will for us. I find so much hope in Romans, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15;13. And here is a final thought to sum up hope, "let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.." Hebrews 10:22-24.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Monday, May 17, 2010
Jesus - Heart of Faith
Jesus -Heart of Faith
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Heart of Jesus 1/5
Hello Everyone,
Some of you might be wondering about this title. Well this weeks theme is "The Heart of Jesus" and the sub-title is: "The Heart of Jesus who dwells inside each of us." Ah, now this all makes sense. We all know Jesus had faith, He was faith, He is our faith. For our faith is in Him, and all that He has done for us is cherished in our hearts. Now how can we reflect on how alive our faith has become while we live a life that is in reflection to His? If you look through scripture for reflection on this to learn about the faith that is in the heart of Jesus; you will find that Jesus had a way of drawing the faith of others in Him to Himself. We must learn by example that our faith and trust is in Him; it is our faith and trust that keep us strong during difficult times, and charitable during good times. But good or bad, challenging or rewarding, our faith must stay strong and continue to sail straight.
Here are some scriptural reflections that really emphasis how our faith is brought out in Jesus' presence. "When Jesus heard this, he was astonished and said to those following him,"I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith." Matthew 8:10 and, "Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her daughter was healed from that very hour." Matthew 15:28. We all know there is something extremely special about Jesus that brings us to our knees and our pride is teared away; and we openly acknowledge our faith and trust in Him alone. Through the power of the Holy Spirit and our sincere deep love for Him, many of us find it so easy and so natural to have such great faith in such a powerful, awesome, loving God. Our faith needs to be our cornerstone, our rock so that we always remain on firm ground as the challenges in life hit us. For without faith, the true meaning of life ceases to have point or purpose. We live not for us, but rather for Him who works through us. In our surrender to Him, He builds us up and encourages us to forge forward in our lives, no matter what the challenge is.
Obviously the faith Jesus has is perfect, and we well know that our Blessed Mother's faith had to be perfect in order for her to so willingly follow God's will. How can we live such a life of faith? I know it's not easy, and life does throw you curves and hard balls straight at your heart and head when you're not looking. And sometimes when we get hit, it hurts beyond anything we think could happen to us in our lives. So what do we do about that? Do we wallow in the misery of it all? Do we blame Jesus or God or anyone else? Do we not even care so much that our reaction is zilch? There is only one way to maintain such a fervent prayer life and faith based life, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2. I always prefer to reflect on scripture, to me it is the a huge part of my rock solid faith, the very word of God.
Jesus Christ needs to be thee most significant part of who you are. We need to live a life where we really truly with all our hearts trust Him with our hearts and lives. Can you have that kind of faith inside of you? Can you close your eyes and move forward trusting that God will direct you safely, or at least understand that sometimes there is purpose beyond our own understanding when we are faced with trials, disappointments and fear. God only knows why we have to deal with such heart-wrenching pain. Some people, many faithful people have had some significantly hard trials to endure in their lives. Our Blessed Mother, and the apostles, and so many others who followed Jesus when He was lead to the cross, endured pain, pain we can't possibly imagine. Yes our faith helps us to understand and we even feel hurt and sad; but can you imagine being right there in the midst of such violent anger towards a man, who is God that we love so much? It's really hard to fully comprehend. Let us keep the faith as life moves onward, bringing us closer to Him.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Jesus - Strengthens Me
Jesus - Strengthens Me
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
This has been a very long week for me and my family, more specifically Chrissy. One very dear friend "Jan" has noticed a different tone in my blog, she says they are more compassionate and loving. I think she hit the nail right on the head with how I have been feeling lately; plus I was only getting maybe 3-4 hours sleep each day, so Chrissy can sleep in more. Look, no matter how many challenges are in a relationship, or how different you may think you feel, and you maybe even feel that it isn't going to work anymore. One thing that equalizes everything, is the looming of "death" over everything. I see that I tend to be more protective and much more forgiving now; and we still have no clue what is going on in Chrissy's lungs right now. She didn't sound good at all yesterday; she was having challenges breathing, for crying out loud. So this upcoming week maybe even more challenging. So I am not ceasing in my prayers, nor shall I stop humbling myself to my Lord offering my life as a sacrifice to save hers. I don't do that with pride, but with a commitment I made 23 years ago (this past May 2nd) before God. So you see where I am at.
My life is a very simple one, but I have this instilled desire inside of me to keep as busy and as productive as I possible can. I have been this way for years. So I multi-task many many projects and activities all at once. Let me give you all a good idea of the true size and depth of my plate, one that I embrace and enjoy. Well for starters most know I work full time; pretty much consuming my Mon-Fri ride, and I drive an average 500 miles a night. On top of that I spend time in prayer (lots of time), it's the single most important activity in my life, for without it I would not be able to do all these things. Then I have my daily blog (many hours of bible study research), one that I feel allows me to share and hopefully draw others to Jesus and His most Blessed Mother. Then I have so many writing book projects in motion that there are too many to name them all. There are 3 alone that are being done for the sole purpose of giving 100% of the profit to someone else, I am writing about 90% of the books and 10% will be done by the benefiting churches and shrine. Plus I am working on one that is from me personally called "Decades of Beads", a sorts bio of the Rosary Man. I'm not even gonna talk about my 2 sci-fi (movie style) books I got almost done. LOL. One I started back in 1982, spoke to Michael Crichton and Steven Spielberg about it then, but only started back working on it recently last year.. Still other projects I am working one, one is a play, yes I said a play. A play all about the rosary, but not about the rosary. So are you exhausted yet reading this...LOL
Now don't take a break yet, I'm not done, I can't I don't have time for one yet. On top of those writing projects and work. I have just this past week got myself started in a homebased business. Yes that's what I just said, and I know you must think I am crazy. Well I won't argue with you there, but there is a method to all this madness. I have been working on so many of these writing and creating projects for so many years, and they do take years, and I knew that when I started. But Now I am getting closer to age I have been planning, and that's in five years, yes 50. My inevitable goal is to be a published writer of many books, working from home, writing books from home, and travelling throughout the United States, sharing Jesus and Mary and the Rosary, by way of being a speaker. And I want to speak for free. My only deep rooted objective is to increase the amount of people that follow Jesus. I want everyone to be saved. I know that maybe impossible for one person to do, especially for me. But with God and Jesus who strengthen me, I will gain as many souls as God allows me to touch by His grace. And I will do that till the day I die.
So did that paragraph tire you out any? And in the end, my goals sincerely have nothing to do with me, which I believe are the best kind of goals anyone can have. You know I even have a TV show layed out for EWTN, that will take some money to get started, which I don't have. But I know in my heart one day Jesus, if it be in His will, He will open the door for that idea. I shared that with only 2 other people in my life. Its a show that will bring our praying America to one another living rooms, making it real, keeping it simple and exciting the thought of prayer to all those who watch it. I don't want to give it all away just yet. LOL. So on top of all these things, and I know I forget to mention a whole bunch of other things I am doing; Chrissy is very sick now, and we have no clue where her health is going. So I must forge forward, give her whatever space she needs and whatever stuff she'll need so we can get her better. She takes front stage priority, no doubt. But I honestly do not stop any of the projects I am working on, which in the end will also benefit our children. So what keeps me going? you ask. My love, devotion and desire to serve Jesus everyday. And I get to speak with His Beautiful Mother when I pray my rosary everyday. It's the Joy of my faith. The Joy I always speak of, that's the drive inside me. Now if I can only bottle it up and sell it. LOL
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Ann Edwards (my God-Mother)
Dedication Days - Ann Edwards (my God-mother)
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Dedication Days
Hello Everyone,
I'd like to introduce everyone to Ann Edwards: My Aunt Annie, my mother's younger sister, and my God-Mother. She is indeed my God-Mother, it was Aunt Annie who brought her love for Jesus from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to Staten Island, getting my mom involved, hence I got to experience Jesus. It's so beautiful the way God chooses to work His Will in our lives. Well growing up, my God-Mother was always my favorite aunt. She was always fun, she always always always smiling, obviously making you smile every time you were looking at her. After she got married not to long after that she and my uncle moved to Oklahoma where his family was. He is an American Indian, so his family was big and they had a huge ranch. We visited them a couple times growing up. They didn't live on the ranch, in fact to this day the name of her street is still easy to remember, Ann Drive. LOL. Well a couple years past, we visited them, they visited us, we always cried when we had to leave or they had to leave. Oh did I miss her since she moved to Oklahoma. I use to sit and chat with her about anything all the time. She was like my stand in mom, when I needed an instant one. LOL. I later found out my aunt use to tell my mom all the details of our chats. She was happy I confided in her sister.
Well after living out there for so many years, she started facing some serious challenges, and eventually she got divorced. So what would be the next natural step? Bring her home, here... Well that took a little time, between my parents and my grandma and grandpa (her mom & dad). They brought her and the kids home. And my grandparents took them right into their home. They stayed there for a couple years till my aunt got on her feet to take care of her three kids. I was so happy that she was back. She worked at the bank her whole time after her return, she eventually became a manager. I use to visit her and spend time with her just like before; and just like before I use to talk to her about everything. And of cause she told my mom everything. I just always adored my precious Aunt Annie. Her heart was always full of love for others, giving of herself to anyone in need of a shoulder or an ear. She was always struggling through her life, yet she always found in her heart a place to help others. I admire that greatly.
Upon her return I later found out that she recruited my mom to go to prayer groups with her. Aunt Annie use to always attend them when she was in Oklahoma. I later found out that she was part of a pretty big group out there, and she had a huge group of friends in her fellowship. She loved Jesus way more than I ever really knew. My mom use to tell me all the stories she use to share at the prayer group. At that time I still hadn't gone to my first prayer group yet. I only listened because it was about my Aunt Annie. LOL. So her and my mom were really getting into Jesus and I couldn't understand for the life of me, why? I also learned about her love for our Blessed Mother. But I can easily understand her draw to her. Her mom was the grandma I told you about, who adored our Blessed Mother and she use to always tell me how much she loved her. So loving Mary is in our family. It's in our genes... LOL
Many years later, I had been married (we had only 3 kids at the time) and I was in business with my dad. This was in the early 90's, we were still living on Staten Island in New Springville. Aunt Annie ended up getting really sick and she was having all sorts of breathing problems, well inevitably they found out that she had lung cancer. Such a sad time for our family. Soon she was to be hospitalized, and I remember over hearing my family and the doctors say this will make her comfortable, I was so happy to hear that. Little did I know what that eventually really meant. This hospital was not on my way to work. But I made sure every single morning on my way to work I would stop in, sit with her, talk to her, pray with her. Eventually she couldn't talk anymore, and she had a tube in her mouth and all your heard was her wheezing. It was so loud it heard it down the hall as you approached her room. This went on for a couple weeks. Even when she couldn't talk, I was there by her side, holding her hand talking to her, praying with and for her. Well that unforgettable day came. As I was coming down the hall I didn't hear her wheezing, I immediately though, "Oh thank God, she is breathing normal again." As I turned into her room, my cousin Sharon (her daughter) was next to her in tears. All the tubes were out and she looked so peaceful. I didn't even realize, I thought she was asleep, the room was slightly dark. I commented to my cousin, "At least she's not wheezing today, she looks so peaceful." Sharon looked at me crying saying, "Jim, my mom passed away a little while ago." Oh no, that was all she had to say. I was crushed. I cried all the way to work that day, and many times after that. My Aunt Annie, who I have always loved and became even more attached to was gone. I need not tell you how this affected me, as do all those I love. I always think of her, I even talk her sometimes. She was a very special, loving, giving, child of God. And she loved Mary and the Rosary. A legacy I embrace from her.
Today I salute you: Aunt Annie
I miss her so much, I always adored her.
You are always in my heart and always in my prayers.
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO
Friday, May 14, 2010
My Little "Beads of Joy"
My Little "Beads of Joy"
©2010 James Dacey, Jr. SFO
Hello Everyone,
Oh the joy I find in these little beads. No I don't worship the beads, and I don't worship Our Blessed Mother. I adore and love and worship Jesus with all my heart with these little beads of joy. I am so grateful that our Blessed Mother touched my heart back in 1983 at my first prayer meeting. I have told this story before, but her statue (the one we always see of her in her blue dress) was up high on a shelf. I don't know what made me look up there. But the instance I seen her so far out of view, I just knew that wasn't right; she needed to be with us at our prayer meeting. And almost instantly I was drawn to asking her for intercession prayer to her Son through the Rosary. I can't fully explain it, she captured my heart, and I became head over heels in love with her for what she has done for all of us.
My little "Beads of Joy".
You know what it is, I find such comfort in the rosary, I really do. Along with faith, hope and charity, I experience a deep lasting happiness in my heart, it's a very fulfilling feeling. There isn't anything in this world (possession wise), except my bible that gives me such happiness by just holding it. I know what it's purpose is, I know how to use them. LOL. I have a license to pray. In fact we all do, just some people are afraid to get behind the wheel and follow the GPS (God's Prayer Satellite). LOL. I enjoy praying while I drive, I speak out loud, and proud, as if Jesus or God Himself were sitting right next to me. I'm sure they are saying, "You don't have to yell, I'm right here, next to you." LOL.
My little "Beads of Joy".
Another spectacular feeling I get with my rosary is a sense of security. I'm sure some of you know what I mean. Even though our country is going Marxist and we have a dictator trying to act like he's not a dictator. I find a certain sense of security in my rosary, even if we all have to have chips embedded in our brains and we have to all wear matching clothes and act like robots. LOL, Ok so I am going overboard with this crazy thing.. You're right, but I'm just having some fun, it is Friday you know. LOL. No matter how much our America goes away (I shed a tear thinking that). I know in my heart they can't take away my rosary. Yes they can take the beads, but what's in my heart can't be taken.
My little "Beads of Joy".
It don't stop there the Joy, the Joy is endless. And I mean sincere deep lasting Joy. Joy that can only come from God. And that Joy is perfect Joy. It's perfect Joy that casts out all fear.. No, I know. LOL. It's perfect love that casts out all fear, and in the Rosary, there is also perfect Love, a love that one can never receive from anyone other than Jesus. There is so much love and joy and peace and happiness in those tiny little beads. There's no way I could go through my life without having them in my life. I pray that everyone embraces and loves the Rosary as much as I do, if not more than I do. To me they always shall be:
My little "Beads of Joy".
Your brother in Christ Jesus & His Most Blessed Mother,
Jim (The Rosary Man) Dacey Jr SFO